Daily Announcements
Today is December 2 , 2024
School Hours:
Doors open at 7:30am.
Classes start at 7:45 am and dismisses at 3:15pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students are dismissed at 2:00pm every Wednesday for early release.
Students must be in their classroom by 7:45am to avoid being tardy. If you are late, you need to sign in at the office and get a pass before going to class.
STUDENTS, PLEASE READ: School Board Cell Phone Policy
Students, the School District Board Policy 5136 - regarding PERSONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICES reads as follows:
"Personal communication devices" ("PCDs") as used in this policy are defined in Bylaw 0100.
High school students may use PCDs before and after school, during their lunch break, in between classes as long as they do not create a distraction, disruption or otherwise interfere with the educational environment, during after school activities (e.g., extra‑curricular activities), or at school-related functions. Use of PCDs, except those approved by a teacher or administrator, at any other time is prohibited."
This is a school board policy, and as a student, you were provided with this policy at the start of the school year in several communications, including your student handbook, which you signed stating that you have read the policies included within and agree to abide by these rules:
- Students should NOT have their phones on their person or on their desks during class. You have 2 options: in your locker powered off, or in the wall pouches in the classroom; that's it.
- "Bell to Bell" means "Bell to Bell". Cellphones should not be picked up until you are leaving the classroom at the end of class.
- These expectations are NOT negotiable and are backed by the school board. Let's make sure we are following these expectations to avoid consequences that will follow, including but not limited to verbal warning, confiscation and detention/suspension.
Important Dates
TONIGHT! Dec. 2: HS Bands and Choirs Concert
Dec. 7: Shopping Day with Kids
Dec. 9, 10, 16, 17: Pre-ACT
Dec. 23-31: No School, Winter Break
Jan 1: No School, New Year's Day
Jan 2: Students Return
PAC Closed 12/2-12/3
Attention Students: Just a note to let you know that the PAC will be closed on December 2 and 3 in preparation for the band and choir concert.
Dress for the Weather!
Just a reminder, it is getting colder out and the doors will not open until the bell rings so please make sure that you are dressed for the weather!
Interested in Joining OHS Forensics?
It's that special time of year again...forensics season is right around the corner! Thinking about joining the OHS Forensics team? It's a great way to build confidence, friendships, and memories! It will also be a great addition to scholarship forms and resumes! Please contact Mrs. Clinch (OMS Room 2104 or sclin@omro.k12.wi.us) for more information.
Pre-Arranged Absence Forms Are In The Office
Do you plan to go hunting or on vacation? Remember to pick up a pre-arranged absence form from the office!
College visit? You MUST have a pre-arranged absence form and you MUST provide proof that you attended your tour, such as a photo in front of that school's sign, a note on school letterhead, a photo of your sign in, etc...Please make sure you are following the correct procedure so that your absence is excused!
Shopping Day with Kids
It's that time again: time for Shopping Day with Kids. If you don't know what that means:
Shopping Day with Kids has a primary purpose of providing a memorable Christmas to children in our community who would otherwise have next to nothing. Every year, the 1st Saturday in December, a group of chaperones (Omro High School students, Omro Staff) take approximately 30-60 children, grades kindergarten through grade five, shopping for clothing and a small toy of their choice. We start our day with a donated breakfast at Omro Elementary School, and then load buses for the shopping trip to Oshkosh. The group shops for one hour, then returns to school where a donated lunch is served after all gifts are wrapped.
We need YOUR help. We need students to help set up, shop, wrap and clean up. Check your calendars: Saturday, December 7th from 7:30 am to 11:30 am. If you are interested in helping, stop and get an application from Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Kennedy or the Office. Please return these by Tuesday, November 19th.
Today is the Last Day!! Drop off with your Fox Time Advisory Teacher!!
Book Club is hosting a book drive for gently used or new books for kids ages K-5th grade for Shopping Day With Kids. Each kid will get to choose a book or two to take home with them.
Books should be brought to Fox Time Advisory Teachers from 11/11 - 12/2
The class with the most books wins breakfast (donuts/muffins)
TONIGHT- Class of 2027 Red Robin Fundraiser- YUMMM!
Let's all meet up at Red Robin on Monday, December 2 to help raise some money for the class of 2027!! Just show this flyer or simply mention Omro class of 2027 to your server to have your sales count! We would love to see you there!!
We NEED Your Nominations!! Fill Out A Form TODAY!
Fox Friday forms and the box to put them in are located in the MS/HS Media Center. Please take a moment to nominate students and staff you think deserve to be recognized for being safe, responsible, respectful and positive! You can also nominate staff you feel have made a positive connection, is a great role model or who stands up for students. We are looking for people who truly deserve to be recognized for following and demonstrating the Fox Four!
It's That Time Again!!
It's not too early to order your yearbook for the 2024-2025 school year!
