PCK Weekly News
September 15th, 2022

Fund Run Memories 2022
Happy Thursday PCK Parents,
As many of you know, I spent last Friday out on the field helping with the Fund Run, blasting music, running with students, and being the best darn hype man I could be. When it was all said and done, I went home completely exhausted and slightly sunburned. But as I reflected on the day and how the Fund Run went for the kids, I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of how this event brought out the best in our PCK community. Seeing parents cheering on their students, and some of the even braver parents out there running alongside their kids, was truly amazing. Watching the smiles on the faces of our students as they ran their little hearts out brought tremendous joy and excitement to our school. I am once again in awe of how passionate and generous our school community truly is.
With the 22/23 Fund Run in the books, there are many thank you's that must be made. I first want to thank all of our parents and donors for their unbelievable generosity. Our school, community, and ultimately our students, thrive because of you. Our students and their education benefit greatly from events like this, and it cannot be said enough how thankful PCK truly is that we have such an amazing community. Secondly, I want to thank the Foundation, but more specifically Sam Thompson and Brittany Morgan, for putting on this fantastic event. Their hard work and dedication to our school has created those opportunities for our students to learn and play in one of the best educational environments in Colorado. And finally, to all of the PCK staff and volunteers who helped this event run so smoothly. Without your help, we could not have made it happen.
I am eternally grateful for everything our volunteers and our community does to support our students and teachers here at PCK. It is times like these that I know we are without a doubt, better together.
-- Mr. Thompson
Kindy boys stick together!
Feeling Refreshed
2nd Grade Buddies
3rd Grade wrapping up their run!
2nd Graders run with style
Fund Run Frank and Friend
South Metro helping out by handing out bracelets - Thank you!
Trying to avoid the SPLASH!
2nd Graders cheering on 6th Graders
A speedy 5th Grader
So many bracelets...challenge accepted!
No School for Kindergarten ONLY on Friday - DIBELS TESTING
Please check out these links for opportunities to volunteer at PCK! We need you!
Vision and Hearing Testing Volunteers Wanted:
Funding Our Future
Sign Up to Volunteer to Help with Hearing and Vision Screening by clicking below
We need 10-12 Volunteers for Hearing and Vision Testing on October 4th. Duties will be: putting stickers with students' names and grades on special half sheets of paper, crowd control, running to the classrooms to grab students, performing hearing and vision screenings, an paperwork after the screenings. The hours are 7:45 - 3:00. Pizza will be served for lunch. Please let us know of any food allergies.
Parent/Guardian Information
Colorado Law (C.R.S. 22-1-116) states that grades K,1,2,3,5,7, and 9 shall be tested each year for vision and hearing. The school may also screen students in Special Education (SPED), new to district, or referrals.
It is important to note that this is a screening, not a complete exam.
If your child has prescription glasses or contacts for distance vision, please have them wear or bring them to the screening.
Screening results:
Children with concerns should be evaluated by a health care professional.
You will receive a referral letter if your child does not pass.
Please take the referral letter to your appointment and have the provider complete the bottom of the form and then return it to your school’s health office/school nurse
*Students that do not pass hearing in DCSD will be rechecked by the DCSD Audiology Department and you may also schedule a sound-booth appointment.
Standards for hearing and vision are available at:
Please contact Jacenta Wirth or Shera Mace with any questions.
The school has contracted with Tender Care Consulting, LLC to provide screening services. 303-359-9553
Spirit Rock Sign Up
What is a "Spirit Rock"?
A Spirit Rock is an opportunity to share exciting events with our school community by painting your own message. You can reserve the rock for anything! A student's birthday, congratulatory events, good luck messages, recognizing milestones, etc...The rock is a fun way to spread any kind of positive message. Please note that profanity, political messages, and business advertisements are not permitted.
How can I rent the Spirit Rock?
We've made it very simple for you! Just go to our SignUp and reserve the actual week that you want. You may begin painting on the Sunday at the beginning of your reserved week.
Fall Festival - Save the Date!
Messages from the Lunchroom
1. Please make sure that you have changed your child's grade and teacher in Wholesome Foods.
2. Please provide your child's cold lunch from home with utensils should it require it. Plastic ware is for hot lunch students ONLY.
3. Kneaders is no longer an available vendor through Wholesome Foods. Costa Vida will now be the only Friday lunch option. If you already ordered Kneaders for your child(ren) you have been refunded by Wholesome Foods for your order(s).
Please do NOT park in a space that has a sign reserving it for a family. Please do NOT park around either of the loops, waiting for a student, even if you have already picked up a sibling.
Picture Retake Day
If you wish to have your child retake their school photo, OR if they weren't present for the original Picture Day, please note that students will be able to retake their photo on November 1st.
Book Fair is Coming Up
Homework Help
"NJHS is officially excited to announce the start of their Homework Help program this year! For any interested K-6 students, NJHS is offering 30 minute one-on-one sessions in which your student will have the opportunity to ask any questions and get their homework done with the assistance of a qualified NJHS member.
Homework help sessions will run from 3:10-3:45 at Core Care Club (which is currently held in the sports gym after school). After the session concludes, your student will exit to the south parking lot for pickup. Each session costs $10 and all sessions must be paid for in advance through MySchoolBucks. A link to this payment will be provided once you are assigned an NJHS student.
If you are interested in having an NJHS student help your child with homework, please contact Mr. Robbins at drobbins@ckcs.net. In your email, please specify your student’s name, grade level, the number of sessions you wish to purchase, and the day(s) of the week you would like your student to receive help. An NJHS member will be assigned to your student shortly after receiving your request."
With Gratitude
Thank you to the Clarke family for the beautiful front desk decorations!
Thank you to Kelly Anderson for the delicious chocolate chip cookies you brought for the staff!