Welcome Back Ozark Staff!
What you need to know to kick off the 2018-19 school year
Literacy/Math/PD Academy
Next week will be a busy week.
Literacy/Math Academy is Monday and Tuesday, Aug. 6 & 7 at District Office:
Aug. 6:
Aug. 7:
Professional Development Academy is Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 8 & 9 at the high school.
Academy Childcare
Tiger Care is offering childcare during Literacy/Math/PD Academy week. The program must have a minimum of 10 kids each day. Deadline to sign up is Aug. 2 at 5 p.m.
If we don't have at least 10 kids registered, there will not be a program.
The program will be located at North Elementary. Hours will be 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for $25 a day; sibling rate is $15. Parents must bring a sack lunch. Afternoon snack will be provided, but not snack milk.
If you have questions, email Stephanie Phillips or call at (417) 693-7325.
District Administration
Welcome New Teachers
Here is a link to all the photos from the luncheon. And here is a link to the slides so you can put a face with a name.
If you see these new teachers around, give them a warm Tiger welcome.
We are Ozark T-shirt
Teacher Workdays Childcare
Tiger Care is offering childcare during teacher workdays Aug. 13-15. Deadline to sign up is Aug. 6 at 5 p.m.
If we don't have at least 10 kids registered, there will not be a program.
The program will be located at North Elementary. Hours will be 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for $25 a day; sibling rate is $15. Parents must bring a sack lunch. Afternoon snack will be provided, but not snack milk.
If you have questions, email Stephanie Phillips or call at (417) 693-7325.
There's an App for That!
Cafeteria Charge Limit
Please note that, new this year, the school cafeteria has a charge limit. The maximum amount staff will be allowed to charge is $10.
Tiger Spotlight
This year the Communications Department is trying something new: Tiger Spotlight. We hope the spotlights, which will be shared on social media and in Tiger E-news, will bring more awareness to our staff and all the amazing things you do every day for our students.
See the attached spotlight on the Communications Department to get a better idea of what this will look like, and learn more about us — Communications Director Casey Owens and Marketing Specialist Amelia Wigton.
Payroll Deductions
Care To Learn provides immediate funding and action to meet any emergent health, hunger or hygiene issue a child might have; addressing a physical need, restoring respect, and getting that child back in the classroom.
Ozark Cares Network (OCN) fills in the gaps for items, such as school supplies, that Care to Learn does not provide.
Ozark School District Foundation provides grants that benefit the staff and students of Ozark School District.
TIger Care Program
The Ozark Tiger Care Program is available for the children of Ozark School employees for the upcoming 2018-19 school year. A one-time yearly snack fee of $50 will be charged with maximum of $100 per family. This non-refundable fee will need to accompany the application, which can be downloaded here.
If you have any questions, call Stephanie Phillips at (417) 693-7325 or email stephaniephillips@ozarktigers.org.
Ozark School District
Email: caseyowens@ozarktigers.org
Website: www.ozarktigers.org
Location: 302 North 4th Avenue, Ozark, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 582-5900
Facebook: facebook.com/ozarkschooldistrict
Twitter: @OzarkTigers