Eagle Edition

Glennwood Elementary ~ Where Learning Takes Flight
Holly Brookins, PhD, Principal ~ Summer Clayton, Assistant Principal ~ Jill Tolsma, Instructional Coach
Email: hbrookins@csdecatur.net
Location: 440 East Ponce de Leon Avenue, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404.370.4435 * Website * Facebook
Calendar of Events
Dec. 4-13
STAR Early Literacy Testing
Friday, December 6
School Tour for Prospective Families
9:00 am
Wednesday, December 11
PTA Spirit Night at Bad Daddy's
Thursday, December 12
2nd Grade Celebration of Learning
9:00-10:00 am
Friday, December 13
- Walk and Roll
- Community Circle - Kindergarten Winter Performance (December birthdays recognized) - 8:30-9:00 am
- Kindergarten Celebration of Learning - 9:15-10:00 am
Sunday, December 15
PTA DEI Hanukkah Party
2:00-4:00 pm in GL Auditorium - ALL INVITED
Thursday, December 19
Early Release Day at 12:50 pm
December 20-January 6
Holiday Break
SLT Parent Input Request
Do you have a question, comment, or concern? Let your SLT know here on this form. We will review the input in advance of each meeting. Your voice as Glennwood families matters to us!
December Design Principle: Empathy and Caring
"One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others."
~Lewis Carroll
Hello Glennwood Families,
Welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful Thanksgiving break.
First grade did a fantastic job today at their Celebration of Learning by demonstrating to families their Habits of Scholarship: perseverance, collaboration and craftsmanship. Way to go first grade students and team! I look forward to seeing everyone at our remaining EL Education Celebrations of Learning: Second Grade: Dec. 12 from 9:00-10:00 am, and Kindergarten: Dec. 13 from 9:15-10:00 am (following their winter performance).
Your voice is very important and we want your feedback! The City Schools of Decatur appreciates the contributions of parents, students, and employees. Each year, CSD takes part in annual school climate surveys and climate star ratings organized by the Georgia Department of Education. The outcomes will contribute to our district's School Climate Star Ratings, which are included in each school's yearly College and Career Ready Performance Index. All public schools in Georgia participate in a Student Health Survey, Parent Survey, and School Personnel Survey as part of the school climate survey process. Please click on this link Parent School Climate Survey. It should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.
Warmest regards,
Holly Brookins, Ph.D
We Invite You to Our Upcoming Winter Performances!
Kindergarten Families – Help Host the Staff Appreciation Winter Trail Table
For December, we're asking Kindergarten families to help host a trail mix bar and snack table for our staff on Thursday, December 12th. Please sign up here to bring 1 or more things on this list for our staff. **Please drop off your items with Ms. Reynolds at the front office December 9-11th anytime during school hours and the PTA will assemble the snack table for our staff to enjoy. Coffee will be graciously donated by Radio Roasters Coffee.
If you are unable to purchase items for the table, but would like to donate funds towards the event, donations can be made here with a note that it is for the December Snack Table and we'll take care of it for you. If you have any questions, please reach out to Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs: Samantha Bryan or Hui-Chuan Hodges (staffappreciation@glennwoodespta.com).
‘Tis the Season to Show Your Spirit!
Check out new and vintage Glennwood spiritwear here. If you’d like to receive your items before the winter break, please place your order by Tues. Dec. 17th.
Yearbook Tribute Ads
Honor your child with a Tribute Ad in this year’s yearbook. This is a great way to celebrate your child’s growth as a Glennwood student. Follow this link and enter school code 24818 to design and purchase your ad.
Everyone Invited! Sponsored by PTA DEI Committee!
We’re excited to announce that we’re partnering with Minted to help us fundraise! Please support Glennwood Elementary by ordering your cards & gifts from Minted using our promo code [FUNDRAISEGLENNWOOD]. You’ll get 20% OFF your order and 15% of every purchase made using our code will be donated back to us at the end of the year.
**Note: This promo code can be used year-round! Not limited to holiday season. Baby announcements, wedding announcements, party invites -- all are welcome!
Decatur Farm to School Committee
Do you have plans for a new garden or class project for spring? Are you full of fantastic ideas for incorporating farm-to-school principles into a teaching unit? Need funds for a "green" field trip?
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Committee invites you to apply for a grant for 2024/25. Teachers, administrators, PTA members, and parent volunteers can apply on behalf of their CSD school. Please get your applications in before December 13, 2024.