August 2024
A letter from our leader Janice
I know I can do it better. Recently I volunteered to help two children make a sea turtle and blue crab stuffed animals. No patterns. I had an idea, the Internet and YouTube. I prevailed and everyone went home happy. But, I know they could be better next time. How many of us are willing to do it again, just to make it better?
Given the 4 Houkasai woodblock prints over a 39 year period, I would say Houkasai thought it was worth his time and energy. If you are willing and are looking to challenge yourself, do it again. You may create more than a fond memory.
Keep Stitching,
2024 Meeting Schedule
August 13 Channeling the Japanese philosophy for stitching challenge
September 10 follow up to workshop
October 8 Planning for November retreat
November 11-15 Fall Retreat at Fire Station
December 10 Christmas Party and KISS it goodbye swap instead of presents.
August Meeting
For this workshop, I have searched different quilting styles from around the world and one of my observations is that there is a lot of similarity as styles are shared and remixed across the continents. For example, there are many forms of the "kwandi" style and in the Japanese tradition it is called Boro. Since Silke has already introduced us to this style, I wanted something else. Another observation is that this group knows so much already, it is not easy to find something to teach you! However, I found this article and I think this philosophy is really appropriate and could be called "sustainable" in it's vision. We all have way too much fabric which is great when you want to start a project but do we really need more? Yes, there is a line between "need" and "want"! So, let's give it a try. You will receive a kit that you are encouraged to pick apart and make whatever you want. We may give you a few additional guidelines at the workshop and I will have a couple of books for inspiration by a Japanese stitcher. Come ready to hand stitch or bring your machine or BOTH! You can add to it from what you have at home before the September meeting. I cannot wait to see what you creative ladies come up with! The article is https://www.blossomheartquilts.com/2017/04/difference-in-japanese-quilting/
Five aspects of Japanese quilting that can guide our projects:
Handwork: Their homes are small so not as much room for machines but handwork is also ingrained in the Japanese culture.
Thrifty: Japan is an expensive place to live and thriftiness is a part of the culture
Improvisational: something right up our alley but it is tied to the thriftiness thing.
Materials and More: The Japanese are not afraid to MIX IT UP but this is tied to the thrifty thing and improv! See pic in right hand corner.
Everyday Life: There is quilting evident in many items used in everyday life-they are not just making quilts. There are also craft stores everywhere like there used to be here. Ah, the dream!
July 2024 Bee Artful Meeting Highlights
Show and Tell
Bev's Mountain Scene
Carol's hexi quilt-all hand-pieced and quilted. Go Carol!
Bev's beautiful "Quilter's Garden" quilt
Wow Silke!! Do You Ever Sleep?
Cards gifted to Bee Artfuls from Silke
Confirmed, Silke does not sleep! So beautiful Silke!
Rope Bowls by Carol and Flower bowls by Geri
Rope bowls
Carol's example on the left...wow!
Geri demonstrating her flower bowls
Bev made 4!
Cannot wait to see everyone's in August!
A letter to Bev from Hillary!
We miss her so!
Good to hear from you. I stayed in touch with some of the girls for awhile but have been remiss this past year.
Wow it really is 30 years.! I remember the 20th and have the little quilt I made hanging in my living room to remember you all by.
Dave and I bought a house here in AR 2 1/2 years ago. The address is 1641 Viney Grove Road, Prairie Grove, AR 72753.
We're about 20 minutes from from Liz and the grandkids who are now 14 1/2 and almost 10. Amelia finally passed her driving test, loves dance, wants to be a teacher and will enter High School in the fall. Abram loves sports especially basketball and football but is doing well in karate. Hard to believe I came out here when they were in 5th grade and Kindergarten!
Dave has made a few boxes but we're having trouble finding a local outlet to sell them. We might just resort to Etsy etc. He's in charge of the garden which isn't big but manages to produce some great tomatoes, squash, peppers and all the winter crops. We're keeping pretty well for old folks! Odd aches and pains but nothing too bad yet!
When I moved out here the suv was laden with all sorts of sewing stuff and I have become even more fanatic about quilting! My area is now off our bedroom and just perfect for my sewing hideaway. I belong to a group that meets at the local extension office. $10 a year, no rules to speak of. We all go to quilt, sew, knit, etc and of course socialize. Show and Tell is our favorite activity each month. We also run the quilting section of the local county fair which is great fun. There is a small sewing group in Springdale (about 13 mil es). We bring anything to work on or just our voices to chat with. Also in Springdale is a huge very organized group but they meet at night. I hardly ever go but they have some great speakers and I know lots of the ladies from my other groups. My president's quilt is hanging in my sewing area so I get to remember each and everyone of you every time I'm in there. I'm still finding it hard that we lost Jane and Linda Lloyd this year. It was so sudden.
We love NW Arkansas. From our back patio we look out onto parts of the Ozark mountains, lots of cows and the Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park. They do a reenactment every 2 years so in December we'll go and brave the cold again.
I love looking at all your posts from the guild. Sharon Ruth's quilts are amazing. Love seeing people I know and there are new faces which is always good.
Well so good to hear from you and I'll try and be better at keeping in touch!
Love to everyone.
Laura's quilt has been accepted for the International Quilt Festival in Houston.
Congratulations Laura!
That was a goal of mine to one day get a piece accepted into Houston!!!
Looking for Gold in All the Wrong Places. 45x42”.
It was accepted into the Abstract section.
Bee Artful T-shirt Designs by Jan P-we will have a vote at the August meeting
Reference Items
Sisters (and brothers) in art quilting in northern CA. Field Trip anyone?
Podcast on "Tales of Textiles"
Podcast with local flair!
Her upcoming book is: Marking Your Time by Tommye McClure Scanlin
Marking Time with Fabric and Thread: Calendars, Diaries, and Journals within Your Fiber Craft https://a.co/d/71Q7u8N
Thanks for sharing this Linda Barron!
Bee Artful quilting thread recommendations
Silke uses Superior thread 100 weight (micro quilter)-blends in well.
Kathy I. uses 100 weight silk thread by Yli (order from Amazon or another vendor online).
Improving your hand jobs - tips and techniques
Since we’re all at various levels when it comes to hand stitching, learn, refresh or improve your hand embroidery skills with tips and techniques from Bee members. Some of the experienced stitchers in Bee Artful are ready to share! Each month you can come with a sampler of some kind (cloth, hoop, needles, floss, and/or Perle cotton (see photo for a sampler idea) and learn some new stitches.
Critique Documents for reference
One is a checklist that can be used as a guideline when looking at a quilt - this is published on her website as part of her creative strength training class.
The second is a detailed essay she wrote concerning the process.
I hope that these documents will help the Bee Artful group conduct critique sessions that are productive.
Letter from the editor
I am so sorry to have missed the rope bowl and flower bowl workshop. I cannot wait to see what everyone came up with. Our August workshop should get your creative juices flowing as we will be channeling the Japanese traditions in quilting. Some of the Bee Artfuls made barn quilts with the larger guild this past Friday. It was fun and easy!
I am happy to convey all of these wonderful "goings on" via this newsletter. Try to get things to me in advance of the end of the month via email (mandmoliver@gmail.com) or text. If you put the word "newsletter" somewhere in the message line I will be able to find it easier (if using email). See you soon.