EHS Newsletter

No School for Students TOMORROW - Friday, October 4th
Reminder - No school for students on Friday, October 4th! The entire day is used for Teacher Curriculum work and work in departments for planning.
Parent Teacher Conferences
ALERT: Parent/TeacherConferences: Thurs. evening, Oct. 10 & Fri. morning Oct.11
Parent/Teacher Conferences - No appointments needed. Teachers will be seated by departments on the main level hallways and in the Commons on ground level. These are drop in, limited time opportunities to connect with teachers and counselors.
Thursday, October 10 - 5:30-8:30 PM
Friday, October 11 - 7:30-9:30 AM (No School for Students on Friday)
Where: EHS Commons and Main Level - seated by department. Map of locations by teacher name will be on our website and available at the South and East Entries.
Veronica Ramos, Cultural Family Advocate for Latino Families and students will be hosting two information sessions concerning the District 196 and Eagan HS Attendance Policy.
They will be Thursday, October 10 at 6:00 PM in Room 184 and Friday, October 11th at 9:00 AM in Room 184.
No pre-registration – please feel free to attend for important information.
Do you need an interpreter for either of these dates/times? Contact Dr. Tara Hedlund tara.hedlund@district196.org
Need a map of the school?
Homecoming Game Tomorrow!
Eagan Homecoming - One of the highlights of Fall Trimester is “Homecoming Week”, which includes the Homecoming Varsity Football Game vs. Farmington H.S. on Friday, October 4th at 7:00 p.m. Other activities include:
- Semi-formal Dance on Saturday, October 5th from 8:00-11:00 p.m. in the Gym
Homecoming Dance Ticket Purchase - LINK to Homecoming webpage for more details
Freshmen are encouraged to participate! No dates are required for the Homecoming Dance. Student ID's are shown for admission.
Purchase Game Tickets through Vanco.
Freshmen Tailgate Friday, Oct 4th
Photo Retakes on Monday!
Picture Retakes: Monday, Oct 7th
Location - Spirit Hallway, 7:00am - 2:30pm.
Link to preorder pictures.
If students did not get a photo taken on August 29th - or the photo is not satisfactory, they need to be sure to get a photo taken on MONDAY, October 7th. This photo will be used for the Yearbook and on CAMPUS site as well as ID cards for all students.
Retakes and Returns:
If an order was placed before original picture day but the student missed it, there is no need to order again. If they have not yet ordered, they should use this code: EVTXNJ4T7
Anyone needing a retake picture who has already been photographed should return their original picture package to the photographer.Congratulations to our Class of 2025 Difference Makers!
This week the senior class members nominated classmates for Difference Makers.
Difference Makers are students who have demonstrated commitment to EHS programs, community programs and service efforts. Senior class members voted for a number of candidates. The following 20 seniors were chosen as Difference Makers in the school and community. They were honored at the pepfest on October 3rd and will be honored at the Homecoming football game on October 4th.
Check out the amazing bio's of our 2025 Difference Makers!
Congratulations to:
Ryan Baertsch, Andrew Botz, Angelica Boyle, Kaid Cabrera, Cole Cullers, Noah Daniel,
Abi(Abijah) Elias, Ciara Farrell, Heena Gupta, John Gustafson, Inga Julstrom, Matthew Kehler,
Kate Krahn, Ava Ligtenberg, Liam Reitsma, Ava Staples, Jenna Teigland, Param Thakkar,
Syon Thapa, Lucy Turfler.
National Letter of Intent
A National Letter of Intent is a binding commitment by an athlete to play collegiate athletics for a particular college or university in exchange for a scholarship. (This means your child is signing a commitment to a Division I or Division II school to play a sport and receiving athletic financial aid for playing the sport. This would also mean the college or university has been in contact with you and your child about the signing the paperwork. ) This is not the signing date for D-III or JUCO or NAIA Schools
November 13, 2024 is the first of three signing time periods for prospective senior student-athletes, who have played at Eagan, to sign their National Letters of Intent.
We will celebrate our D-1 and D-11 athletes at this signing.
If you have a senior (12th Grade) student who will be signing to play college athletics during this time period please contact Eagan’s Athletic Director, Jason Elias.
Email – Jason.elias@district196.org or Sherri.anderson@district196.org the following.
Here is the info Mr. Elias needs for the event.
Name of athlete
School attending
Level (D-1 or D11)
See this site for more information on NLI’s
Section Tournaments Have Started!
Section Tournaments have started!
You can find all Section information here for the MSHSL:
Tournament LinkRoll Cats!
Australia & New Zealand Trip Spring Break 2025
Would a future trip ½ way across the world give your student something to look forward to? If so, we have a trip of a lifetime for them!
Study Abroad Opportunity for EHS Students
Australia & New Zealand, Spring Break 2025
We’re excited to tell you more about the trip we’re planning with EF Tours, our educational travel partner. Please be sure to register for this info session to be considered for this opportunity by October 9th!
