CMSS Newsletter
Week of November 18 - November 22, 2024
Dr. Seuss' Seussical Jr.
Toy Drive
Christmas Alliance
Front Parking Lot
We want to address a growing safety concern regarding our front parking lot. While we understand that some families need to use this area to walk their students up or assist those in wheelchairs, we’ve noticed that several parents are dropping off students and allowing them to walk through the parking lot alone. For the safety of all our students, we ask that parents refrain from simply dropping off students in the parking lot. Instead, please use the car line or walk your student to the crosswalk for safe entry into the building. Repeat--You must walk your student all the way to the crosswalk. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe! We appreciate your cooperation and support!
Upcoming Important Dates
Nov 25-29: No school
Dec 2-6: North vs. South Toy Drive
Thursday, December 19th: 5th Grade Pun Parade
Friday, December 20th: Class Holiday Parties