The Core
October 7, 2022, Volume 14, Issue 8
Notes from the Principal
Hello Parents and Guardians,
Wow, we were able to thread the needle this morning. Getting our 5th Annual Fun Run off in between rainstorms was so lucky! We had a terrific run with lots of fun. I want give a big shout-out to our PTO Fun Run Team - Deirdre Fenderson, Jess McCloud and their volunteer posse for making the Fun Run so successful.
⛅ And also a big thank you to all of our community members who have made a monetary donation to our major fundraiser. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
And if you're thinking you're too late, no worries! You can still donate via Konstella:
⛅ This week's Core has a lot to check out so I want to call to the attention of all kindergarten and 3rd-grade parents the article below on free dental screenings at Orchard School. They are taking place next Friday so please read through the short article below. We are providing an opt-out form if do not want your child to take part in the screening.
Mondays is Indigenous People's Day, a state holiday, doors open on Tuesday at 7:50!
Have a terrific weekend; take some time each day to read with your child.
Mark T & Olivia K
Thank you Corporate Sponsers!
Photos from our Fun Run!
Something to Smile About: Dental Screenings Available for Students in Kindergarten and Third Grade
This year our school was one of 32 schools chosen to take part in Vermont’s Children Dental Health Survey. Schools are chosen at random to represent the general population of our state, this is how the Health Department gets important data about the oral health of Vermont children. Here is the link to the last survey that was done so you can see how the information is used. Children in Kindergarten and Third Grade will have the opportunity to get an oral health screening by a dental hygienist; the results of the screening will be sent home to parents/guardians, and all participating students will get a dental health kit. The screening is limited to children in K and 3rd grade because the Health Department can get all the data they need by screening these two age groups. Good dental health is an important part of being healthy; we’re excited that our school was chosen to participate in this important activity!
And More Photos from the Fun Run
Parents as Partners
The South Burlington School Board invites community members (including children!) to join them for several upcoming listening sessions! Board members would like to hear from students, staff, and the community about what they think is going well in the District, where there is room for growth, and what qualities they think would help ensure the success of a long-term Superintendent. Please consider joining one of the in-person meetings or the Zoom session. If you have questions, please contact the school board at or leave a voicemail message at (802) 652-7476.
The first session will take place in person only, Tuesday, October 11, 2022, at 10:00 am at 577 Dorset Street in the first-floor conference room with board members Laura Williams and board Chair Dr. Travia Childs.
Additional sessions will take place:
Monday, October 17 at 6 pm at the District Central Office
Saturday, October 29 at 10 am at the South Burlington Public Library
Thursday, November 3 at 6 pm via Zoom
News from Our Medical Team
The change of seasons is a good time to go back to basics~
- Adequate Sleep
- Nutritious meals
- Physical activity
This week's focus: Adequate Sleep
- Pre-schoolers (age 3-5) -------------------10-13 hours, (including naps)
- Grade-schoolers (age 6-12) ---------------8-10 hours
- Teens (age 13-18) --------------------------9-12 hours
Make sleep a priority for yourself.
Develop routines to help establish life-long habits.
Being active supports physical health as well as sleep habits.
Keep screens out of the bedroom and turn them off 60 minutes before sleep.
Consider updating your family media plan to create balance with
screen time, schoolwork, exercise, sleep, and other activities.
Be well,
Kara Cassani &
Sarah Pineda, School Nurses
And a Few More Photos from our Fun Run!
PTO News
Are you looking to strengthen our school community? Join the PTO as a member or volunteer - reach out to for more information.
International Night This November - Seeking Parent Coordinators
The PTO is thrilled to bring back International Night. Held in November every other year, International Night is a chance for Orchard families to come together to celebrate our diverse and special community. Students and their families are encouraged to put together a country display based on their heritage or a favorite place they have traveled to or learned about. Children are then invited to pick up a passport that they fill with stamps from the tables they visit.
The Orchard School community is extremely proud of the many cultures represented among their families. International Night creates the opportunity to come together to celebrate a variety of rich backgrounds and interests and, in the process, learn from one another.
Families are invited to register a table or simply attend. Some families bring food or an activity, others just bring items from a country. Check out some pictures of our last International Night held in 2019!
We are seeking parent coordinators to help organize our participating families. If you are interested, please reach out to us at with ‘International Night Coordinator’ in your subject line.
We look forward to celebrating with you!
School Play - Seeking 4th & 5th Grade Parent Producers
4th & 5th-grade parents: the play cannot happen without parent support! We are seeking Parent Producers to help coordinate. Reach out to with ‘Parent Producer’ in your subject line if you are willing to help organize and coordinate this year.
October PTO Meeting
Save the date for Wednesday, October 19th at 6:30. We will meet in the art room at Orchard to continue to discuss and plan upcoming activities. Your input is appreciated!
Mini Metro Basketball
Mini Metro is a competitive club basketball program for players in grades 5-8. Games are played indoors every Sunday along with typically 2-3 practices each week. South Burlington is organizing both girls and boys teams at the 5-6th and 7-8th grade levels for the upcoming season, which is expected to start in late-October.
Details are still being developed by those coordinating the league, but we're reaching out to collect contact info for interested players at all levels. The registration form can be found here: Mini Metro Registration Form. Please complete by Friday, 10/7 as we're anticipating a tryout date the weekend of October 15-16.
South Burlington Public Library
We are open at our new location on 180 Market Street!
Monday – Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 10:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 2:00pm
The Book Drop is available at our new location. It is to the RIGHT of the City Hall Drop Box, around the corner.