Weybridge Family News
October 25th 2024

Weybridge Family News
Weybridge Elementary Calendar
Calendar notes
Monday morning, 10/28 - School Pictures - morning -(see below for details)
Monday, 10/28, 6:00-7:30 - ACT 1 Parent Information Night - childcare and pizza served (see below)
Tuesday, 10/ 31, 2:10 - Halloween parade followed by cider and donuts in the Common Room - all are welcome (see below)
Friday, 11/1 - Parent Conferences (see below)
Saturday, 11/16 - Barn Dance (more info to follow)
ACSD School Board Meetings - 208 Charles Ave., Middlebury
Monday, October 28, 6:30-8:30
Monday, November 11, 6:30-8:30
Meal Order
Below you will find the form to complete before Monday morning at 7:30am for ordering breakfast and lunch for your student/s. Click on the button and help your child make their food choices for the week. Thank you
Picture day- Monday October 28th
Dear Families,
Our school picture day is this Monday October 28th (retake day is December 2nd in the afternoon.) If you would like order pictures please send in the order form with your child on Monday morning. Orders can be made online as well. The photographer will be here at school first thing. If you need another order form email Samantha sfarrellschmitt@acsdvt.org.
Thank you
Dear Families,
I forgot to thank Chris Eberly and Norman Bloom last week for helping with the engineering project and also neglected to rave about last week’s incredibly imaginative and entertaining performance presented by the Addison Repertoire Theatre Company (known as ART, a program offered by the Hannaford Career Center. It was superb - highly entertaining and beautifully performed.
Last Friday evening we hosted our first alumni dinner. Weybridge graduates - current middle school and high school students - were invited to join Christina Wadsworth for a special dinner and conversation. The dinner was sponsored by FOWE and planned, prepared and served by Mel Kobelin and Barbara Palmer. 15 students joined Christina from 6:00 to 8:00. The idea grew out of conversations held with several former students at the town picnic and other school events. It became clear that they longed to stay connected with WES in some way and that they missed the far reaching conversations that Christina held regularly in her classes. It was a huge success. Everyone is looking forward to holding another dinner later this year.
Thank you to FOWE, Christina, Mel and Barbara!
Early Arrivals: Several students are arriving very early in the morning. The number seems to be growing. If your family schedule requires an earlier drop-off due to work or on occasion, please let me know. If it’s happening because your child doesn’t want to miss a social scene, please keep to the 7:45 scheduled time. Thanks.
In case you missed it, the information below is mostly a repeat from last week’s letter. I’ve added a couple of details. Please re/read.
Act 1 classes began this week. Act 1 is a Vermont law that requires students in each grade to receive education on personal safety and sexual violence prevention. Chenoa Hamilton of the Atria Collective (formerly Womensafe) is providing 5 sessions related to Act 1 with our students. Jackson Goscha, our school counselor, is joining the classes as well.
Act 1 training for parents: Families are invited to attend an informational meeting about Act 1, October 28, 6:00-7:30. Chenoa will be facilitating this training. It has been our experience that the training is most effective for children when parents have an opportunity to learn and ask questions about the vocabulary and skills the students are learning. Childcare and pizza will be provided. I hope you will come. Please RSVP to Samantha sfarrellschmitt@acsdvt.org by Monday morning.
Reminder: Outdoor gear and backup set of clothes: Please be sure your child is prepared for the colder, sometimes very wet weather - a warm jacket, rain gear (boots, rain pants, raincoat and hood or hat). We have some extras in a range of sizes, but it’s much easier and efficient if they have their own gear. Also, please be sure your child has a back-up set of clothes (including underwear and socks) to keep in their cubby or backpack to change into.
Parent Conferences: The goals of these conferences are to connect with you about your child, set and share goals and report progress to date. If you haven’t been able to schedule a conference yet, please be in touch with your child’s teacher.
Halloween reminder: The annual costume parade will begin at approximately 2:10pm on the blacktop. Thursday, October 31st. Students will get into costumes between 1:50 and 2:05pm. (Costumes and makeup are not allowed earlier in the day.) Wearing a costume or being in the parade is, of course, optional for students. We hope you'll join us for the festivities, in costume if you’d like. It is always wonderful to experience the children’s capacity to imagine themselves into character.
We encourage imaginative, homemade costumes with maximum child involvement in the making of them. Weapons or dangerous accessories are to be left at home. We also request that students not wear costumes that objectify and stereotype racial or ethnic identity, for example, dressing as a Native American. ln addition, please keep in mind the age-range of students and moderate the degree of grim and gruesome your child dons for the occasion.
Cider and donuts will be provided for all students/families after the parade in the Common Room.
Lunch volunteers: Next week we need coverage for Wednesday and Thursday. If you can volunteer for one of these days, please email Christina cjohnston@acsdvt.org or sign up directly on the calendar.
Best, Christina
PE with the 4/5
Icing Containers Wanted!
In the 2-3 Classroom, we have been testing ideas for simple, inexpensive water bottle holders attached to student desks. (We often have quiet, focused work sessions interrupted with the Clunk-Clankety-Clank of metal water bottles falling onto the floor.)
After collecting ideas all summer and testing a few prototypes, we have a design that seems to work pretty well-- an old icing container attached to the desk with velcro. (Thank you, Erica Castle, for suggesting the velcro!)
Now we need more icing containers!
If you ice a cake, please save your icing containers for us!
The 2-3 class thanks you!
2/3 working on timelines through pictures
Cozy Kid Program
Junebug helps the Addison Central School District get gently-used children’s winter clothing for families to ensure every child has what they need to stay warm and dry all winter.
Please let your school nurse know if your student would benefit from free winter clothes. You can email dgirard@acsdvt.org to let me know if you are interested and what sizes your student needs. Reach out by November 1st!
Maps displayed outside the 2/3 classroom
Head lice
Dear Parent/Guardians,
There have been a number of cases of head lice throughout the school these last few weeks. Attached you will find a letter from Nurse Dani about what to look for and what to do if you do discover head lice on your student. We would recommend that you check your child's head for lice and their eggs (nits) this weekend. Do reach out if you are not sure what you are looking for. We can help.
We appreciate your understanding and diligence,
Best wishes,
Christina and Samantha
Addison Central SEPAC
The Addison Central Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is an organization led by parents (defined broadly) that focuses on improving the education and experiences of students with special needs and disabilities in the Addison Central School District (ACSD). (Learn more at: www.AddisonCentralSEPAC.org)
Support families through information, events, and community.
Collect community input and help district leaders understand the concerns of families and students.
Collaborate with ACSD to improve district policies and practices.
Don’t miss out on SEPAC resources and events! Sign up for updates at the link below.
The link to the bus routes are below and on the ACSD website. Please be waiting at your stop 5 minutes before the approximate bus stop time. Younger students will need their parent at pick up and drop off.
Engage and Connect!
TELEPHONE: 802-545-3302
FAX: 802-545-3305