Bear Blast
October 25, 2024

Dear Bradley Families,
I trust that you are well and looking forward to a bit of change in the weather -- we were talking about how fun it sounds to wear a sweater. Right now we are just sweating! Though, being a desert rat from Arizona, I much prefer the heat to cold, so I'm not complaining. But doesn't a sweater or sweatshirt just sound nice?
We are well into the second term, and we always encourage the students to check their grades on Skyward on Tuesdays to ensure they are keeping up with assignments because it gets very challenging to dig out of the proverbial hole once it's dug. I encourage you, as parents/guardians, to have the conversations with your child(ren) about assignments and have them explain what they're doing in each class. This engages more of a conversation that goes deeper than the typical middle schooler answer of, "It was fine," after being asked how the day was. Ask me how I know 😆
As a faculty and staff, we will continue to ask our parents/guardians/families to have discussions about kindness and the values we hold dear as humans. We know middle school is a tough age where our kiddos are learning who they are, and we certainly hope that the "phases" or trends that we see are short lived. We counsel, give reminders, help facilitate learning opportunities, and we discipline when needed based on what is happening. I will continue to sing the praises of our staff, students, parents, and this amazing community because Bradley is such a special place.
*REMINDER - NEISD does NOT allow costumes to be worn for Halloween. We will be having Red Ribbon Spirit Week where students are able to dress up with each day's theme.
10/28-11/1: RED RIBBON WEEK - See below for dress up days
10/29: Honor, Symphonic, Beginner Band Concert 6:00 pm BMS Cafeteria
10/30: School Picture Retakes
10/31: Bear Thursday (3:45-5:00 pm - we do not let the students out early)
11/1: Musical Rehearsal 3:45 pm
Queridas familias de Bradley,
Confío en que estés bien y esperando con ansias un poco de cambio en el clima: estábamos hablando de lo divertido que suena usar un suéter. ¡En este momento, solo estamos sudando! Aunque, siendo una rata del desierto de Arizona, prefiero el calor al frío, así que no me quejo. Pero, ¿no suena bien un suéter o una sudadera?
Estamos en el segundo trimestre, y siempre alentamos a los estudiantes a revisar sus calificaciones en Skyward los martes para asegurarse de que se mantienen al día con las tareas porque se vuelve muy difícil cavar fuera del hoyo proverbial una vez que se cava. Les animo, como padres/tutores, a tener conversaciones con su(s) hijo(s) sobre las tareas y a que expliquen lo que están haciendo en cada clase. Esto involucra más una conversación que va más allá de la respuesta típica de un estudiante de secundaria de "Estuvo bien", después de que le preguntaron cómo estuvo el día. Pregúntame cómo lo sé 😆
Como facultad y personal, continuaremos pidiendo a nuestros padres/tutores/familias que tengan discusiones sobre la bondad y los valores que apreciamos como seres humanos. Sabemos que la escuela intermedia es una edad difícil en la que nuestros hijos están aprendiendo quiénes son, y ciertamente esperamos que las "fases" o tendencias que vemos sean de corta duración. Aconsejamos, damos recordatorios, ayudamos a facilitar las oportunidades de aprendizaje y disciplinamos cuando es necesario en función de lo que está sucediendo. Continuaré cantando las alabanzas de nuestro personal, estudiantes, padres y esta increíble comunidad porque Bradley es un lugar tan especial.
* RECORDATORIO - NEISD NO permite que se usen disfraces para Halloween. Tendremos la Semana del Espíritu del Listón Rojo, donde los estudiantes podrán vestirse con el tema de cada día.
28/10-1/11: SEMANA DEL LAZO ROJO - Vea a continuación los días de disfraces
29/10: Honor, Sinfónico, Concierto de Banda para Principiantes 6:00 pm Cafetería BMS
10/30: Repeticiones de fotos escolares
10/31: Jueves de Oso (3:45-5:00 pm - no dejamos salir a los estudiantes temprano)
11/1: Ensayo musical 3:45 pm
RED RIBBON WEEK Oct 28 - Nov 1
Dress up days for Red Ribbon Week
Boys' Basketball Information
Hello Bear nation, boys’ basketball season is upon us and as we get ready for tryouts on 10/28/24, you will need to have a few things in order before being eligible to try out, if you plan on trying out. Each student trying out for basketball will need to have an up to date physical, medical history form and online participation form on file. The required athlete forms are attached in the link below at the bottom.
If you played football this past season that means your paperwork should be ready to go and you will be ready to tryout. If you have not turned in your paperwork, please email me the forms at rdausi@neisd.net and send a copy of your physical and medical history form to my office. If you have any further questions pertaining to this basketball season please reach out to 7th grade basketball coach, coach Johnson- (kjohns3@neisd.net ), and 8th grade basketball coach, coach Brooks- (dbrook1@neisd.net). We look forward to having a great basketball season!