Book Sales Link: http://jostensyearbooks.com?ref=A09376700
Grad Ads for seniors Sales Link: https://www.jostens.com/apps/jcom/router.mvc?affiliateId=1116519
Fox Time With Griffen
“Fox Time with Griffin” will be offered again this year, every other week in the HS/MS Media Center.
These are the dates for Fox Time with Griffen!
Tonight! Dec 2 Morse
Dec 16 Douglas *changed from Jentz
Jan 6 Ransom
Jan 13 Jentz
Jan 27 Morse
Feb 10 Johnson
Feb 24 Jentz
March 10 Johnson
March 31 Ransom
April 7 Johnson
April 21 Jentz
May 5 Morse
May 19 Johnson
Monday, December 2:
Boneless Chicken Wings w. Biscuit
Sloppy Joe Sandwich
French Fries
Steamed Peas
Fruit and Vegetable Bar
SAND: Italian Sub
Tuesday, December 3:
Soft Cell Tacos w/ Toppings
Chicken and Cheese Quesadilla
Refried beans
Fruit and Vegetable Bar
Wednesday, December 4:
Cheese French Bread Pizza
Swedish Meatballs with Mashed Potatoes and Garlic Twist
Fruit and Vegetable Bar
SAND: Chicken Salad
Thursday, December 5:
Pancake Bites with Sausage Patties
Hot Ham and Cheese Bagel Sandwich
Tater Tots
Fruit and Vegetable Bar
SAND: Turkey Jack Wrap
Friday, December 6:
Bosco Sticks with Dipping Sauce
Fish Sandwich
Buttered Noodles
Glazed Carrots
Fruit and Vegetable Bar
SAND: Turkey Jack Wrap
Attendance Matters and So Do YOU!!!
"Perseverance doesn't always mean winning and losing. Perseverance means showing up and rising to the occasion and performing." ~Michael Chiesa
If you are in a SPORT, PLEASE READ!
***Students must be in attendance for the entire school day in order to practice or compete in an event. ***
Special circumstances may merit exception with prior approval from the Principal/Dean of Students, or designee. To see if the absence can be approved:
- Step 1 - Parent/Guardian notification to office (Mrs. Prado, Mrs. Stadler or Mrs. Dobberstein) at least 24 hours prior to absence)
- Step 2 - If absence is approved, Student picks up signed Excused Slip from office
- Step 3 - Student gives signed Excused Slip to coach/advisor to participate the day of the absence
If an absence is deemed unexcused it will result in ineligibility for participation in extracurricular activities until the next full day of attendance.
Athletic Events for This Week
This week's athletic activities:
December 2-6:
Tues. Dec. 3: Bowling vs. Winneconne @ Fox Lanes 4:00pm
Tues. Dec. 3: Girls' JV Basketball @ Laconia 5:45pm
Tues. Dec. 3: Girls' JV2 Basketball @ Oconto Falls 5:50pm
Tues. Dec. 3: Girls' Varsity Basketball @ Laconia 7:00pm
Thurs. Dec. 5: Bowling @ Kimberly 4:00pm
Thurs. Dec. 5: Girls' JV Basketball @ Berlin 5:45pm
Thurs. Dec. 5: Girls' JV2 Basketball @ Central Wisconsin Christian 7:15pm
Thurs. Dec. 5: Girls' Varsity Basketball @ Berlin 7:15pm
Thurs. Dec. 5: Wrestling @ Campbellsport 7:00pm
Fri. Dec. 6: Girls' JV2 Basketball @ Denmark 5:45pm
Fri. Dec. 6: Girls' JV Basketball @ Green Lake/ Princeton 5:45pm
Fri. Dec. 6: Girls' Varsity Basketball @ Green Lake/ Princeton 7:15pm
Fri. Dec. 6: Boy's Basketball vs. St Mary's Springs 5:50/7:00pm Hawaiian Night
Sat. Dec. 7: Dance Competition @ Ashwaubenon HS 9:00am
Sat. Dec. 7: Wrestling Invite @ Little Chute HS 9:30am
*Those in BOLD are HOME EVENTS.
See all rSchool Athletic Events here.
Upcoming Wrestling Home Meet Dates
December Library Newsletter
Take a look at this month's Library Newsletter to see all the fun things happening this month.
There is a new guessing game, scavenger hunt, reading competition, and more! Don't forget to check out the fun things happening at the Omro Public Library this month.DRIVER'S EDUCATION INFORMATION
Driver's Education Information
Cruisin' Safely at https://www.cruisinsafely.com/drivers-education
Ries Driving School at https://riesdrivingschool.com/ for more information about the programs they offer!
The application is now live. A parent can access the site using these instructions. Payment is made directly to the department through the application, using a credit or debit card or by ACH direct withdrawal. Once the permit application process is complete, the Department mails a paper copy of the permit directly to the employer.
In addition, we have reorganized our employment of minors web pages. The information you need is linked at the bottom of this page, including a guide to hazardous and prohibited work, the hours and times of day restrictions for minors, and links to the appropriate statutes and codes.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by email at workpermits@dwd.wisconsin.gov.
