Updated Information
Week ending January 26
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Kid's Heart Challenge-Week of February 12th-Please sign up!
What can it be???
Valentine's Day Information
If your child is going to participate in Valentine's Day, they must make a Valentine for each student in their class. Your child's teacher will provide a list of names.
Candy or any other food not on this list will be sent back home
These are the ONLY food items that may be sent in.
Skinny Pop
Rice Krispy treats
Oreo cookies
Go-Go Squeeze applesauce
Pirate Booty popcorn
Welch's Fruit Snacks
Mott's children's apple juice
Capri Sun juice
Virtual BOE Meetings
Good afternoon-
The BOE budget Workshops on 1/30 (5:00) and 2/1 (6:00) will be in person. There is no public comment for those meetings but the public may attend
Please reach out with any questions you may have-Mrs. Weber
Weather Information
All weather related announcements will be posted on the Shelton Public Schools website as well as on social media. Please do not call the schools asking if we are dismissing early-we need to keep the phone lines clear.
If there is a delayed opening, buses will arrive 2 or 3 hours later (depending on what kind of delayed opening was called) than their usual morning pick up time. The school building will NOT open for students prior to 10:45 with a 2 hour delay or 11:45 with a 3 hour delay (unless you are a registered member of the Boys and Girls club)-there are no exceptions to this.
There is NO BREAKFAST on delayed opening days
All students must bring a change of shoes if they come to school in snow/rain boots. We will call you to bring them in if they do not have any.
With the snow day on Tuesday, our tentative last day of school has moved and now will be Monday June 10th. Each snow day adds another day onto the end of the school year. If for some reason we have an excessive amount of snow days, April break could be impacted.
Posters to help all our learners with feelings and behaviors
All classes had discussions on feelings, what you can do when you feel that way, and what are acceptable/non acceptable behaviors
Calling All Heritages!
Parents/Families: Do you remember a game from your childhood? From your heritage or country? A fun activity for kids?? We invite you to share with the students at ESS! Our school is planning a day of fun for February 29, 2024!!
Let us know if you have a game/activity to share with your child's class or grade level. We are looking for volunteers to come to school and teach us FUN in a unique way
Click on the link here to sign up-https://forms.gle/bMTpLhqp81eYtFZw6
VORS Focus for Janaury-Review of Flexibility, Teamwork and Initiative
I can show initative, be flexible and be a good team member everyday
Updated Information
This week's news:
The students did a great job with their testing! I am so proud of them all!
It has been hard staying in all day with the dreary weather too but hopefully we can get out for recess on a more consistent basis
I have included the link to the BOE meeting above. If you haven't seen it, I would recommend you watch so you know the current state of affairs in the district, especially in terms of budget
Thank you to those who have donated to our sock drive-we have a great amount to send off-thank you so much!
So far we have added over circles to our reading caterpillar-keep those books coming
Have a great weekend-see you all on Monday hopefully-stay warm!
Mrs Weber
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Cody Gallagher, or Mr. Cody, our student teacher for speech. Cody is a Speech Language Pathology graduate student at Calvin University. He will be graduating in December and is excited to soon start his own carrer as a speech language pathologist. He will be with me from mid-January through April. Under my supervision, he will be conducting small group and individual sessions, co-teaching, and administering assessments.
Please reach out to me if you have any questions!
Thank you so much,
Linsey Paliani
Old News
Old News-
- Please remind your child about expected behaviors on the bus and at school. Students are needing many reminders about speaking nicely to one another as well as toward staff members. If a behavior referral is sent home, please review it with your child. Have a strong home/school connections is so important. Thank you for your help with this.
We have designated visitor parking in front of the school. Please use those spaces when you come to school. Parking is not allowed at any time in the fire lanes or in front of the school after 3:00 when buses begin to arrive
- The students are continuing to work hard each day. I am so impressed with the progress both academically and behaviorally-keep up the good work!
- Please be sure you send your child dressed for outdoor recess each day-we will go outside for recess each day unless it is actively raining or snowing. If your child comes to school without a coat, there are many available in the lost and found for them to put on
- If you send your child to school in rain or snow boots, they must have a change of shoes with them. Those boots are very warm and bulky to wear all day long
- Please be sure your child finishes any donuts/breakfast foods, coffees or Starbucks drinks prior to arriving at school. We have so many allergies in classrooms-we need to keep everyone safe-thank you
- We are continuing to have a problem with parent drop off and pick up parking. You may NOT park in the fire lanes-it is a hazard. Also you may NOT move the cones that are set up to prevent access. The police have noticed and mentioned that they may be ticketing cars if the practice continues-this is for the safety of all involved
Please be sure your child is in school appropriate footwear-crocs are super cute but not practical for the playground.