Required athlete forms link:
Bradley Town Hall
We are interested in holding quarterly town hall meetings to discuss anything that parents and community members are curious about. We plan to decide on the top two most popular topics to discuss each quarter. Please fill out the Hot Topics form below if you have questions.
Estamos interesados en llevar a cabo reuniones trimestrales en el ayuntamiento para discutir cualquier cosa que les interese a los padres y miembros de la comunidad. Planeamos decidir cuáles son los dos temas más populares para discutir cada trimestre. Por favor, rellene el formulario de Temas Calientes a continuación si tiene preguntas.
Girls Symposium
Please see the information below about an opportunity for our students; after the event, the girls will get a free laptop!
Fall Pictures MAKEUPS
A photographer from Strawbridge Studios will be at your school on 10/30/2024 to photograph your Fall Retake pictures.
A Message from UIL:
Tomorrow, Saturday, October 25 is our first UIL meet at Driscoll Middle School! We're very excited to spend the day with our UIL kiddos and see what they can accomplish. Contact Mrs. Chesnut if you need anything or have any questions - LCHESN@neisd.net
A letter came home this week with your child's events and times. Your child is welcome (and encouraged) to spend all day with us, but we understand that our children are sometimes committed to multiple groups and have multiple events in a day. Please ensure they arrive at least 15 minutes before their event starts.
There are a few UIL shirts still left for sale. Mrs. Chesnut has listed the available sizes in the UIL google classroom. They are $15 each (cash only). If your child doesn't have a UIL shirt, please have them wear a Bradley shirt.
H-E-B has been gracious enough to support our UIL group again, providing the funding for donuts, snacks, and games for tomorrow's meet. When Mrs. Chesnut has reached out to them, twice now, they have not hesitated in their willingness to help our kiddos eat "the good snacks" as the kids like to say. 😉 THANK YOU, H-E-B!
PTA Information
Spinal screenings for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys will take place October 30th and October 31st. Females are requested to wear a halter/sport/tube top or a swimsuit top underneath their shirt on these days. Please read the Spinal Screening Notification for more information.
If your child needs to use crutches, a wheelchair, or the elevator while at school or have activity restrictions, you must provide a doctor’s note indicating specific needs (use of elevator, crutches, etc.).
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call the Clinic at 356-2603 or email Nurse Stintzi at: jstint@neisd.net.
Los exámenes de columna para niñas de séptimo grado y niños de octavo grado se llevarán a cabo del 30 al 31 de octubre. Se pide a las niñas que usen un sostén deportivo, una camiseta sin mangas, una camiseta sin mangas o un traje de baño debajo de la camisa en estos días. Notificación sobre examen de la columna para obtener más información.
Recuerde, si su hijo necesita usar muletas, silla de ruedas o un elevador mientras está en la escuela o tiene restricciones de actividad, debe proporcionar una nota del médico que indique necesidades específicas (uso de elevador, muletas, etc.).
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en llamar a la clínica al 356-2603 o enviar un correo electrónico a la Enfermera Stintzi a: jstint@neisd.net.
Hi Bear Families!
Your Bradley counselors have been presenting guidance lessons to students over Drug and Alcohol awareness. This presentation covers refusal techniques such as the "confident no" and provides facts on how drugs and alcohol can negatively affect a person. Drug and Alcohol awareness month will culminate in Red Ribbon Week occurring from October 28 to November 1st. We encourage all families to discuss with their kiddos the benefits of making healthy choices.
¡Hola familias de osos!
Sus consejeros de Bradley han estado presentando lecciones de orientación a los estudiantes sobre la concientización sobre las drogas y el alcohol. Esta presentación cubre técnicas de rechazo como el "no seguro" y proporciona datos sobre cómo las drogas y el alcohol pueden afectar negativamente a una persona. El mes de concientización sobre las drogas y el alcohol culminará con la Semana del Listón Rojo, que se llevará a cabo del 28 de octubre al 1 de noviembre. Alentamos a todas las familias a hablar con sus hijos sobre los beneficios de tomar decisiones saludables.
Last week, 6th graders brushed up on their argumentative writing vocabulary by reviewing claims and evidence in the library. They evaluated evidential statements for their strength in supporting a claim, in this case: Phones should be allowed in schools. They kept their audience in mind and did an amazing job selecting the best evidence. It was fun to listen in to their conversations about why they disagreed with that claim!
This football season, Champion Home Services is excited to announce an HVAC Unit Giveaway to help a deserving family. Submit entry by visiting: https://offers.championac.com/ne-isd-hvac-giveaway/ and fill out the form by 10/30. Help us make a difference by keeping our NEISD community cool and comfortable!
