Lincoln High School Class of 2024!
updated 4/15/24 (sober grad, slide show, & sr. meeting)
updated 4/16/24 (senior map, senior thank you, & social media shoutouts)
updated 4/30/24 (sr meeting documents, updates to dates, transcript tips, collegiate athletics)
updated 5/1/24 (Spanish version of senior meeting documents; flier about "National Decision Day"
updated 5/9/24 (Sober Grad and Senior Parade details)
updated 5/14/24 (# of graduation tickets)
5/23/24 (Sober Grad update)
5/29/24 (LiveStream & grad photo update)
6/3/24 (update about temperature precautions)
easily find new info by doing a search (Ctrl + F / Command + F) and search for the phrases "updated" or "added"
Congratulations Lincoln High School Class of 2024!
Graduation will be hosted on Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 8 pm in the LHS Stadium. Each graduate will be able to invite up to 12 ticketed guests to sit in the bleachers. We also plan to live stream the graduation for all of the other friends family, near and far, to enjoy at home. (updated 5/14/24)
Important Dates/Times:
- Wednesday, 5/29: receive graduation patches/cords (after senior assembly)
- Thursday, 5/30: pick up personalized senior checklist
- Thursday, 5/30-Wednesday, 6/5: get checklist completed and turn it into the office to pick up 12 paper tickets for graduation
- Wednesday, 6/5 and Thursday, 6/6, 8:30am: graduation rehearsal; students cannot attend graduation if they do not attend rehearsal; rehearsal will start in the Pence Gym; students should dress comfortably and wear sunscreen or sun protection!
- Thursday, 6/6, 7am: Senior Breakfast in the Cafeteria
- Thursday, 6/6, 7-7:15pm: students arrive to Pence Gym to assemble for graduation
- Thursday, 6/6, approximately 7pm: stadium will be opened for ticketed guests
- Thursday, 6/6, 8pm: graduation ceremony begins; we expect it will last 90 minutes or so
- Thursday, 6/6, 8pm: livestream of graduation will start - click here to access
- Thursday, 6/6, after graduation: graduates will pick up their diploma from the Pence gym
- Thursday, 6/6, 11pm: Sober Grad Night Event
- Friday, 6/7 or Monday, 6/10- Thursday, 6/13, 7:30am-4pm: another opportunity to pick up physical diploma from the office
Caps, Gowns and Stoles, Oh My!
If you haven't ordered your cap/gown yet, you must contact Premier Grad Products right away - premiergradproducts.com / 916-435-2331. Please note that when you purchase a cap and gown from Premier Grad, it INCLUDES the yellow LHS stole and a tassel for your graduate's cap!
Later this spring (beginning in May), pins, patches, and cords will be distributed separately by the teachers/departments honoring their students. Patches and pins can be affixed to the stole (be sure to use a towel between the iron and patch to avoid burning the material!). Graduates - if you earned a pin or patch from a teacher at any point as an LHS student, please add those to your stole!
You are encouraged to unwrap and iron or steam your gown and stole; take care not to burn the fabric; using a towel between the iron and material is helpful.
A reminder that your tassel, pins, patches and cords should be worn/affixed to your yellow stole at graduation. Students cannot personalize their items with their names - this is keeping with the tradition of unity in our last gathering as a class.
California state law specifically protects students’ right to wear “traditional tribal regalia or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance as an adornment at school graduation ceremonies." (more specific information is here).
Graduates should carry in their cap, gown, tassel and stole into the Pence Gym and will put those items on after they've checked in at the Pence Gym.
Graduation Attire
- dresses (but not floor length and no trains - we don't want anyone to trip!)
- blouse or shirt with a collar (dress or polo)
- skirt/dress pants/slacks/khakis
- shoes: flats or platform shoes (no shoes with spiked heels) or hard soled dress shoes with socks; spiked/narrow heeled shoes may cause ankle injuries and can damage our field
- no jeans, shorts or sweatpants are allowed.
Graduates should carry in their cap, gown, tassel and stole into the Pence Gym and will put those items on after they've checked in at the Pence Gym.
Graduation is an important milestone in student's lives. Graduates and families should not bring/wear items that are distracting in nature or take away from the ceremonial aspect of graduation.
It'll be Hot!
It will be warm on graduation night. Fortunately, the sun will dip below the bleachers by 8pm, so our guests and graduates will NOT be in any direct sun from the bleachers/field during our event; typically it cools off quickly once the sun sets. No matter, we encourage you to dress for the warm temperatures.
In order to support our guests at graduation, you can expect:
- cold water will be sold by our cheerleaders in the stadium
- there are shaded areas around the stadium (on both the visitor and home side); it will be much cooler in the shade than in the direct sun
- we will open the theater at 7pm and run our live stream in the theater; there is seating for about 300 in the theater
- we will be giving water to our graduates to ensure they are hydrated
- we have an AMR ambulance and LPD on site during graduation to meet the needs of any guests or graduates
Please do not bring pop ups or other shade devices that obstruct the view of others. If you bring an umbrella to shade yourself between 7-8pm, you will be asked to lower it during the graduation.
