Vikan News
Vikan Knights, ARMOR Up!
From Principal Velez
Hello Vikan Community,
I hope this message finds you well! We are reaching out to invite you to participate in our Parent Climate Survey. Your feedback is incredibly important to us and plays a vital role in shaping our school environment.
Here’s why your participation matters:
Improvement: The insights you provide help us identify strengths and areas for growth within our school. Your experiences and opinions guide us in making meaningful changes.
Community Voice: Your input ensures that our decisions reflect the needs and values of our entire community. Every voice matters, and we want to hear yours!
Positive Environment: By sharing your thoughts, you contribute to creating a safe, welcoming, and effective learning environment for all students.
The survey is brief and will only take a few minutes to complete. We genuinely value your perspective, and the data collected will be used to inform our practices and initiatives.
Thank you for your time and support. Together, we can continue to make Vikan Middle School a place where every student thrives!
Click HERE to access the survey.
Stay strong Vikan and ARMOR up!
Principal Velez
Parent Teacher Conferences
Conferences are schedule for the week of October 14th. Please click on the link below to reserve your spot with your student's Advisory teacher. If you have any questions about your student's conferecnes please reach out to your student's advisory teacher.
School Pictures are Ready!
Student pictures taken on Sept. 24th are now available for parent to view and order online.
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
- Event Code: FE105724
- Also Needed: Infinite Campus Student ID
Vikan Spirit Wear
Place your orders for Vikan gear! All orders over $75 will receive free shipping. Shop Now!
Student Information
Parents if you have changed phone number, emergency contact information, etc. for your student please log in to Infinite Campus and update the information.
If you do not have an Infinite Campus log in please contact our office and request your GUID access code to create your account.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office at 303-655-4050
Student Fees
STUDENT FEES are assessed every school year. If you have not paid your student's fees for the 2024 - 2025 school year please log in to Infinite Campus to make an online payment. If you have not created an account for Infinite Campus, please contact our office and request your access code. Keep in mind that all fees need to be paid for students to participate in extra curricular activities per District Policy.
ALL school fees must be paid before the end of the school year. Please keep in mind that fees travel with your student as they move on to high school within our district.
If you have any questions please call our office at 303-655-4050.
Student Morning Arrival
Please help us out by making sure that your child is at school no later than 8:15 AM. We are having a large number of students arriving after 8:30 AM. If you drop off your child at 8:30, they are already 5-10 minutes late to class. It is imperative that you support your student in making sure that they get to school on time...on time is 8:15 AM.
If your student is arriving after 9:00 AM, you will need to check then in at our main office.
NO Pick Up After 4:15 PM
If you need to pick up your student early from school for an appointment, please make note that you need to arrive prior to 4:15 p.m. Also we will not be calling down your student to be picked up early until the parent or guardian have arrived at our office.
Starting at 4:15 our entire team is getting ready to ensure the safety and security of 600 Knights at dismissal. We cannot spare any adults' to go get students as this poses a safety concern.
Thank you for your understanding!
Helpful Links
Community Advertisements:
Italy Trip 2025
Hello families!
I am reaching out with an exciting announcement as I will be leading a group from our
school community on a non-school sponsored trip to ITALY in the summer of 2025.
Together, we will travel through thousands of years of history to witness some of
humankind’s most transformative moments.
I know this experience will inspire our students to become global citizens and will spark
or strengthen their love for travel.
Mark your calendars and save the date! I will be hosting an info session for families to
learn more on Wednesday, October 23rd in room 27.
Please RSVP using this site prior to October 22nd in order to receive detailed information
regarding the info session: https://bit.ly/3Y8WOFB or scan the QR code
All the best,
Angelique McGuire
Junior Ravens Middle School Dance Team
If you are interested in joining the Riverdale Ridge dance team, please see registration information below.
Join Book Club
The only thing better than reading a good book,
is reading it with friends,
who love to read as much as you do!!
We meet every Tuesday, after school in the library.
From 4:45-5:15 pm
Fill out the form on the link below
and come to the library
Any questions, come to the library and ask Mrs. Westermann
Everyone is welcome!!
Free Dental Services
Please see information below
Support Our School
AFW School Progam
Do you have furniture needs? Purchase at American Furniture ANYTIME OF THE YEAR. Mention Vikan Middle School when making your purchase and our school will receive a 2% of your net purchase.
Please Share with Friends and Relatives. Thanks for your support!
Up Coming Events
Vikan Activities and Events Calendar
10/10 Eagle Ridge Academy Visit during 8th grade lunch | 11:22 AM
10/10 Band Concert | 6:00 PM
10/11 Positive Office Referral Student Rewards
10/11 End of 1st QTR
10/14 Parent Teacher Conferences | 12:30 - 6:30 PM
10/18 KORT (Knight Of the Round Table) | 8:45 AM
10/23 - 10/29 Academic Award Celebrations | 8:30 AM
10/24 NJHS Inductions | 6:00 PM
Vikan Middle School
Website: https://www.sd27j.org/vikan
Location: 879 Jessup Street, Brighton, CO, USA
Phone: (303) 655-4050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VikanMiddleSchool/?ref=pages_you_manage