August/September 2024
Dear FSH Family Members and Friends
We are BRUINS and we have CLASS!
Character Leadership Attitude Service Scholarship!
It is with GREAT excitement that I’d like to introduce myself to the Fargo South family! I officially joined the Fargo Public School system on July 1st and the first month's experiences have been amazing. I have already met some of the staff, students and families of this incredible community. I have also experienced firsthand the deep sense of pride that accompanies Fargo South High School. Students and staff whom I have had conversations with have shared their perceptions about what it means to be a Bruin and have all talked highly about Bruin CLASS. These conversations have left an inspiring impression on me. Bruin CLASS is clearly alive, and we will proudly continue promoting and highlighting Bruin CLASS in everything we do. We are a community, so we also ask for your help in promoting Bruin CLASS with the students and sharing the positive messages of FSHS with the community at large.
The 2024-25 school year will be full of new learning experiences, not only for me but for all of us. As we work together, there are four deep-rooted guarantees that you can be assured you will always experience from me as the new principal.
- The safety, opportunities, achievement, growth and well-being of the students and staff of FSHS will always be my focus.
- I will work hard to acknowledge and celebrate the many successes that we experience at South High School.
- I will collaborate with others to improve identified growth areas of our school.
- I will carry the torch honoring the incredible work already accomplished and pride deeply established during the past 56 years of Bruin existence.
In working with the FSHS administrative team, we have identified our goal that directly connects to the district’s strategic plan. Our goal for Fargo South is to increase the number of our students qualifying as “Choice Ready” by the end of their senior year. “Choice Ready” elements will be referenced from varying aspects of the school for 9th-12th grade students including topics such as attendance and involvement in activities, to behavior, post-secondary planning and academic performance. By working together, we can achieve our goal so please watch for more details and communication.
To be effective partners we need to establish proper communication. We ask that all Bruin families update and/or complete the registration information electronically through your PowerSchool account. Please login to your account and complete the required information (select Forms on the left-hand side), also submit the necessary payment for any school fees. If you do not have a PowerSchool account or need assistance with registration and/or fee payments, please contact the counseling office at 701.446.2015.
Our partnership requires us to work together in support to ensure students attend school daily, engage in the learning process, complete their work to the best of their ability, have a great attitude and display respectful behavior for themselves, other students and the adults in the building. As we enter this next journey together, I look forward to meeting even more of the incredible students, staff and families of the Fargo South High School community and creating great partnerships in the mission of our school district: “Educating and Empowering ALL students to succeed.”
Fargo South High School has 9 new staff members who have been hired and will be great additions to our amazing team!
· Bobbi Hennessy-FACS
· Rina Nadeau-Health Science
· Tristan Byer-Music
· Cameron Finley-Science
· Jessica Gernentz-Social Studies
· Tricia Bry-Special Services
· Bill Burbeck-Vocational/Technical
· Shana Brummer-World Language
· Heidi Moritz-Counseling
I’d like you to help me welcome them to the Bruin community!
If we can be of further assistance, please contact the main office at 701.446.2000. You are encouraged to stay current with Bruin information and news by viewing the school webpage ( and by following the school twitter accounts (@FargoSouthHigh) and (@fshactivities). All future newsletters will only be available by email notifications and or by accessing the school website.
2024-25 is going to be a GREAT year to be a Bruin and I’m looking forward to seeing the Bruin students on Wednesday August 28th for the first day of class!
Kristi Brandt
In an effort for you to learn a little about me, I’d like to summarize some of the highlights of both my personal and professional life. Personally: I am married to the Reverend Doctor Terry Brandt who enthusiastically works at Concordia College as the Vice President for Advancement. The upper Midwest is home for us. Terry is from Southern MN and I am from Northwest Iowa. We both attended Southwest State University in Marshall, MN together and started our family in MN. Terry and I have 3 children who are all young adults living and/or working in the Fargo/Moorhead area. Lindsay is an educator, Kallie works at Scheels and Austin is finishing his last year at NDSCS in the Precision Agriculture program. As a family, we enjoy our English Bulldogs, music concerts, and all things “lake life” on Leech Lake or any body of water.