(added 6/3/24)
How to Order Graduation Photos
Bill Smith Photo will be taking professional pictures of your graduate at the ceremony.
Go to https://billsmithphoto.com/
Select View My Images
Select View/Order Sports & Event Photos
Select your package
Questions? Call (916)749-1026 and select Option 1 or email services@billsmithphoto.com
(updated 5/29/24)
Live Stream of Graduation
Parking and Guest Expectations
- Parking will be difficult for graduation.
- We do have accessible parking as required by law, but will not have extra accessible parking available so please know that accessible parking will be limited. If you need to drop off a guest at the top of the loop because they cannot make it from afar, feel free to drop off at the loop before you park in the community/parking lot. Please do NOT loiter in your vehicle at the loop.
- We will have every gate on the perimeter of campus open so that families can park in the community and can walk through campus to access the stadium.
- We strongly encourage you to carpool with friends/family. Be sure there are no valuables visible in your vehicle.
- Please be sure not to block the driveways of our campus neighbors and to be respectful of their homes/property by not leaving garbage or other items in the neighborhood.
- There will be two entrances - beginning at 7pm, both main gates (off the main parking lot by J Street) will be open, and the gate off the lot on Nicolaus/by baseball fields will be open. You can access bleacher seating from either gate
- Guests cannot bring in popups, coolers or other large/bulky items that take up space beyond your own seat or would obstruct the views of guests.
- If you bring an umbrella, we will ask you to close it before the ceremony begins.
- If you bring items like flowers or balloons, we will ask you sit at the edge or top of the bleachers or otherwise out of the way so that you do not obstruct the views of our guests.
- Guests cannot save space for others in the bleachers. Seating is first come first serve.
There is accessible seating in both the home and visitor bleachers.
- Guests will need to climb a few steps (there is a rail) or use the ramp to access the seating.
- We ask that guests who require accessible seating sit there with one family member and have the rest of their family sit in the traditional bleachers so that all guests can be safe and comfortable.
Should we run out of accessible seating in the bleachers, there will be additional seating available on the track in chairs that are against the edge of the bleachers.
- Our staff will make that seating available (for the guest who requires it plus one additional guest) if all accessible seating in the bleachers is taken.
- Hopefully the weather will be lovely, but it will likely be warm upon your arrival. By 8pm the stadium is shaded, and the temperatures should fall quickly. We will have bottled water available for purchase and we will have an ambulance and LPD on hand in case of any emergencies.
Senior Meeting
- Senior Letter in English / Spanish
- Senior Meeting Slide Show in English / Spanish
(updated 5/1/24)
A Few To Dos on the College and Career Front!
It's the last quarter of school and before you know it, school will be over. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
- If you would like to be involved over the summer, be sure to check on schoology for job postings, volunteer opportunities as well as summer learning opportunities. If you need more information, stop by the College and Career Center to see postings and additional information.
- If you are a Senior, we would love to get you on the map! Please email or stop by the College and Career Center and let us know where you are heading in the fall to pursue higher education.
- Seniors, also make sure you filled out your FAFSA and requested a transcript through parchment. Please come see Mrs. Vadgama if you need assistance. At the bottom of this newsletter are step-by-step directors to order a transcript. Transcript orders start here.
Drop by to see Mrs. Vadgama (our college and career technician). Her office is at the end of the 70s wing, or you can schedule an appointment by reaching out to svadgama@wpusd.org.
Playing Collegiate Athletics?
Each spring, we hold a special signing ceremony for our LHS Zebra Athletes who are playing collegiate sports at a 2 year or 4 year college in the fall. If that applies to your Senior, please take a minute to complete this form so we can be sure to include you in our planning.
Additionally, if this is applicable to you, please mark your calendar for Wednesday, 5/15 at 3:45. We will hold our signing celebration in the Pence Gym. Typically families decorate their athlete's table with memorabilia from their time at LHS and spirit that represents their new adventure. It's up to each family but we've often seen photos, and banners, balloons, and treats that represent the institution they are playing for.
(added 4/30/24)
Where is the Class of 2024 Headed this Fall?
We would LOVE to get your Senior on our map!!! Email Mrs. Vadgama and let her know where you are headed next year (svadgama@wpusd.org) or stop by to visit her at the end of the 70s wing! (updated 4/16/24)
Sober Grad!
Get your Tickets to Sober Grad NOW at https://gofan.co/app/school/CA22559 Prices go up to $60 after May 15.
We only have a few weeks left to plan and execute this senior celebration so we need everyone’s support. This is also a good time for underclassmen parents to join in and learn what it’s all about!!!
-Decorations 10-12 volunteers
-Entertainment & Logistics 4-5 volunteers
-Kitchen Crew 4-5 volunteers
-Raffle 1-2 volunteers
See you at an upcoming Sober Grad Planning Meeting - Monday, 5/6, and Monday, 6/3. Meetings are at 6pm at the LHS Library (decorations team gathers at 5:30p)!!!
Get more information by reaching out to zebrasobergrad@gmail.com. (updated 5/29/24)
Leis and Flowers for the Graduate!
