Steele Stallion Press
Sept. 25, 2024

January 10th, 2025
Upcoming Events
TODAY - First Friday Coffee with the Principal, 8:30
Jan 13 - SDO at Shake Shack Cherry Creek + free lemonade stand after school
Jan 14 - PTA meeting at 6pm (childcare provided, $10/child, age 4+)
Jan 14 - Science Fair In-person Info Session following PTA meeting
Jan 15 - 4th Grade Performance of Mary Poppins at 5pm in the auditorium
Jan 20 - NO SCHOOL, MLK Day
Jan 27 - CSC Meeting, 5-6pm (agenda)
Jan 31 - All School Birthday Celebrations during Recess
Coming soon - a Steele Book Club reading The Anxious Generation by Jonathon Haidt. Stay tuned for details!
From the Principal
Dear Steele families,
Happy New Year and welcome back from winter break! I hope you all had a wonderful time filled with joy, rest, and precious moments with your loved ones. As we kick off 2025, I'm excited to reconnect with students and our community as we embark on another fantastic semester of learning and growth together.
To start our year off right, I'd like to invite you to the first "Coffee with the Principal" of 2025! Join me this morning for a warm cup of coffee (or tea!) and engaging conversation. Our topic is our school's budget process. We’re meeting at 8:30 in the library. If you can’t make it, no worries. You can check out the slides here or join us for our PTA meeting next week.
Caught in the Act winners will return next week:)
Marti_Rosenberg@dpsk12.netSteele Dines Out at Shake Shack
To kick off for our first SDO of 2025...
Get Involved in 2025!
Help Create the Best Night of the Year - Steele Auction 2025
It's go-time!! We need to start planning the 2025 Steele Auction! Do you have a good idea of where we should host it? Are you thinking of a fun theme we haven't done before? Then we need you!!
Whether you’re ready to take on a leadership role or just want to volunteer a few hours to hang out with other Steele parents, we can’t wait to hear from you! Click [here] to sign up and we’ll keep you updated on upcoming planning meetings and opportunities.
Wash Park Home Tour Volunteers Needed!
The Wash Park Home Tour will be here before we know it, and we are in need of an operations lead and a marketing lead. The Home Tour is one of our big fundraising efforts for the school. The money raised helps fund many important elements for our school and staff.
Please contact washparkhometour2025@gmail.com or text/call Tonya Weekley at 303-257-7838 if you are interested in volunteering. Let's make this year a success and support this amazing event!
School News
Collaborative School Committee
Our next CSC meeting is on Monday, January 27th from 5:00-6:00 pm in room 211. CSC meetings are always open to the community, so come on by! This month's discussion focuses on the budget and you can find the minutes here.
If you'd like to join via Google Meet, here is the info: https://meet.google.com/ria-qyin-taz Or dial: (US) +1 707-366-0552 PIN: 321 505 782#
Staff Parking Lot
This is an important reminder that the staff parking lot (off of Alameda and Lafayette Street) is for staff members only.
We are seeing an influx of families driving through and parking in the lot to drop-off and pick-up students.
This creates gridlock, safety issues, and takes parking spots away from staff members who are parking for the day.
Additionally, our staff arrives at different times throughout the day and we need to ensure our employees have a parking spot available when they arrive.
This includes Discovery Link drop-off and pick-up.
Thank you for your consideration.
-Steele Elementary Staff
The Steele Science Fair is back in 2025!
The Steele Science Fair is back in 2025! Two options for information/help sessions for parents and students will be held next week: in-person on Tuesday, January 14th at 6:30 PM in the auditorium immediately following the PTA meeting, or Thursday, January 16th at 5:30 PM on Zoom (Meeting ID: 858 562 4168, password: science). Classroom visits are scheduled for Monday, January 13th to introduce the students to the science fair, with an information sheet being sent home with them in conjunction with the visits.
The Science Fair will be held on Friday, March 7 with a community open house the night before on Thursday, March 6. The open house will allow students to set up their posters and practice their presentations for friends and family. Tri-fold poster boards are available from the office for $4 if your student is ready to get started.
Find info here: https://steele.dpsk12.org/news-events/parent-resources/4950-2/
Or email SteeleScienceFair@gmail.com if you have questions.
Lunchroom Updates
DPS has started an A La Carte program for students. This means that students can purchase additional items with their lunch. To do this, students must have money in their My School Bucks account. Steele is working to get a list of items being sold as well as their ingredients and will share that when we have it.
Community Events
Shop and Support Steele
Ongoing Ways To Support Steele
King Soopers - to link your card, search Steele or EG710
Quick Links & Helpful Information
STEELE INFO: School Calendar| Lunch Menu | My School Bucks Login | Specials Rotations | Steele Directory | DONATE NOW
AFTERSCHOOL INFO: Discovery Link Login | Discovery Link Info
PTA INFO: Sign-up to Volunteer | PTA Website | Contact PTA
COMMUNITY INFO: Merrill Middle School News | South High School Raven News
To submit information to this weekly Friday newsletter, send concise and edited content to steelecommunication@gmail.com by 12 PM on the Wednesday before publication.
Vice President of Communication: Mike Moore
Press Editors: Jamie Nicolson and Laura Bushek