Professionally: this is my 28th year in education. I started my education experiences in Crosby, ND as a substitute teacher after I had earned my undergraduate degree in science education. I continued my education by earning a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership, along with an additional Master’s degree in Education Administration. I have been employed full-time as a middle school science teacher, softball and volleyball coach, dean of students, activities director, assistant principal, and lead principal over my tenure in education. I feel these experiences have all prepared me for this position at Fargo South High School. I enjoy building relationships, having friendly competition, being positive and experiencing a sense of fun; However, I also strongly value and embrace learning, improving and working collaboratively towards a goal.
The Fargo Public School District is a district that others aspire to be a part of and I’m honored to be in this role. I will do my best to serve the students, families, staff and community to the best of my ability. Thank you to those who have welcomed me already and I look forward to those I have yet to meet.
With Bruin CLASS
Kristi S. Brandt, Principal
Freshmen orientation will begin August 12th thru August 15th. Scheduled conferences and times have been mailed to freshmen and their parents outlining registration events. Please contact the counseling office at 701-446-2015 if you did not receive a letter or if your time will not work. Please enter the main entrance of the school on 15th Avenue (North doors) and report to the Student Ambassador table
Registration will be in the commons.
9:00 - 3:00
10:00 - 2:00
Registration Procedures:
Online Registration needs to be completed before you can complete list below.
Pick up Schedule
Pick up Computer in Library
Get Locker Assignment if Needed
Parents/guardians of all Fargo Public Schools students will review, update, and complete their children’s annual student information update forms and make lunch account and annual fee payments ONLINE. Access to these online forms and fee payment is done through the Fargo Public Schools PowerSchool Parent site. Each Fargo Public Schools family should have ONE PowerSchool account with all the household’s student(s) attached, and then update information through that PowerSchool Parent account each school year thereafter.
Click here to go online to PowerSchool to complete/update student information forms for the 2024-25 school year NOW.
What is a PowerSchool Parent Account?
In addition to annual student information update forms, your PowerSchool Parent account gives you access to your child's attendance records and lunch account balance, along with access to your middle and high school child's daily assignments and current grades
New Families
How to Set Up a PowerSchool Parent Account
If you have never created a PowerSchool Parent account, follow these instructions for creating a parent account in the FPS PowerSchool system:
- Visit the PowerSchool page.
- Click the Create Account tab under Student and Parent Sign In and then click the Create Account button
- Enter the primary parent’s information under Create Parent Account (all fields are required)
- Choose a Desired Username that will be easy to remember (Do NOT use any spaces or special characters)
- Choose a Password that is easy to remember (You must use at least 8 characters)
- Add all or at least one of your children in your household under Link Students to Account
- If you need Access ID and Access Password information, contact the school (you can add more children later)
- Click Enter
- If everything entered was correct you will be returned to the top of the PowerSchool login page
- You may now log into PowerSchool using the parent Username and Password that you created
If you need assistance, please FIRST contact your child's school office. If there is no answer during regular business hours, you may submit your help request online for assistance.
Returning Families
Returning District families should have previously created a PowerSchool Parent account and attached all students in the household who attended school during the 2023-24 school year.
If a returning family has a child who will be a new student to Fargo Public Schools in the 2024-25 school year, the parent/guardian should go to the Registration Page on the Fargo Public Schools public website and click New to the District Enrollment. A Pre-Registration form will be presented, allowing you to start the new enrollment process for this child. After the pre-registration form is accepted by the incoming school, you will be able to add this child to your existing PowerSchool Parent account.
IMPORTANT: All returning Fargo Public Schools families must verify family information and complete annual student information updates for the coming school year PRIOR TO when their child(ren) attend any orientation or back-to-school sessions in August. Middle and high school students will NOT receive their class schedule and/or school-issued laptop until online PowerSchool annual student information update forms have been verified and updated for the 2024-25 school year.
If you do not have access to the Internet at home, there are kiosks available outside the counseling office for you to complete the forms.
Student Activity Pass $30
2024-25 Yearbook $60
Activity Fee $50/Activity
Parking Permit - $40
Homecoming T-Shirt $12
Booster Club - Any Amount
Lunch Account - Any Amount
Breakfast - $1.85
Lunch - $2.95
Ala Carte - can be purchased for additional cost
A Participation Fee for sports and other activities at the high school level is $50.00 per activity; and the junior high fee is $30.00. Fees for the fall activities are due no later than August 30th.