Our Floral Design Team is selling leis, flower bouquets, and celebration teddy bears to help you surprise your graduate after the ceremony!
Items should be ordered in advance, and will be picked up in the Stadium AFTER Graduates are dropped off for graduation. Please note that graduates will NOT be allowed to wear these items during graduation but can be presented with them after the ceremony. This is the only exception for leis and similar items: California state law specifically protects students’ right to wear “traditional tribal regalia or recognized objects of religious or cultural significance as an adornment at school graduation ceremonies." (more specific information is here).
There will be items available to purchase the day of graduation but supplies may be limited! Pre-order your gifts today! All proceeds benefit the LHS Floral Design Program
Senior Parade!
We had an incredible 2 day parade through our Lincoln Schools. Check out the LHS Facebook or Insta pages to get a glimpse into this joyful tradition. (updated 5/23/24)
One of our most favorite senior traditions is taking our seniors back to their elementary and middle school in their caps and gowns to visit! It's a great opportunity for our seniors to thank teachers and staff who made a difference to them, the staff LOVE seeing their former students all grown up and hearing about what they have planned next, and it's incredible for our younger students to see our older students as role models! We are excited to share this special tradition with graduates from LHS, TBHS, and PHS!
We will visit schools on May 20 and May 21 during the school day. Permission slips are available in the office and in the Activity Center. Here is a copy of the permission slip (which you can print and use as well). (updated 5/9/24)
Senior Thank Yous!
With your teacher's permission (and at a time that they prefer!), use smart pass to schedule time to visit Mr. Morris in room 28. It'll take between 2-5 minutes total in his room.
Be prepared with something like: Hello, my name is ______. After graduation, I plan to _______. I would like to thank ______ for ________.
(updated 4/16/24)
Senior Spotlights!
You can submit a graduation photo or we can use your student's senior portrait! Click here to submit your student to be recognized. We'll be posting daily starting for the month of May (and maybe into June!). (updated 4/16/24)
Senior Slide Show!
Now Taking Photos!
- photos need to be school appropriate
- photos should be shared in landscape view (not portrait!)
- photos should be emailed to thigley@wpusd.org
We'll be sharing the slideshow on the last day of school, and we'll make it available for all seniors to view online - to submit your photos, email them to Mr. Higley at thigley@wpusd.org between now and Friday, May 24th. (updated 4/15/24)
The Step by Step Details
Steps to order a transcript:
- - lhs.wpusd.org
- - Academics
- - Counseling
- - Transcripts
- - Order Records
- - Sign in as New User if an account has not been created
If you have not created an account yet, you will be asked to create your profile. If you are a parent creating an account for your student(s), you will add students by clicking on "Profile" on the top right corner and selecting "Add Student". If you have more than one child, you can add them all to your account through this selection. If you have already created an account, make sure you verify you have the correct student selected by checking their name at the top of the page.
EXPERT TIP: open an account with a PERSONAL email address (not your @wpusd.org email).
7. - Order Your Transcript
8. - Where would you like to send the credential?
You can choose a school by using the search bar or you can select "I'm sending to myself or another individual". If you select that you are sending it to yourself or another individual, you will be asked to select which one of those two you are wanting. This can be used if you cannot find the college you need to send it to in the search bar or you are sending it to a business.
9. - Enter Recipients Information
The next screen will allow you to review who you are sending it to and payment information (the school pays for this service for current students).
On this page, you will also be asked to list when you would like it to be sent. If you select "Send Now", the transcript will be sent immediately. If you choose "Hold For Grades" the school will wait to send it to your recipient when the final Semester 2 grades are updated on the transcript. This is a great option for those that would like to order your final transcript ahead of time and have it automatically sent as soon as grades are finalized.
At the bottom of the page you will then sign and date that you give approval for your information to be released to your selected recipient.
10. - Once you complete your order, you will see an order confirmation screen.
We encourage you to order multiple transcripts - one to be sent to your home and one to be sent to your college/university/trade school. Please be sure to mark "HOLD FOR GRADES" and it will be sent in mid-June after Semester 2 grades are posted.
EXPERT TIP: order at least 3 transcripts - one for your own records, one you keep sealed at home in case of a crisis, and one you send to your next school/employer. Once you open a transcript it is no longer official - keep that in mind!
Orders are filled within 1 business day during the regular school year. If you enter a request between June 19th and July 21st 2023, your order may take up to a week to be completed.
EXPERT TIP: Do this NOW ...you do NOT want a crisis when you are trying to start college, school, or a job! We could tell you horror stories...don't let that be you! Do it NOW! We send all the transcripts out in a big batch on the Tuesday after graduation (or as soon as grades are finalized).
Note that electronic transcripts are FREE through October 12th. Print copies are $7 each.
If you have any questions, check in with Mrs. Couvrette (acouvrette@wpusd.org). Note that it may take 24-48 hours for her to respond to your question! (updated 4/30/24)
Lincoln High School
Email: jhladun@wpusd.org
Website: lhs.wpusd.org
Phone: 916 645 6360
Facebook: facebook.com/LincolnHighSchoolWPUSD