- Spirit days are fun ways to unite as a school. They are optional and if you do not want your child to participate, that is completely fine. The schedule for the year is attached below
- Just a reminder that any medications must be brought to ESS by an adult. Students are not allowed to have medications in their backpacks at any time
- If your child is arriving in the morning after the doors are closed, please do not just drop your child and drive away. Please walk your child to the front door and ring the bell and we will escort them to their classroom
As stated in the rules/expectations that were sent out and are also linked below please remember that
- Student cell phones and smart watches must remain in backpacks in the off position during the school day. Students are not allowed to use these devices while at school. If your child contacts you during the day, please call the office instead of responding.
- Be sure to label all student items including jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles and lunch boxes. We have an overflowing lost and found collection each year. Anything left at the end of the year will be donated
- We have designated visitor parking in front of the school. Please use those spaces when you come to school. Parking is not allowed at any time in the fire lanes or in front of the school after 3:00 when buses begin to arrive .
Important Dates
- February 5- 100 th day of school (as of 1/26/24)
- February 7-Stripes day
- February 14-Valentine's Day-please see info above
- February 15-Early Dismissal Day
- February 16-19-School closed for February Break
- February 21-Laser Light Show-thanks to the PTO
- February 22-Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- PTO Meeting-6:30
- February 23-Grade 1 In School Field Trip
- February 29-Heritage game day-see above
Sign up to Volunteer in the Media Center
Important Links
- Please be sure you have read and have familiarized yourself with all the rules/expectations at ESS-especially about morning arrival and afternoon dismissal https://www.smore.com/app/pages/preview/mh5j6
- Link to our school website which contains lots of information-http://elizabethshelton.sheltonpublicschools.org/home_page
PTO Information
PTO Information
ESS PTO Updates: What You Need to Know!
Hello ESS Families,
Thank you to everyone that attended our virtual meeting last week! Below are the highlights of what we discussed and a reminder of our upcoming events:
- Yearbook – Reminder: Link is live to upload photos to the ESS Yearbook: https://buytheyearbook.pictavo.com/PictavoSchool/FindSchool
You can upload photos of your child that are posted to Class Dojo
- Kids Heart Challenge - Click here to register for Elizabeth Shelton Elementary School.
Our event is kicking off on 01/15/2024 and will conclude on 02/23/2024 – the goal for ESS this year is to raise $16,000! Our donation due date is 02/15/2024.
Important Dates for 2024:
- Board of Ed Meetings - The next upcoming BOE budget meeting will be virtual on January 30th at 5:00pm. In Mrs. Weber’s budget request, she asked for a full-time guidance counselor or a part time social worker, to be able to keep four sections of each grade level so that class sizes remain under 30 and 4 full time special area teachers like we have now.
This is the link to watch the meetings live:
- Murder Mystery at Caloroso - (Thursday Feb 8th) 6:00-9:00pm ADULTS ONLY – Click here for more information and to purchase tickets: https://esspto.membershiptoolkit.com/
- VIP & Me Dance at ESS - (Friday March 1st) 5:30-7:30pm – Ticket sales will be available soon
- Spring Book Fair at ESS – (Week of March 18th )
- Spring Snack & Craft in the Classroom – (Thursday March 28th) - Room Parents please coordinate with your classroom teachers
- Duck Pin Bowling - (Friday April 19th) 2 sessions will be offered 5:30pm and 7:30pm – Ticket sales will be available soon
- Staff/Teacher Appreciation Week - (Week of May 6th)
- Quassy Family Night - (Friday May 10th) beginning at 4:30pm – Rain Date TBD
- Plant Sale at ESS – (Thursday May 9th and Friday May 10th)
- End of Year Party at ESS – (Friday May 31st) 5:30 – 7:30pm
NEXT PTO MEETING - THURSDAY FEB 22nd (6:30pm – Virtual – Link will be provided in advance of the meeting)
For questions or additional information please reach out to:
Dawn Coppola (dawn_m_coppola@uhc.com) or Darcy Epstein (darcy.bashar@gmail.com)
Thank you for your support!