A student FPS season activity pass may be purchased for $30.00. The activity pass is good for events at South, North, or Davies, with the exception of tournaments. Activity passes can also be used at plays and musicals.
Adults may also purchase a season activity pass for $75.00 per person or a punch card, which both can be used at South/North/Davies events. The punch card comes with either 5 or 10 punches per card and cost is $25.00 or $50.00. These will only be available to purchase at the games.
Tickets purchased at the gate will be as follows:
All students (grades 1 – 12) $4.00
Adults $6.00
Breakfast and lunch are available to all students. The cost for breakfast is $1.85 and lunch is $2.95. There will also be some ala carte items that will be available for purchase.
Households wishing to apply for Free or Reduced-Price Meals may apply by submitting a Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application (ex. shown below). It is only necessary to submit one application per household.
In addition to receiving free and reduced price meals, households can receive additional benefits including:
- Waived band rentals, activity fees, exam fees, and others
- Increase funding to the district for educational programs through Title 1 funding, foundation aid, e-rate for technology grants, and others
For more information about Free or Reduced-Priced Meals or the Student Fees Assistance and Benefits Application, visit the FPS Nutritional Services Department website. If you need assistance with the application, call FPS Nutrition Services at 701.446.1153.
EZMeal App
2024-25 YEARBOOK
Students can order 2024-25 yearbooks online when when completing your registration for $60. The yearbook is a full-color book with memorable stories, eye-catching photos, and cutting-edge graphics and layouts.
Yearbooks will be available to be picked up during registration on August 13th & 14th.
Yearbooks not picked up during this time will be available at the bookkeeping window.
This year students will not have a locker assignment listed on their schedule. Students can choose to be assigned a locker during registration or they can stop in the office anytime after school starts. Once a locker is assigned, the expectation is that the lock needs to be kept on their locker and locked at all times. They should also not share the combination with anyone. If the lock is lost or stolen, a new lock will be put on and there will be a $5.00 replacement fee.
Heidi Moritz - (A - F)
Dennis Miller - (G - K)
MJ Andersen - (L - R)
Adrienne Eider - (S - Z)
If a scheduled adjustment is requested, students will be required to complete an adjustment form, found on the backside of their class schedule, and signed by their parent. The form must be submitted by 3:00pm, Thursday, August 15th. Forms will be reviewed by administration and counselors. Students will be able to check their schedule for changes on their device anytime after August 20th.
On August 26th from 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM, all parents are invited to South High School to meet your son/daughter’s teachers for the first semester, tour the building, and inquire about course curriculums. South High teachers, counselors, and administration will be available to answer questions regarding South curricular and co-curricular opportunities. Student Bruin Ambassadors will also be assisting with providing directions to teacher classrooms. You are encouraged to have your son/daughter’s schedule electronically through Power School. If not, a schedule can be provided in the main office.
Bruin Booster and PTSA representatives will also be available to assist with membership.
We look forward to seeing you on Monday, August 26th between 4:00 – 7:00 PM and partnering with you this year.
Students enrolled in AP Economics, AP Government, Anatomy/Physiology, AP Physics, AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Psychology, AP US History, Pre Calculus, College Algebra, College Trigonometry, AP Statistics, Medical Terminology, CNA, Health Science 2, Exploring Business Software, Introduction to Education, Teaching Field Experience, Educating the Exceptional Student, IT Essential, Construction Tech 2 and Manufacturing 1 & 3 are encouraged to register for dual-credit through the North Dakota Colleges.
South students, who meet the requirements, earn college credit while being taught by South instructors as part of their regular school day. To qualify for dual credit, students must be in grades 10, 11, or 12, must meet enrollment requirements, and it is recommended that students have a minimum GPA of 3.0 Students are responsible for tuition costs of approximately $90.00 per credit. Scholarships for dual credit are available to qualifying students.
For more information, please contact South High counselor.
