Wiggin Street Parent Update
September 22, 2023
Better Together
Happy Friday! Thank you for sharing your kids with us each day. Most of the spirit wear ordered is coming home today. If you ordered a red t-shirt that didn't come home, you should expect to receive an email from Rod Zolman tomorrow with plans to try and get them to you before Monday. Also, there was a technical problem which caused some "Rooted in Respect" shirts to be delayed. We are hoping that they will arrive by Monday. Since our All School Photo will be taken on Monday, please send your child in red if they do not have spirit wear. Sorry for the delay.
Our second grade learned how to be a Tick Buster this week. I'm sharing some of the tips, because I thought they would be helpful to all as a reminder. Lyme Disease is a great concern in our area, so please be safe.
Have a great weekend,
Christy Grandstaff
Morning Drop Off Safety Reminder
For those dropping off students in the morning, please do not get out of your vehicle. If your student needs assistance getting out of the vehicle, please pull off to the right side and walk them safely to the sidewalk.
Also, students are to walk in front of their car when exiting from the passenger side, so parents can watch for them. For this reason, please do not back up to go around a car. If you leave plenty of space between cars, you can go around if needed.
Health Department Lyme Disease Education Program for 2nd Grade
Homecoming Spirit Week
October 2-6th is MVHS Homecoming Week, and we are joining in the fun. Below, is our spirit week fun days! Also, MVHS athletes, band members, and cheerleaders will be joining us on our playground on Friday, October 6th, for a fun, pep rally!
Monday - Pajama day
Tuesday - Team Jersey Day
Wednesday - Wiggin Street Spirit Wear day
Thursday - Hat Day
Friday -Picture Day/Orange and black (students may bring Mount Vernon attire to change at lunch recess for the Pep Rally at 12:50)
PTO Corner
Our next Friends of Wiggin Street meeting will be October 3rd at 5:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
Reminder Mumkin pick-up is Thursday, October 5th from 3:00-6:00pm on the school playground!
Johnny Appleseed Festival
3rd Graders will be performing at the Johnny Appleseed Festival downtown Mount Vernon on the evening of October 6th.
Click the link below for more information from Mrs. Springer.
Art Spotlight
Upcoming Events
Click here for the 2023-24 Mount Vernon City School District Yearly Calendar
25 All School Picture (students wear Wiggin Street spirit wear or red shirt) 3:00 pm
2 Art Contest for yearbook begins
2-6 Homecoming Spirit Week
3 FOW Meeting, 5:00
5 Mumkin Pick up from 3-6:00 pm on the playground
6 Popcorn Friday
6 Fall Pictures (Individuals & Groups)
6 Homecoming Pep Rally w/ High School Cheerleaders and Athletes @ 12:50
6 3rd Grade sings @ Johnny Appleseed Festival @ First Friday; 5:15-5:45
11 YES Concert-Grade 1; 9:35-11:15 am
12 YES Concert-Grade 3; 9:30-11:15 am
13 Gifted Seminar @ Fieldhouse
Idle-free Zone
Principal-Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: https://www.mt-vernon.k12.oh.us/wigginstreetelementary_home.aspx
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street