Carver Family Newsletter
September 28, 2022
From the Principal's Office
As you all know, Fall is my favorite time of year! I used to live in the midwest, and Fall meant crips leaves, spiced cider, football, and of course UGGS!!
In the school year, Fall means that we have a fresh start at teaching and learning. It is the time when we gather information about what our students know and are able to do, and make goals for the school year.
This newsletter is specific to grades 3-5 who will participate in a reading assessment called the RI, or Reading Inventory over the next few weeks.
Attendance will be mandatory on your child's testing day. The reading, which is done on a laptop, asks students to work on a passage and answer questions about their reading. When the test is complete, students will receive a score that we will share with you during Parent-Teacher Conference Week.
Keep reading for information about your child's reading assessment!
Principal Manning
What is the Reading Inventory (RI)
The RI is a reading test that monitors student's reading abilities and helps teachers set goals for growth. We also use the scores to determine reading strength in comparison to grade level performance standards. The students use Chromebooks to take the RI.
The test is adaptive, meaning that the questions get more difficult as the student answers them correctly.
This is a good thing!
It means the system is working to correctly assign a reading level to your child. This will help your child choose "just right" books in our school library or our public libraries.
What do the scores mean?
Students can score anywhere between 190L to 1385L (the L means Lexile, or measure of words and sentences a person can read).
Here is how we recognize score ranges at Carver to determine is students are on the correct path for their grade level and for preparation for middle and high school.
1st Grade: 190L - 530L
2nd and 3rd Grade: 420L - 820L
4th and 5th Grade: 740L -1010L
6th through 8th Grade: 925L - 1185L
When is my child's testing date?
4th Grade - Ms. Dow: Monday, October 3, 2022; 9:00am
5th Grade - Mr. Aguda: Tuesday, October 4, 2022; 9:00am
4th Grade- Mr. Dupree: Wednesday, October 5, 2022; 9:00am
3rd Grade - Mr. Dolan: Thursday, October 6, 2022; 9:00am
What can I do to help my child prepare for the RI?
1. Encourage 30 minutes of independent reading every night.
2. Ensure your child gets 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
3. Please make sure your child is ON TIME to school every day, but especially on the day of the assessment.
How is the school going to make sure my child is ready for the RI?
Please be sure to ask your child about their Candy Conference About Lexile Leaping!