South High School is the first school in North Dakota to become a BARR school. Building Assets Reducing Risks program is a strength-based educational model that provides schools with a comprehensive approach to meeting the academic, social, and emotional needs of students through the power of data and relationships. BARR focuses on positive intentional relationships between staff and students. The BARR model will assist the Class of 2028 in successfully transitioning to high school. Teams of teachers will work with the same group of students throughout the year and hold weekly meetings to determine appropriate supports as needed.
More than 100,000 students across the country have benefited from BARR programming. BARR’s mission is to create equitable schools so that every student, regardless of race, ethnicity, or economic status has access to high-quality education where adults know them, recognize their strengths, and help them succeed.
ATTENDANCE OFFICE (701) 446-2023
Good attendance, whether at school or on the job, is very important. If a student must be absent from school, please call Katherine Jund @ (701) 446-2023.
Class attendance will be reported daily by period. It is the intent of the attendance secretary to contact parents at home or work the same day by phone to directly report any class(es) that have been reported as absent.
Students are limited to ten absences in any class per semester. These absences DO include illness, parental requests, trips, college visits, appointments, and unexcused absences. The limit of ten DOES NOT include school activities or funerals. After a student reaches a limit of ten absences in a class, the student is required to bring a note from a physician stating that he/she is too ill to attend school. Any student surpassing the limit will be in jeopardy of losing credit. Principals are allowed to grant exceptions to the policy for extenuating circumstances.
If you would like to pre-order your pictures, go to:
The pre-order link will be available until Thursday, September 5th @ 11:59PM.
Look for the Fargo Public Schools “Energy Saver Transportation 2024-25 Route Schedules” in your mailbox sometime the middle of August. For more information you can contact our transportation department at 446-1016.
The school nurse, Christie Matlock, will be available daily during the hours of 8:15am –3:00pm to provide essential health related services such as assessing health problems, interventions with health concerns, assisting in emergency care plans for identified students, reviewing students’ immunizations, dispensing medications, assisting in health related programs in schools, and providing advice on health related issues.
Prescription and non-prescription (over the counter) medications required by all students shall be administered by a parent at home or by the student’s medical provider if possible. Parents shall use every effort to have medication administration times set for time periods other than school hours.
Any prescription medication to be administered must be accompanied by a completed “Prescription or Over the Counter Authorization for Medication Administration” form (AF6720-A) which must be signed by the student’s parent or legal guardian and the student’s dentist, physician, and/or other licensed prescriber and this must be on file with the school nurse.
The medication policy as well as any needed forms can be found on the Fargo Public School website under the tab for Registration. Parents may substitute the AF6720 form with a copy of the prescription written by the physician along with written permission to administer said medication by the parent/guardian. If you have any questions feel free to contact the school nurse at 446-2034.
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on-time childhood immunizations are essential because they help provide immunity before kids are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases. As that protection wears off, teens need vaccines to extend protection. Being up-to-date with immunizations is critical in keeping kids and communities safe and healthy. Fargo Cass Public Health will hold back-to-school vaccine clinics on August 7, 14, 21, and 27, from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Fargo Cass Public Health is located at 1240 25th St S, Fargo. Call 701-241-1383 to make your appointment today.
Phone messages for students will be delivered only in case of emergencies. Interrupting a class to deliver a message or to call a student out of class takes instruction time away from the rest of the students. Please remind your student of appointments, rides, etc. before they leave for school. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
ALSO, we do not accept deliveries of flowers, balloons, food from Door Dash or other non-educational items for students.
Emergency food assistance is available for South High students that is free, anonymous, and confidential.
The Bruin pantry provides ongoing food assistance services along with the Great Plains Food Bank. Most of the items available are shelf stable, nutritious, and easy to prepare so students are able to make meals for themselves as much as possible. Some staples that should be available are: peanut butter and jelly, crackers, canned tuna or chicken, cereal, canned soups and pasta meals, applesauce, canned fruit, granola bars, fruit bars, hygiene products, clothing and other miscellaneous items.
For more information or questions, please talk with any Fargo South teacher, administrator, counselor, or staff member.
If you are interested in donating to the Bruin pantry, please contact the main office @ 701-446-2000.
