Term 2 Team Newsletter
St Joseph's Fairfield - Term 2, 2021
Puāwai - Year 7&8
Māhuri - Year 4-6
Kōhuri - Year 2-3
Matatipu - Year 0-1
Whole School Curriculum Focuses:
Religious Education:
Value Focus: This term we focus on the Fruit of the Holy Spirit - Goodness - Whaipainga. We will focus the importance of honesty and integrity:
We conduct ourselves with honesty and integrity.
The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and truth.
Term 2 Religious Education Curriculum Focus: We will focus on the Prayer, Holy Spirit and Sacrament Strands. Term 2 also has many Liturgical Celebrations for us to learn about including:
Sunday 16 May -Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
Sunday 23 May -Solemnity - Pentecost
Sunday 30 May - Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Monday 31 May - Feast of The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Sunday 6 June -Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Sunday 13 June - Solemnity -The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Thursday 24 June - Solemnity-The Nativity of St John the Baptist
Tuesday 29 June - Solemnity-Sts Peter and Paul, Apostles
Value Focus
Cultural Corner - Te Reo Focus - Term 2
Our focus for Te Reo this term is Matariki. In 2021 Matariki will be celebrated between 19 June to 11 July. Whakanuia te tau hou Māori, 19 o Pipiri ki 11 o Hōngongoi 2021. Within the classes, students will be learning about the significance of this annual event and be some of the vocabulary associated with Matariki.
Matariki signals the Māori New Year. It is a time of renewal and celebration in New Zealand that begins with the rising of the Matariki star cluster.
Matariki is a star cluster which appears in the night sky during mid-winter. According to the Maramataka (the Māori lunar calendar), the reappearance of Matariki brings the old lunar year to a close and marks the beginning of the new year. Hence, Matariki is associated with the Māori New Year.
Puāwai - Year 7/8
Team Leader: Rhonda McFarlane.
Teachers: Ann Wilkinson, Kirsty van Eyk, Kylie Malpass
Welcome! Nau mai!
Welcome back to all our Year 7&8 students. We hope you are well rested and looking forward to another term of learning and challenging yourself to reach your goals. The home/school partnership is extremely important to us, so as always, please feel free to drop us an email if there is something that you want to seek clarification on, or that we need to know. The first point of contact should be your child’s class teacher, who will be available in the classroom from 8.30am each day for quick queries, or you can email them directly with questions or to make an appointment.
Year 7&8 Term 2 2021 Curriculum:
This term our learning includes:
Literacy: ‘A day in History’
Oral language - Constructs texts that show an awareness of purpose and audience through deliberate choice of content, language, and text form.
Reading - Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies confidently to identify, form, and express ideas.
Writing - Seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to improve clarity, meaning, and effect.
Spelling- Learning important spelling concepts and patterns.
Number Strand - Use a range of multiplicative strategies when operating on whole numbers.
Statistics Strand- Plan and conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle
NB: Teachers will ascertain the needs of their individual classes throughout the term and adapt their programmes accordingly.
Performing arts:The senior school is preparing for another showcase piece led by Mrs Hughes. Watch this space!
Visual arts:Explore and use art-making conventions, applying knowledge of elements and selected principles through the use of materials and processes.
Religious Education:
Prayer, Holy Spirit, Sacrament, and Liturgical Celebrations
Te Reo: Matariki
Physical Education: Winter sports skills and drills
Demonstrate a willingness to accept challenges, learn new skills and strategies, and extend their abilities in movement-related activities.
Specific sports will include hockey, netball, and football.
Hauora - Health:
Building healthy relationships, confidence and resilience
A reminder about the logistics for Techni at Fairfield Intermediate:
We walk to and from Fairfield Intermediate on Fridays, so students need to be prepared for the unpredictable Autumn weather. Please ensure your child brings a raincoat and/or umbrella if it looks like it may rain.
Week A, lessons begin at 9:10am until 10:40am. In Week B, lessons start at 11:05am -12:35pm, with a break for Lunch, and then recommence at 12:55pm -2:20pm. Children will be back at St Joseph’s for 2:45pm pick up.
If your child is late or has an appointment during Techni time, they will need to be taken to or collected from Fairfield Intermediate – please communicate with class teachers prior to this happening if this is the case.
Māhuri - Year 4-6
Team Leader: Heather Keep
Teachers: Anna Crawford, Stephanie Terry, Shannon Dons, Steffan Beaurepaire, Rochelle Wood.
Welcome back to Term 2, another busy term! Please note hats are no longer needed. Footwear is the correct shoes and socks. Please, please name all socks. At the end of a day the cloakbays look as if a sock whirlwind has struck! Naming with black vivid on the sole for boys and white twink for girls works well.