Building opens for students at 7:45 am
The instructional day is from 8:25 am - 3:40 pm
Mrs. DiFilippo -- Student Last Names A-L
Ms. Perez -- Student Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Jackson - Mental Wellness Counselor (Tues/Thurs/Every Other Friday)
Mrs. Di Filippo
Student Last Names A-L
Ms. Perez
Student Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Jackson
Mental Wellness Counselor (Tues/Thurs/Every Other Friday)
Mr. Vega
Student Last Names A-L
Ms. Machingo
Student Last Names M-Z
Mrs. Ruiz
Academic Dean
Reference the link below for the most recent updated attendance policies for BMS.
*NEW JULY 2024*
North East ISD’s Student Dress Code is designed to ensure consistency and uniform application of standards that are necessary to support the overall educational goals of the school. The student and parent or guardian may determine the student’s personal dress and grooming standards if they comply with the general guidelines outlined here and support the overall learning environment by emphasizing standards of neatness, cleanliness, and safety in dress and grooming. School staff shall enforce the Student Dress Code consistently with all students regardless of race, sex, gender, ethnicity, culture or religion, household income, body size/type, or body maturity.
Note: The Student Dress Code applies to all students while attending school, school functions, or school-sponsored activities on or off school property.
Exceptions to the Dress Code will be communicated through your school principal.
General Guidelines
1. Basic Principles:
· Certain body parts must be always covered for all students.
· Clothes must be worn in a way such that the abdomen, genitals, buttocks, breasts, and back are fully covered with opaque fabric.
· All items listed in the “must wear” and “may wear” categories below must meet these basic principles.
· North East ISD shall not discriminate on hair texture or protective hairstyles commonly or historically associated with race that includes protective hairstyles include braids, locks, and twists.
2. Students Must Wear (while following the basic principle of Section 1 above):
· A Shirt (with fabric that touches the waistband in the front, back, and on the sides under the arms), AND
· Pants/jeans or the equivalent (for example, a skirt, sweatpants, leggings, a dress or shorts), AND
· Shoes.
3. Students May Wear (if these items do not violate Section 1 above):
· Religious headwear
· Hoodie sweatshirts (wearing the hood over the head is not allowed)
· Fitted pants, including opaque leggings, yoga pants and “skinny jeans”
· Ripped jeans, if undergarment and buttocks are not exposed.
· Tank tops, tops with straps that cover undergarments
· Athletic attire
4. Students May Not Wear or Display Imagery of:
· Violent language or images.
· Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol (or any illegal item or activity), or any other substance prohibited under FNCF(LEGAL).
· Hate speech, profanity, pornography.
· Any clothing that reveals visible undergarments.
· Swimsuits (except as required in class, field trips, or athletic practice see “Extracurricular Activities”).
· Accessories that could be considered dangerous or could be used as a weapon.
· Any item that obscures the face or ears (except as a religious observance).
· Body piercing ornaments and other similar ornaments that present a safety concern for the student and the educational activity. (i.e. wearing protective clothing or athletic protective equipment).
· Hats, hoods on hooded sweatshirts, shirts or jackets may not be worn during instructional passing periods, or while inside the school building or facility.
· Costumes of any type are prohibited unless expressly approved by campus administration.
Extracurricular Activities
The principal, in cooperation with the sponsor, coach, or other person in charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity. Students who violate dress and grooming standards established for such an activity may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period determined by the principal or sponsor and may be subject to other disciplinary action, as specified in the Student Code of Conduct.
Dress Code Enforcement
To ensure effective and equitable enforcement of this dress code, school staff shall enforce the dress code consistently using the requirements below.
School administration and staff shall not have the discretion to vary the requirements in ways that lead to discriminatory enforcement. Campuses may have a more restrictive dress code with approval from the Campus Improvement Committee and the Department of School Administration if a more restrictive policy aligns with the “Purpose” defined in the policy.
· Students will only be removed from spaces, hallways, or classrooms because of a dress code violation as outlined in Sections 1 and 4 above. Students in violation of Section 1 and/or 4 will be provided three (3) options to be dressed more to code during the school day:
o Students will be asked to put on their own alternative Student Dress Code-compliant clothing.
o Students will be provided with temporary school Student Dress Code-compliant clothing.
o If necessary, the student’s parent or guardian may provide Student Dress Code-compliant clothing.
To the extent possible, student violations of the Dress Code are to be addressed discretely and respectfully by all staff members.
The school principal will make the final determination as to the appropriateness of dress. Any student who chooses not to comply with the dress code will be removed from the classroom setting until the student complies with this code.
You can report any security issues or concerns to the North East Tipline (neisd.net/tipline).I would like to encourage you to continue using the tipline and non-emergency NEPD line on your screen (210-407-0925).