Fargo Public Schools has changed to a new mass communication system for the 2024-25 school year called BrightArrow Mass Communication. Through BrightArrow, FPS will send emails, phone calls and text messages to staff and families to keep them updated on school happenings, emergency situations, and school cancelations.
You should have received a text message from Fargo Public Schools on July 30. This message came from number 79041 to your phone. The message read “Fargo Public Schools would like to continue sending you text messages. To receive these messages, please reply YES.” In order to receive text messages from FPS and your school(s), you must respond with a YES to continue receiving text messages. Not responding or replying NO will block your phone from receiving future texts.
If for some reason you did not receive the message or forget to respond, you can text 79041 at anytime with YES and you will be automatically opted-in to receive text messages from Fargo Public Schools.
Once you opt-in, the system will provide you with a text that reads “You are subscribed with BrightArrow. Text STOP to cancel or HELP for information. Message frequency is recurring. Msg&data rates may apply.”
Thank you for your attention to this matter. FPS and South High rely on our mass notification system to keep you up to date and informed on all school issues.
Membership Information
Join us for meetings the second Monday every other month starting September at South High School at 6:00 p.m. in the main Office Conference Room. The schedule and additional information can be found at the PTSA link on the South High School website
Fargo South PTSA supports with finances and/or volunteers:
Arts Reflection Program
City, State & National PTA
Back-to-School night
National Honor Society
Post Prom Event
Senior All Night Party
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Other Requests by South and PTSA Members
Student and Staff Recognition
We have many opportunities for you to help, some of the activities that the PTSA sponsors include: Staff Appreciation Meals, Grand March/Post Prom Party and Senior All Night Party
We encourage each parent, teacher and student to join!
Online registration is available via Power School and School Pay (non profit groups)
Membership must be paid separately from school fees
$10 single membership or $20 family membership
Any questions please contact Julie Peterson-Klein @ or 701-238-8525.
We invite you to join the Fargo South Bruin Booster Club. We support our students and ALL school-related activities.
Membership dollars directly benefit students and encourage students’ ability to participate in athletics, music, speech, drama, debate, student congress, dozens of other clubs, and so much more. The Booster Club contributes thousands of dollars every year to support our students and school activities.
Booster Club support can be as simple as providing complimentary pom-poms to fans during Homecoming, covering participation fees for students to attend an honor band activity, or bridging funding gaps for event streaming broadcasts. We’ve invested in equipment for the weight room, provided a pitching machine for the baseball team, updated and upgraded warm-ups for multiple sports teams and so much more. Post-prom and Senior night festivities rely on Booster funding. We fill the gaps. We raise the bar.
Join us to help guarantee South students have what they need when they need it. It’s easy to become a member. Individual memberships are just $20 for one adult. Many Fargo South families find value in our Paw and Bruin Membership levels. The Paw ($100) provides club membership for one adult and includes one activity pass for Fargo Public School events. The Bruin ($200) provides club membership for two adults and includes two activity passes.
A variety of club memberships can be purchased via the SchoolPay portal found in PowerSchool. Look for “South Booster Club” to get signed up online. We also welcome membership applications and payment via check. All memberships are valid for one year and run concurrently with each school year.
Does your company or business want to share their Bruin pride? We have advertising opportunities both on our digital sign on 17th Avenue South and in our stadium. An extra big thank you to Midco, 1st International Bank, Gate City Bank, and Craftwell for your support. It takes a village!
Have questions or want to connect? Find us on Facebook at Fargo South Bruin Booster Club. Our web page [] includes the club’s meeting schedule, fund request forms, and other opportunities to get involved.
#BruinPride #KeepItBruin
4 credits of English
- English 1 or Honors English 1
- English 2 or Honors English 2
- English 3 or AP English 3 Lang/Comp
- English 4 or AP English 4 Lit/Comp
3 credits of Math
- Algebra 1 or Algebra 1-Intro/Conclusion
- Geometry or Informal Geometry
- Additional Math beyond Geometry
3 credits of Science
- Physical Science
- Biology
- Additional Science
3 credits of Social Studies
- Western Civilization/AP European History
- US History/AP US History
- Economics/AP Economics
- Government/AP Government
0.5 credit Physical Education
0.5 credits Health
3 Credits of World Language, Fine Arts, or Career and Tech Ed.
5 credits of Elective classes
Pass the Civics Test
22 total credits
Many colleges (and some technical schools) require a college-entrance test as part of the admission process. Entrance tests like the ACT or SAT, in conjunction with grade point average, class rank, and high school courses are used to help predict college success and thus, determine admission status. Most often it is not necessary for students to take both the ACT and the SAT.