Meeting Registration Here: https://bit.ly/47HdKr7
There are limited spots on this trip, so we would love to have you attend this meeting to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
Informational meetings for students:
Monday, October 7 at 2:35 PM
Tuesday, October 8 at 7:15 AM
Room 137
Informational meeting for parents and students:
Wednesday, October 9 at 6:00 PM
Lecture Room A
This opportunity is open to all current 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in good academic and behavioral standing. Please visit our trip site below for more information. https://www.eftours.com/educational-tour/australia-new-zealand-journey
Winter Sports Registration is Now Open
Winter sports Registration is open. Click this LINK for more details.
Upcoming Sports Meetings:
Women's Wrestling
Learn what it means to be a part of Women's Wrestling. There will be an informational meeting for students on Monday, October 7th at 2:30pm - Lec. A. Open to 9th-12th graders. Meet the coach, captain and current wrestlers.
Figure Skating
There will be an informational meeting for any student interested in joining the District 196 Figure Skating team on Tuesday Oct 8 at 7pm at Eastview High School in the lecture room. This meeting is for anyone who has never been on the figure skating team. We will talk about the team, how the season works and the fun opportunities open to members of Icettes Figure Skating Team. Hope to see you there!
Alpine Ski (Downhill) Informational Meeting:
The preseason informational meeting for Alpine Ski will be Monday October 7 in Eagan Lecture Room A from 7:00 - 8:00pm. Come learn what the Alpine Race Team has to offer. Meet the coaches & team captains. We welcome skiers of all abilities. If you can ski, we can teach you to race! Visit https://www.eevalpine.org/ for more information.
Girls Hockey
Preseason meeting for current incoming freshmen – senior parents will be in Lecture Room A on October 8th at 6 pm
The winter season will begin on Monday, October 28th at 3:00 PM at Eagan Civic Rink
Girls Hockey - Current Season Regular Season - Roster (eaganwildcats.org)
Head Coach: Jessica Ptachick (jessica.ptachick@outlook.com)
Attention Senior Parents Class of 2025!
We are looking for Senior Party Planning volunteers!
Please join us at our next meeting on Wednesday November 6th, 7pm @Eagan High School Room 121! We will meet every first Wednesday of the month (except Jan 1st will be on January 8th). Let's send these seniors off with a great party!
Senior Party Tickets are on sale now starting at $90!
You can purchase these online through Cheddarup: https://class-of-2025-eagan-high-school-senior-party-ticket-copy.cheddarup.com . Purchase your tickets now as prices will go up throughout the year.
Senior Lawn Signs on Sale - Limited Quantity
We are now taking orders for Lawn Signs. These will be a limited quantity and could run out. Signs will be delivered in Spring (more details to come closer to the date).
Freshmen Retreat
It's time to register for the Freshmen Retreat!
It will be Thursday November 7th at DHMS. Cost is $25 and families can find it in their shopping cart in EduTrak.
Deadline to register is October 25th, 2024 or until full.
National Honor Society Service Hours
National Honor Society advanced planning for grade 10 and 11 students who may be eligible to be inducted:
Students who have completed winter trimester of their sophomore year with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 3.8 may be considered for National Honor Society. In addition, students in grades 10-11 with a 3.6 G P A and above and Honors Status may be considered for membership. Membership in the local chapter is an honor bestowed upon a student.
An application process is required for those who meet the requirements. Selection for membership is by a faculty council and is based on outstanding scholarship, service, leadership and character. Once selected, members have the responsibility to continue to demonstrate the qualities which earned them membership.
In order to be considered for this honor, the student must complete an application and information form which is given to eligible students in April. Student eligibility will first be determined by GPA. The areas of leadership, service (24+ documented hours that are not required by another organization from June until the time of application are required), and character must be demonstrated by the student and verified in the application.
This service hour requirement is important for upcoming 10th graders or 11th graders who hope to apply for membership this April.
An Induction Ceremony will be held in May, 2025 for new inductees and returning members. New members must participate in our Induction Ceremony. Membership is transferred along with a student to a new school.
Consult the EHS website for more detailed information
Class of 2025 – SENIOR PHOTOS for the EHS Yearbook
Seniors should submit, or have their photographer submit, their senior photo for the yearbook no later than November 1, 2024. Here is the link to submit photos:
Adult Volunteers Needed!
Yes, we need volunteers! If any parent/guardian is interested in volunteering at EHS - even if it is only occasionally - we can use your help! Please complete the Parent Volunteer Form and return to Angie Harteneck. angela.harteneck@district196.org
Subscribe to Parent E-Mail!
Eagan High School parents, residents, students and anyone else interested in receiving regular information updates from EHS can subscribe to the EHS listserves. Information includes updates from the principal and announcements of special events. CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Eagan High School
District 196 offers an online reporting system through School Messenger Quick Tip. It allows students to report concerns or problems at anytime and may be anonymous. All reports are dealt with immediately.
School Messenger Quick Tip: https://www.district196.org/quicktip
Email: EHSNews@district196.org
Website: ehs.district196.org
Location: 4185 Braddock Trail, Eagan, MN, USA
Attendance Office Phone: 652-683-6911
Attendance Office VM: 651-683-6915
Phone: 651-683-6900