The Husky Bulletin 10/29/2024

Principal Corner
Parent/Caregiver Lunch Visit Procedures
Parents have reached out requesting specific guidance around having lunch with their children. Oak View recognizes the significant importance of partnering with families and caregivers as well as balancing the impact that guests have on a building. We limit the number of adult visitors in the building due to safety and security measures as well as the real impact visitors have on creating a calm, safe and predictable environment for students and staff. As much as we love having visitors in our building, it does create more energy and impacts overall behavior. It also adds another layer of safety and security that buildings continuously navigate. So, we came up with a plan that allows for parents and caregivers to spend lunch with their children while also maintaining a safe and secure environment for all. Here is the process if you’d like to eat lunch with your child:
Step 1 - Fill out this Lunch Reservation Link to let us know the date you’d like to come eat lunch. Someone will reach out once confirmed with a date and time.
Step 2 - When you arrive at Oak View, please check in at the main office. You’ll need an ID that allows us to do a quick security check through our kiosk.
Step 3 - The office will call down your child and you can eat with them at the designated tables in the main lobby by the office.
Harvest Bingo
Harvest Bingo is coming up on November 15th from 6-8pm, doors open at 5:30pm. We will have a couple food trucks to grab dinner from, we will be handing out 50 turkeys along with other prizes! Knights of Columbus will have winter coats here again for families to take home. A Sign-Up Genius will be sent out soon as we will need volunteers to make this event run successful!
Free Book Day
A BIG thank you our PTO for hosting our free book day today! EVERY student will be bringing a free book home today.
Pajama Day
Friday, November 1st is pajama day!
Student Absence Note
Now that we have a couple months of school under our belt, we just want to go over the districts absence policy. The information below can also be found in the parent handbook. If you would like a copy of the handbook, please let me know!
Please call your school’s absence line before 10 a.m. on the day your child is absent.
Excused Absences
The following reasons may be sufficient to constitute an excused absence: student illness; serious illness in the student’s immediate family; dentist, doctor, mental health professional, orthodontist, legal matters, funerals, illnesses, out-of-school suspension or administration dismissal, late bus, religious reasons, or severe weather will be excused. Situations such as sibling adoption or birth, family, student, or personal concern, family illness, or prearranged vacation may be excused at the principal’s discretion.
Verification of Excused Absence
To be considered an excused absence, the student’s parent or legal guardian may be asked to verify, in writing, the reason for the student’s absence from school. In the case of a health-related excused absence, a note from a physician or a licensed mental health professional stating that the student cannot attend school is a valid excuse.
Unexcused Absences
All absences which do not specifically qualify as an “excused absence” will be marked as unexcused and may result in notification/reports of truancy. Examples of unexcused absences might include the following: due to sibling childcare, no stated reason, missed the bus, and non-school extracurricular activities (dance, music, gymnastic lessons, etc.) will not be excused.
Silent Disco
To celebrate our reaching our Fun Run goal and everyone's hard work, ALL Oak View students will be celebrating with a silent disco dance party. The silent disco will be taking place on October 30th and 31st during each classes' gym time.
Thank you for supporting your student and Oak View!
Husky Hustle Fun Run Committee
Timberwolves Game
The Timberwolves have extended the Oak View sale through November 11th or until tickets are sold out!
Upcoming Dates to Remember
10/30 & 10/31- Silent Disco (during gym time)
11/1- Pajama Day
11/12- PTO Meeting
11/15- Harvest Bingo- 6-8pm
11/26- Timberwolves dress up day
11/27-11/29- NO SCHOOL
Contact Information
Ryan Gibbs, Principal: GibbsR@district279.org
Jody Seppala, Assistant Principal: SeppalaJ@district279.org
Angie Passehl, Secretary: PassehlA@district279.org
Melody Hahn-Merges, Social Worker: hahn-mergesm@district279.org
Terri Simon, Counselor: simont@district279.org