The ACT consists of four basic sections (English, math, reading and science reasoning) and an optional writing test. Students receive scores in each subtest and a composite (average) score computed from the four basic test sections. The four basic subtests and the composite score range in value from 1 to 36. The writing subtest ranges in value from 2 to 12. Students may need to take the writing subtest to satisfy admission requirements for some colleges. The writing test will ask students to write a response to a defined issue.
The ACT is given in a variety of locations in the Fargo-Moorhead area (for example, NDSU, MSUM, Moorhead High School, Fargo North High School).
The SAT is comprised of three scores: critical reading, math, and writing. Students receive a score between 200 and 800 on each of the three areas. Schools will often refer to the SAT as one score which is the combined total of the subtest scores. The SAT writing score includes multiple choice questions on grammar and usage and a student-written essay on a defined topic. Students may register online at
Students may take the ACT or SAT as many times as they choose; colleges and scholarship selection committees will look at the highest set of scores.
Practice materials for both the ACT and the SAT are available in the Career Center and online at various websites. Look for information about special workshops designed to help students prepare for the tests.
ACT Exam Schedule for 2024-25
South High School Code: 350-565
ACT Fee: $68.00
ACT with Writing: $93.00
Late Registration—add $36.00
SAT Exam Schedule for 2024-25
South High School Code: 350-565
SAT Fee: $68.00
Late Registration: Add $30.00
If students qualify for the free lunch program, there are opportunities available for him/her to receive fee waivers or cost reductions for some events. These may include fee waivers for ACT/SAT/PSAT exams; reduced price for AP exams; scholarships for ZAPS workshops. Please check with your counselor to make sure students access these opportunities.
August 1
Football Cheerleading
Coach: Chelsea Blore
August 5
Boys Soccer: 8:00am FSH soccer complex
Coach: Dennis Miller
Girls Golf: 10:00am Rose Creek
Coach: Chad Palowski
August 8
Football: 4:00-8:00 FSH football practice field
Coach: Tyler Kosel 701-446-2045
August 12
Boys Cross Country: South High
Coach: Dustin Swanson 701-866-8404
Girls Cross Country: South High
Coach: Jason Swier 701-446-2078
Boys Tennis: 8:30am-11:00am FSH tennis courts
Coach: Kyle Christianson 701-610-0349
August 19
Girls Swimming: 4:00 FSH pool
Coach: Skip Fisher 701-446-3788 & Jenna Booth
Volleyball: 7:00am FSH Main Gym
Coach: Peyton Wegleitner 605-380-2947
All 9th graders, as well as new students to FPS who plan to participate in extra – curricular activities, are required to attend one of the following co-curricular meetings with a parent or guardian. An online version is available on the parent PowerSchool account (Forms link) for those students in grades 10-12 who have attended a previous high school co-curricular meeting.
Thu 08/01/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm North HS - Theater
Tue 08/06/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm South HS - Theater
Wed 08/07/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm Davies HS - Theater
Wed 08/14/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm Carl Ben Eielson MS - Hangar
Thu 08/15/2024 6:00pm-7:00pm Discovery MS - Auditorium
Tue 08/20/2024 7:30pm-8:30pm Ben Franklin MS - Auditorium
Sports physicals are required each year, dated April 15th or later, and are required to be on file with South High trainers before practice is allowed. Physical forms can be found on the FPS website (; click on the Activities link. Concussion Verification and HIPPA forms are to be completed online on the parent PowerSchool account (Forms link) after July 1st.
rSchool Today—”Notify Me”
South’s calendar software has an awesome feature where the parents can sign up to be notified of any changes made to athletic schedules. Once on the South High home page, open the calendar by clicking on the “South Online Calendar” link. Click on the Notify Me link. Follow the instructions to be reminded of events &/or to be notified of any changes via email or text message. It is a great tool to keep everybody “in the know.”
