Chester Ronning School
September 2024

Principal's Message
Dear Chester Ronning School Community,
Welcome back, everyone!
It's just a few days into September and we have had a terrific start to the year. Our first crack at "Unpack Your Backpack" seemed to be a success and we estimated that close to half of our students and families were able to stop by and meet their homeroom teacher on the Friday before school started. This week, the students have been settling into their new class routines and our staff has gotten to know more about them and, as always, they are working hard to provide them with meaningful learning experiences.
We will continue to emphasize academics, wellness and engagement here at CRS. When it comes to engagement, that also includes you and the rest of our larger school community. We are looking forward to getting to know you and to work with you to ensure your child’s success! Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher or to Mr. Pederson and myself in the office if you have questions or something to share about your child.
If you are not already familiar with our School Handbook, I encourage you to visit our website and give it a look. There are a couple of handbook items that I especially want to highlight at the start of the school year:
- The Alberta Government has implemented new rules around the use of personal electronic devices in schools and our handbook has been updated accordingly. Cell phones and other devices have rarely been a concern at CRS in the past but we recognize that increasingly children may own devices at earlier ages and we encourage all families to be familiar with the new landscape.
- Our focus on student attendance will continue in 2024-2025. Besides the legal obligation for children between the ages of 6-16 to attend school, we know that regular and punctual attendance contributes positively to both the academic and social success of students. According to our attendance policy, teachers will continue to communicate when attendance is becoming a concern and the office will send monthly notices when a student has consecutive months of poor attendance.
It’s going to be a great year!
Reid Lansing
CRS Principal
Important Information For This School Year!
2024-2025 CRS Staff
Principal - Mr. Lansing (Phys. Ed and Wellness)
Assistant Principal - Mr. Pederson (Grade 3 Phys. Ed and Wellness, Grade 2 Music)
Teaching Staff
Kindergarten - Mrs. Bradley and Miss DeRudder
Grade 1 - Ms. Doering, Mme Schuster, Ms. Bratrud
Grade 2 - Mrs. Martin and Miss Cava
Grade 3 - Mrs. Pacholek and Mr. Hills
Grade 4 - Mrs. Olson, Mrs. Foss and Mrs. Kroetch
Grade 5 - Mrs. Kroetch, Mr. Fox and Mr. Jensen
Mme Lunty - Grade 4 and 5 Music and French,
Support Staff
Learning Commons - Mrs. Green
Admin. Assistant - Mrs. MacKay and Mrs. Beck
Educational Assistants - Mrs. Kostura, Mrs. Eshpeter, Mrs. Bouck, Mrs. DeLeeuw, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. Hycha
Calendar of Important Dates For The New School Year 2024-2025
September 3 - Classes Start at 8:15 AM
September 4 - KMW Orientation - Calendar
September 5 - KTT Orientation - Calendar
September 9 - First day of class for KMW
September 10 - First day of class for KTT
September 16 - Breakfast program starts
September 30 - No School - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
September 30 - All Verifications Forms Are Due For Every Student
Chester Ronning School Office
CRS Office hours are: 8am - 12:15 pm and 12:45 pm - 3:15pm.
If you are calling and don't reach anyone, please leave a message or try again. We do our best to answer every phone call, but taking care of a student always comes first and we occasionally may miss a call, so leave us a message or try again.
As Mrs. MacKay and Mrs. Beck are job sharing and have days that we won't be in the office, if you are emailing about daily attendance absences, please use this email instead to allow for both admin assistants to see the message: chesterronning-aa@brsd.ab.ca
School Bell Times For Next Year
8:00 am - Outdoor supervision of students begins
8:15 am - School Starts; Please do your best to have students here on time.
10:05 am - Morning recess
11:20 am - 12:00 pm - Lunch Break
1:45 pm - Afternoon Recess
3:00 pm - Dismissal
There will be no early dismissals this year.
Verification Forms Are Due September 30, 2024
These forms are used to confirm student's information. We require a form be completed for EACH student for EVERY new school year. These forms help keep students safe at the school. Forms are now available. Please contact us if you need help with your PowerSchool login (or follow the instructions below).
If forms are not completed by September 30, students will lose their computer and field trip privileges.
Breakfast Club
We will offer a quick grab and go breakfast snack in each classroom starting on Monday September 16, 2024 at 8:15am. The students will be given a few minutes to finish their breakfast before the school day starts. There will be no early entry to the school.
Chocolate Fundraiser
Chocolate Fundraiser
Back by popular demand, we are once again fundraising by selling chocolate almonds through World's Finest Chocolates. We are only able to take online orders - a link to order will be sent out soon. The funds raised are used to support student activities and field trips throughout the year.
The deadline to get your orders in is: Sunday October 6, 2024 at 11:59 PM
More details will be sent out shortly!
Mabels Label
How many items did your child lose this year? With this win-win solution, you can create custom labels for your child's items (boots, jackets, lunch kits, etc.) while supporting Chester Ronning's fundraising efforts that go toward supporting our students!
City of Camrose Transportation
The City of Camrose would like to provide an update on a couple upcoming changes to the Community Bus. Starting Tuesday, July 2nd the City will be launching a revised route AND will no longer be charging a fare.
Hope Mission Monthly Meal Supplement
Families can text or call for more information on our program
phone: (780) 314-8162
School Contact Information
Mr. Lansing, Principal - rlansing@brsd.ab.ca
Mr. Pederson, Assistant Principal - npederson@brsd.ab.ca
Chester Ronning School website - cronning.brsd.ab.ca
General Admin Assistant email: chesterronning-aa@brsd.ab.ca
Battle River School Division website - brsd.ab.ca