FMS Newsletter
December 2024
Principal's Message
Fridley Middle School Families:
As we enter the winter season, I wanted to send a warm thank you to all of you, our Fridley Middle School families, who have and continue to do everything you can to support your students in their education. I am also thankful for our amazing Fridley Middle School staff who have gone above and beyond to meet the needs of students and are constantly thinking about how we best serve students and families. Thank you!
The education and well-being of our students is the utmost importance to us and we will continue to do everything we can to meet the needs of all our students. We are here to support, encourage, partner together and engage students in their learning. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support you or your student.
With Gratitude,
Dr. Amy Cochran
Matt Engelhardt
Assistant Principal
Important School Dates to Remember
2024 Important School Dates to Remember!
- December 10th- FMS Holiday Band/Choir Concert (FHS District Auditorium) 7 pm
- December 12th- FMS Bingo Night (500-630)
- December 23rd -Jan 1st Winter Break NO SCHOOL
2025 Upcoming Important School Dates to Remember!
- January 1st - NO School Winter Break
- January 15th- Earning College Credit at the High School (FHS Auditorium)
- January 16th -7/8 Grade Dance
- January 17th- NO School (Evaluation/Planning Day)
- January 20th -NO School (MLK Day)
- January 29th- Incoming 5th Grade Parent Night
- January 29th 8th Grade Registration Night
(*This is for all current 8th graders and their families-Located at FHS*) - January 31st -NO School (Staff Development)
FMS School Hours
Winter Break School Closing Flyer
FPS Weather Related School Closings
With winter weather approaching, it’s important to understand that school closings may occur when weather conditions create a risk to the safety of our students, families and staff.
Please take a moment to read the following to understand more about what will happen if a school cancelation occurs due to inclement weather.
One-Page District Calendar
Parent Student Handbook
Title IX Notice- August 1, 2024
ISD14 prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator. The notice of nondiscrimination is located on the district policy 522 on the policy website.
FMS Inside Insights!
IB Awards 6th Grade
Our 6th grade students have been demonstrating the characteristics of an IB Learner! Congratulations to our winners!
FMS Polar Plunge Recap!
Thank you for all of your support with the Polar Plunge this school year!
We had 328 registered plungers and we raised $6,932!! We will have $2,426 of that coming directly back to us to support inclusive programming via Unified in addition to go towards supporting PBIS efforts throughout our school. This is the highest number of registered staff and students we've ever had as well as the most money we have raised in our four years of doing the mobile plunge here at the middle school. We surpassed our fundraising goal by almost $1000...so amazing!
This is one of the best days of the year - so much joy and community to share in with our students. Thank you all for being part of it!
Information from our Art Studio
In the Art Studio...
5th graders finished their Faux Stained Glass Watercolor Paintings, inspired by artist Ines Alvidre,s using Minnesota Flora & Fauna.
6th graders completed their symmetrical paintings inspired by talavera tiles.
*7th & 8th Graders are currently working on to complete their paper mache sculptures inspired by Mexican Folk Art Alebrijes.
Spotlight on Upcoming Special Events!
FMS Holiday Band/Choir Concert
FMS Family Bingo Night
FMS Theater Department
FMS Theater Department
January 22 & 23, 2025 3-5pm Choir Rm
(only come to ONE audition day)
Open to ALL 6,7,8 Grade Students
(Sing & Act Auditions)
MUST BE ABLE to Perform on following Dates: March 19, 20, 21, 22
Rehearsals: 3-5pm starting Tues Jan 28th (Mon-Fri)
*Transportation is Available
Questions - Mr Johnson jjjohnson@isd14.org
8th Grade Registration Night for the FHS
FPS 8th Annual Black & Gold Gala
We are thrilled to invite you to our 8th Annual Black & Gold Gala, to be held at the prestigious Jax Cafe on January 30, 2025. This glamorous evening promises not only a celebration of community spirit but also a vital opportunity to raise essential funds for our foundation and schools.
Date: January 30, 2025
Time: 5:30-9 p.m.
Location: Jax Cafe
1928 University Ave. NE,
Minneapolis, MN 55418
Individual - $100
Gala table of 8 - $750
The Fridley Schools Foundation awards educator innovation grants across the school district, provides post secondary scholarships to graduating seniors, and supports district initiatives.
2025 FMS Basketball Tryouts
FMS Athletics and Activities Information
Winter sport registration is open through Campus.
Registration questions: Contact Mr. Ferry
Practice questions: Contact the head coach of your sport.
Winter Sports:
HS Dance Team (7-12): Begins 10/28 (Head Coach: Brooke Brose)
HS Boys Swim & Dive (7-12): Begins 12/2 (Head Coach: Adam Berg)
HS Gymnastics - co-op with Osseo (7-12): Begins 11/11 (Head Coach: Tammy Hoff)
MS Boys Basketball (7-8): Begins 1/6 (Head Coaches: Mr. Bobick & Mr. Reiter)
MS Girls Basketball (6-8): Begins 11/6 (Head Coaches: Mr. Bobick & Mr. Reiter)
MS Wrestling: Begins 10/28 (Head Coach: Mr. Stangler)
Check out the flyer for all of the different athletic and activity opportunities at FMS!
