Kilmer Connections
January 6, 2025, updated Jan. 24th
Namwayut --- We Are All One --- Nous Sommes Tous Unis
Greetings Kilmer Community,
Welcome back from the Winter Vacation!
This time of year is often a good time for students to build on their academic skills as they are already adjusted to teachers and classroom routines.
Winter school activities at Kilmer will include: Art Starts presentation, lacrosse lessons in gym class, monthly assemblies, observing Black Excellence Day and Pink Shirt Day. Grade 4 and 5 students will be participating in the KHL tournament at lunchtimes. The term concludes with Carnaval.
KPAC events in the next few weeks will also be advertised on KPAC instagram.
- Trivia Night at Patina
- Movie Night at Kilmer
- Westcoast Seeds Fundraiser - sales begin Jan 13th at link below
a bientôt,
Theresa Roberts, Principal
Winter Weather Ahead!
Schools are not routinely closed due to snow or other inclement weather conditions. All schools in School District 43 (Coquitlam) will remain OPEN, if at all possible, during winter weather, including snowfall.
However, on occasion, a district-wide or partial-district closure is required due to extreme weather. Partial-district closures affecting individual schools may occur due to the very different geography within our school district. If there is a partial-district closure affected schools will be identified.
The decision on schools remaining open or needing to be closed, because of extreme weather, occurs before 6:30 a.m. so that families can plan and make alternate arrangements.
Any district-wide or partial-district closure will be decided and communicated by 6:30 a.m. via the School District 43 website www.sd43.bc.ca and CKNW AM 980 radio, CKWX 1130 radio and CBC (690) radio.
Extreme weather can also impact transit. Transit schedules may face significant changes or cancellations due to the weather conditions. Parents seeking information on transit schedules need to consult the Translink website: http://www.translink.ca/
We encourage families to continuously check the School District 43 website for updates and changes: www.sd43.bc.ca
Learn more about SD43’s process for emergency and inclement weather status updates at: http://www.sd43.bc.ca/NewsEvents/Pages/EmergencyInformation.aspx
Winter Calendar
The École Kilmer calendar is online – all events that have been confirmed are available for you to see at a glance. Please revisit our site as we will continue to add dates as they are confirmed.
Jan 27 KHL Games Begin! MWF at Lunch.
Feb. 3 Pro D Day
Feb. 14 KPAC Movie Night
Feb. 17 Family Day
Feb. 26 Pink Shirt Day & Monthly Assembly
Feb. 28 Pro D Day
March 11 Reports published to Family Portal
March 14 Carnaval and Last Day
March 31 First Day Back to School
Reach for the Stars - Un peu plus haut, un peu plus join.
Email: kilmer@sd43.bc.ca
Website: https://www.sd43.bc.ca/school/kilmer/Pages/default.aspx#/=
Location: 1575 Knappen St. Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 2P8
Phone: (604) 941-3401