RI Children's Book Award
February 26, 2024
2024 RI Children's Book Award Voting
It's time for your students and patrons in grades 3-5 to vote for their favorite book among the RI Children’s Book Award nominees for 2024! For over 20 years the Rhode Island Children’s Book Award has generated widespread enthusiasm for reading. Thank you to the many schools and libraries in Rhode Island that participate.
All voting and program evaluation will be completed online
March 1 – April 30 . Beginning March 1, your school or library’s voting results can be entered at https://olis-ri.libwizard.com/f/ricba2024.
Important voting information:
- Your school or library does not need to register to vote. Any school or library that would like to participate is encouraged to do so!
- Please complete ONE form per school or library building. If you work at multiple schools or libraries, please fill out a separate form for each building.
- This form is to collect your school or library’s total voting results, not a way to collect individual children’s votes.
- Distribute ballots to students/patrons who have read 3 or more of the nominated books, collect all completed ballots, and tally your school or library’s results on a blank ballot. Voting materials, including the paper ballot and graphics can be found at https://olis.ri.gov/programs-and-support/reading-programs/rhode-island-childrens-book-award/voting .
- The total number of votes for each book should be entered into the form.
- If you have any difficulties or need to edit your form after it has been submitted, please contact Youth Services Coordinator, Danielle Margarida (danielle.margarida@olis.ri.gov, 401-574-9309/401-400-3006) before 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 30.
- All forms must be submitted by April 30, 2024.
Voting Documents
- Voting Instructions
- Blank Ballot
- Annotated List
- Schools and Libraries Voting Form (Submit between March 1 - April 30)
- Voting Google Folder - Voting materials, including the paper ballot and graphics.
Author Videos
Several 2024 RICBA nominated authors have recorded special messages for RI readers. They're perfect for sharing with your students ahead of voting and can be found on the LibGuide and at https://flip.com/mixtapes/+q04e8vq0.
Share Your Photos
Additional Statewide Reading Programs
Kids Reading Across RI 2024
2024 Kids Reading Across RI: The Lost Library Information Session
Tuesday, March 5
The Center for the Book and the RI Office of Library and Information Services is kicking off its 2024 Kids Reading Across RI season with The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass. Join us for this virtual information session to learn more about the title and themes, and what the KRARI committee has planned for this year's program.
The session will include:
- Overview of the Kids Reading Across Rhode Island program
- Introduction to the 2024 selection and LibGuide
- Requesting a book set
- In-person kickoff event
- Ways to get involved in KRARI in the future
This session will be recorded and will be made available for those who cannot attend live.
2024 RI Latino Books Award Nominees
The RI Latino Books Award Committee is happy to share the download materials and resources for the 2024 RI Latino Books Award Nominees.
On the website, you will find the flyer, book spine labels, wakelet educational resource, poster, paper ballots, round stickers, tracking chart and annotation booklist.
Rhode Island Latino Books Award (Website)
Readers are encouraged to read at least three (3) books from the titles nominated then vote for their favorite. Voting will take place at participating schools, libraries and online. The online voting will be available April 1st through May 31st.
The winning titles will be announced on Saturday, June 1, 2024.
About the RI Latino Books Award
The Rhode Island Latino Books Award (formerly Latino Books Month @RILA), now in its tenth year, promotes literacy amongst Latinos through the celebration of Latino authors, illustrators and books that highlight Latino culture and Latin American identity.
Through this year-long celebration, RILA encourages librarians, teachers, educators and booksellers to promote books written by and for Latinos, and we encourage all Rhode Islanders to read books in both English and Spanish and written by Latino authors/illustrators.
Our website: http://www.rilatinoarts.org/LatinoBooksAward.html
For more information about the Rhode Island Latino Books Award and/or to participate, contact Maria Cotto, RILA's Latino Books Award Chair.
2024 RI Teen Book Award Voting
It’s that time of year again! The new year marks the time when the teens of Rhode Island get a chance to pick the book they think is best they have read, from a list selected by teachers, public librarians, and school library media specialists. That’s right, it is election time for the 2023 Rhode Island Teen Book Award.
Voting begins January 25, 2024 and runs through February 29, 2024.
Where can teens in grades 9-12 vote? Well, they can do it in their schools and local public libraries. Interested schools and libraries can find an official ballot and a QR code to our digital voting form under Official Election Ballot, to download and print for use at your library. We are also accepting digital ballots (from individual students and physical voting sites) at www.tinyurl.com/RITBAvote24 .
Ballots will be accepted at participating schools, libraries, and online from January 25, 2024 through February 29, 2024. Voting results from physical voting sites should be submitted through the digital ballot form no later than Monday, March 4, 2024.
About the RI Children's Book Award
The award began in 1990 as a joint project of the Rhode Island State Council of the International Reading Association, the Rhode Island Library Association, and the Rhode Island Educational Media Association, under the coordination of the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services. Today, the Rhode Island Children's Book Award is co-sponsored by the School Librarians of Rhode Island (SLRI), the Rhode Island Library Association (RILA), and the Rhode Island Center for the Book at the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (RICFB), and is advised by the Rhode Island Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS).Three public youth services librarians, three members of SLRI, and three members of RICFB are each chosen to each serve three year terms on the committee.
20 nominees are announced each spring. Public libraries, school libraries, and classrooms promote the award and share the nominees throughout the year. Voting takes place the following February and the winner is announced in March. Children in grades 3-5 who have read at least 3 books from the list of 20 nominees are eligible to vote. Voting takes place at participating schools and public libraries throughout the state.