Fox Valley Area Labor Council Essay Contest
Fox Valley Area Labor Council Essay Contest
EmpowHER Meet and Greet
Fox Valley Area Labor Council Essay Contest
Chick-fil-A Is Hiring
For more information, click HERE.
Military/ College Visits
STUDENTS: When meeting with Recruiters, THEY need to set up appointments to meet with you THROUGH GUIDANCE and during your study hall. Please do not just set something up on your own as we do not allow recruiters free access to students without going through the proper procedure.
Upcoming Fox Time Opportunities:
M 12/16- Army National Guard
T 12/17- FVTC
Th 12/19- US Navy
Lunchtime Visits:
Th 12/5 - US Navy
Th 12/19 - US Army
Fri 12/20 - US Marines
Scholarship List for Seniors
Seniors, here is the Scholarship Listing you can use to apply for scholarships. This list is updated frequently and can also be found in the Guidance Office and in the Hallway, just across from the Guidance Office.
Inspire Wisconsin
This is a great program that connects students to career professionals who will inspire and expose them to new opportunities across the industry sectors. This includes job shadowing, college visits, and employment events. Please see schedule of events. For more information, go to inspirewi.com
American Essay Contest
The Americanism Essay Contest was created to teach students the value of patriotism and what it means to be Americans and to help promote a lifelong respect of our flag and country.
Essay Title: “What does America the Beautiful mean to me (regarding veterans and our military)?”
Each year, the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12, including students with special needs. Grade levels are divided into six classes.
In our effort to increase participation in the contest, we ask you to share this information with guidance counselors, English and history teachers or others whose students would be interested in participating.
All essays will be judged using the criteria and rubric provided. The decision of the judges shall be final. (See Scoring Rubric)
One award in each of the six classes will be presented. Winners will receive $10 from the Omro American Legion Auxiliary Unit 234. Winning entries will be forwarded to the ALA Department of WI for further competition.
Essays with the completed 2025 Submission Form must be submitted to the Omro American Legion Auxiliary Unit 234 by Friday February 14, 2025. Please mail to:
ALA Unit 234 – Essay Contest
PO Box 234
Omro, WI 54963
If you have any questions, please contact me at the email or number listed below.
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Diane Steinert
American Legion Auxiliary Department of WI
Daugherty-Hamilton Unit 234
Omro, WI
Due Tuesday, December 3!!! Conservation Poster Contest
The Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department invites K5 through 12th grade students in Winnebago County to participate in the 2024-2025 Conservation Awareness Poster Contest.
The theme for the 2024-2025 school year is "Home is where the Habitat is."
Posters and entry forms are due by 5:00pm on Tuesday, December 3, 2024 to the Winnebago County Land & Water Conservation Department.
Poster Contest Guidelines
- Poster size must be 12" x 18" OR 14" x 22"
- The 2025 National Contest Theme, "Home is where the Habitat is," must be written on each poster.
- All posters shall be created by an individual student, rather than a team of students.
- Any media may be used: paint, crayon, colored pencil, charcoal, stickers, paper or other materials on regular posters. Computer-generated posters will not be accepted.
- To be eligible for judging, each entry must have a completed and signed entry form attached to the back.
Crisis Help is Just 3 Numbers Away
Please call 911 IMMEDIATELY in the event of a medical emergency, fire, disaster response, reporting a crime or any life-threatening situation.
Please call 211 if you need contact information for community resources such need of food, housing/ shelter, utility assistance, healthcare services or government services, substance abuse or mental health resources, transportation, legal services, counseling, support services or disaster aftercare.
Please call 988 for help with thoughts of suicide, mental health crisis, substance use crisis, or emotional distress or you need support handling a crisis.
988 Lifeline: 24/7-Call, Text or Chat
Anyone in Wisconsin can call or text 988 or use the chat function via www.988lifeline.org to reach out and get the help they need. 988 is ready to provide support for anyone experiencing a suicidal, mental health, and/or substance use crisis. People can also contact 988 if they are concerned about a loved one in crisis.
If you need to report a threat, please go HERE for more information!
Here's a little joke for you!
Why did the snowman go to the doctor?
He had the chills.
Just Something To Think About...
2024-2025 Omro School District Calendar
OHS Goals
Reading - 80% or more of our students will meet, exceed, or significantly exceed expectations as evidenced by the spring STAR® Reading and/or the PreACT Secure assessments.
Math - 80% or more of our students will meet, exceed, or significantly exceed expectations as evidenced by the spring STAR® Math and/or the PreACT Secure assessments.
How will we work on this?
Fox Time academic supports
Methodize to prep for ACT and PreACT Secure assessments
Laude courses
Increase student attendance
Engage our students, staff, and families
DEAR time available through Fox Time and during classes
Providing a safe and healthy environment