The Eastern Dakota Conference Principals have collectively agreed on the following standards to promote good sportsmanship. Principals will inform students during their back to school class meetings of these expectations.
- Positive cheers are intended to encourage your school and your team. Cheers that are disparaging to your opponents will not be permitted. In addition, cheers that identify individual opponents or team are not permitted (e.g. multiple “air ball” cheers, scoreboard cheers, etc.)
- The school spirit cheer (“We got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit, how about you?”) will end with “We got more”
- Flags are not permitted in the two rows closest to the court because of safety.
- If student fans want to have a dress up theme then approval needs to be secured prior to the event. Administration will approve all Dress-Up themes.
- “Props” will not be permitted (e.g. newspapers, whiteboards) although posters/cut outs are ok if they promote your team.
Kristi Brandt, Principal - 701-446-2004
Greta Evenson, Asst. Principal (A-K) - 701-446-2005
Dr. Shannon Mortrud, Asst. Principal (L-Z) - 701-446-2008
Mike Beaton, Activities Coordinator - 701-446-2006
Dode Bentson, Administrative Assistant - 701-446-2010
Donna Lee, Activities Secretary - 701-446-2011
Kris Haphey, Bookkeeper - 701-446-2022
Troy Nielsen, SRO - 701-446-2025
Student Services
MJ Andersen - 701-446-2021
Adrienne Eider - 701-446-2020
Dennis Miller - 701-446-2019
Heidi Moritz - 701-446-2017
Beth Phillips, Registrar - 701-446-2015
Jesica Rodriguez, Secretary - 701-446-2016
Brenda Koppy, Career Center - 701-446-2028
Christy Matlock, School Nurse - 701-446-2034
The Bank of North Dakota and local banks and credit unions want to bring you the High School Parent Launch Party being held Thursday, Sept 5, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Essentia Health Plaza at The Lights, 3150 Sheyenne Street in West Fargo.
Parents and guardians of Cass County students in grades 9-12 are invited to join them at this event. Students are also welcome to attend. Topics covered include scholarship resources and applications, FAFSA, internships, apprenticeships, military careers, financial literacy and financing college.
For more information and register to attend, visit
- August 26 – Back to School Night – 4:00 – 7:00
- August 28 – First Day of School
- September 2 – Labor Day - No School
- September 4 – School Pictures – Grades 9 – 11
- September 23– Homecoming Week
- October 7 - P/T Conferences - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- October 8 - P/T Conferences - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
- October 10 - Picture Retakes
- October 10 - Early Out
- October 11 - Vacation Day - No School
- October 14 - Columbus Day - No School
- October 16 - PSAT Test
- October 30 – ASVAB testing
- November 1 - End of Quarter
- November 11 - Veteran's Day - No School
- November 21-24 - Musical - 25th Annual Putnum County Spelling Bee
- November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break - No School
- December 4 - Senior Class Meeting
- December 20 – Early Out
- December 23 - January 1 - Christmas Break - No School
- January 2 - Classes Resume
- January 6 - 8th Grade Parent Night 5:00 - 7:00 pm
- January 16 - End of First Semester
- January 17 - Staff Professional Development - No School
- January 20 - MLK Jr Day - No School
- February 14 – Early Out
- February 17 - Holiday - No School
- March 14 - Early Out
- March 17-21 - Spring Break - No School
- March 28 - End of Quarter
- April 1 - P/T Conferences - 4:00 - 8:00 pm
- April 10-13 - Play
- April 17 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - otherwise No School
- April 18 - Good Friday - No School
- April 21 - Storm Makeup Day if needed - otherwise No School
- April 26 – Prom
- April 28 – South High Honor Society Induction Ceremony
- May 12-23 - AP Testing
- May 26 – Memorial Day – No School
- June 5 – Last Day of Classes
- June 8 – Graduation – 3:00 2 FARGODOME
Fargo South High School
Greta Evenson, Asst. Principal
Dr. Shannon Mortrud, Asst. Principal
Mike Beaton, Activities Coordinator
Location: South High School, 15th Avenue South, Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-446-2000
Twitter: @fargosouthhigh