Don’t hesitate to contact the classroom teacher with any questions, thoughts or concerns. If you would like to discuss something at length please make an appointment to talk to your classroom teacher.
Police Vetting:
Once again, please check your police vetting is current. We will be asking for some parent help to come with us to the museum later in the term. We will only be able to take parents who are police vetted.
PE Gear/ Old Clothes:
All children need to bring PE gear to school. Weather permitting we try to do some form of physical activity every day. During the winter terms all children must wear PE gear before they are allowed to play on the school field as it can become extremely muddy. Children may bring old clothes to school to get changed into for lunchtime activities on the field but please change them each day if they do become dirty..
Year 4-6 Term 2 Curriculum Focus:
Written Language: Recounts, information report writing
Oral Language: presenting research, questioning techniques - written and verbal.
Reading: Select texts, read aloud, expression, comprehension, close reading.
Mathematics: Measurement - length, weight. Multiplication and division.
Topic: Galileo focus - astronomy, space.
Maori: Matariki, cultures within our school.
Matatipu & Kohuri - Year 0-3
Kōhuri - Year 2-3:
Team Leader: Tracy Svendsen
Teachers: Claire Velzian, Tracey McHaffie, Maria Cameron, Alicia Goodhall
Matatipu - Year 0-1:
Team Leader: Donna Fitzwater
Teachers: Dianne Felix, Penny Finn, Maureen Henry
Welcome to the Junior School Year 0-3 for Term Two 2021. A special welcome to the new families who have joined us this term! As we move into the winter term, hats are no longer compulsory in the playground during break times. School socks and shoes are required, please try and name these articles as these may come off during the warmer days and it can be difficult to find the correct owner at the end of the day!
A reminder that this year in the junior school Tracy Svendsen is leading the Kōhuri team and Donna Fitzwater is leading Matatipu.
We have another busy term planned, with our major term focus being our Science unit from the Living world strand entitled Creepy Crawlies, the children will be discovering the many creepy crawlies in and around our environment. Looking at the attributes of different insects and classifying them, the natural habitats, different properties (movements, feeding styles) and what they need to survive.
Matariki is our Te Reo focus, and to end the term the whole school will be acknowledging and celebrating all the amazing cultures that make up our St Joseph’s community. This will be something for everyone to take part in. More information to follow later in the tem.
We begin our Mathematics for the term with Geometry focusing on 2D and 3D shapes. Number then fills the rest of the term.
Remember if you have any questions or queries please ask the teacher. If you would like to discuss a matter at length please make an appointment to meet with the teacher concerned.
Many thanks for your support.
From the Yr 0-3 Junior School Teams - Kōhuri & Matatipu
Contact Details
Team Leaders
Pauwai - Rhonda McFarlane r.mcfarlane@stjosephs.school.nz
Mahuri - Heather Keep h.keep@stjosephs.school.nz
Kohuri - Tracy Svendsen t.svendsen@stjosephs.school.nz
Matatipu - Donna Fitzwater d.fitzwater@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 1: Kylie Malpass k.malpass@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 2: Kirsty van Eyk k.vaneyk@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 3: Ann Wilkinson a.wilkinson@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 4: Steffan Beaurepaire s.beaurepaire@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 5: Anna Crawford a.crawford@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 6: Stephanie Terry s.terry@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 7: Shannon Dons s.dons@stjosephs.school.nz
Room 8: Heather Keep h.keep@stjosephs.school.nz
Clare Velzian c.velzian@stjosephs.school.nz
Tracy McHaffie t.mchaffie@stjosephs.school.nz
Maria Cameron m.cameron@stjosephs.school.nz
Donna Fitzwater d.fitzwater@stjosephs.school.nz
Dianne Felix d.felix@stjosephs.school.nz
Penny Finn p.finn@stjosephs.school.nz
Release teachers:
Rochelle Wood - release teacher r.wood@stjosephs.school.nz
Alicia Goodhall a.goodhall@stjosephs.school.nz
Uniform for Term 2 and 3
Boys are to wear grey socks.
Girls can wear either navy socks to the knees or full-length navy stockings.
Click here for uniform requirements and suppliers
Shoes that are ok
Shoes that are not ok
2021 Term Dates
Term dates for 2021 are:
Term 1: Tuesday 2nd February - Friday 16th April
Term 2: Monday 3rd May - Friday 9th July
Term 3: Monday 26th July - Friday 1st October
Term 4: Monday 18th October - Thursday 16th December
The Teacher Only Days are:
Term 2: Tuesday 8 June (Week 5)
Term 3: Monday 30 August (Week 6)
Term 4: Tuesday 26 October (Week 2)