Hey Girl Toy Drive
If you're out shopping this weekend, don’t forget about our Hey Girl! Toy Drive! This year, we’re excited to be sponsoring four families, each with boys ranging from ages 2-5.
For those who prefer not to shop, you can also contribute via Venmo towards the gift cards each family will receive.
Your generosity truly makes a difference, and we appreciate your support in spreading joy this holiday season.
Thank you again!
Aloda Sims
Information from Nutritional Services
Did you know that Nutritional Services utilizes a variety of pre-made and school made items at lunch time? The lunch menus need to meet strict nutritional guidelines including calories and sodium. We offer 3-4 different vegetable choices and 2 different fruit options daily. Students must take at least 1/2 cup serving of fruits or vegetables on their tray.
We encourage students to take more items to ensure they get enough to eat. Our menu items are tested by students and we use student feedback to make menu changes. We recognize that some students may not like what is served everyday but we plan our menus to reflect the tastes of our student population.
Please encourage your students to try new menu items. It takes trying something at least 10 times before they know if they like it or not. Menus can be found on the nutritional services website and they can change due to supply chain issues. We continue to provide student favorites including mac and cheese, hamburgers, and pizza.
Remember that students are able to receive one breakfast and lunch at no charge each day. If your student comes through second chance breakfast for an additional breakfast, they will be charged. Please talk with your student about any extra charges on their meal account. Parents can find your student meal balances on the Parent Portal of Campus. Students are able to purchase Ala Carte if they have a positive lunch balance. Students can purchase one beverage and one snack item daily. Cash is not accepted at the cashier station during lunch. If you have any questions please contact Renee Arbogast at arbogast@isd14.org or 763-502-5022.
Further Insights
A friendly Reminder! Cell Phones and Backpacks
- As we continue to move to an “AVID School wide” model, our students will no longer be allowed to carry backpacks throughout the day. Instead, all students will be required to carry binders to all classes throughout the day. All students will be assigned a specific locker with a designated locker combination. All backpacks must be stored in the locker for the entirety of the school day. Placing backpacks in lockers will teach our students valuable skills about organization management, material responsibility as well as reduce distractions throughout the day.
- Cell phones and all electronic devices will not be allowed throughout the entire school day. In previous years, our 5th and 6th Grade students were not allowed to use cell phones throughout the entire school day and our 7th and 8th Grade students could only use them at passing time and lunch. This year, all students will need to have their cell phones put away and out of sight for the entire school day. Similar to backpacks, cell phones should be stored in student lockers and cannot be used at any time (including lunch and passing times). Please see the attached additional information provided as to why this change is being implemented.
A friendly Reminder! Student AVID binder check in!
Let's talk about AVID Binders!
- Have you checked your student's binder?
- Is the pencil pouch stocked?
- How are the divider tabs?
- Do you need more loose leaf paper?
- Is the binder locking and securing academic sheets properly?
- How is your school planner? Do you need a school planner?
Lets all work together as a team to ensure student's binders are working efficiently for our students!
WIT & WISDOM Welcome Letter
Dear Families and Caregivers,
Welcome to the new school year!
This year, your student will study an English language arts curriculum called Wit & Wisdom®. Great Minds® created Wit & Wisdom with the belief that every child is capable of greatness. Your child will be challenged, positively and productively.
They will build knowledge of the world and develop English language arts skills. Wit & Wisdom students read and study award-winning fiction and nonfiction texts, famous works of art, videos, photographs, and more. These texts awaken and expand students’ curiosity. Wit & Wisdom students also learn about compelling topics such as the five senses, outer space, the Great Depression, and more. Through their work with these topics and texts, students hone their abilities to read challenging texts and to write and speak clearly, logically, and effectively.
Wit & Wisdom students build strong knowledge and skills. We provide downloadable Family Tip Sheets for families and caregivers. These tips correspond with each module, or unit of study. Each tip sheet gives an overview of what your student is studying and offers ideas for learning outside of school. Wit & Wisdom prepares students to succeed in English language arts and beyond. If you would like to learn more, please talk to your student’s teacher, and go to greatminds.org.
The Wit & Wisdom team
Student Data Privacy Information
Fridley Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Fridley Public Schools is committed to providing an equitable and inclusive educational environment for students by ensuring that opportunities, access, and resources are aligned to support the growth and academic achievement of each student.
In accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Section 13.32 on student data privacy, school districts must notify families about the technology applications students use in schools that may collect or use students’ educational data. Fridley Public Schools will provide notice of the district-maintained list of approved tools annually, within 30 days of the start of the school year. You can click on the individual application within this list of approved tools to learn more about how it's used.
If you would like more information on any of these applications, please visit our website for
A Catalog of Curriculum Tools: Curriculum & Assessment
Student Online Support (SOS):Student SOS
Read below for General Information that is in Every Newsletter
Health Hub!
Health Services Information
It is also important that we are told about any health conditions your child might have. This information is listed on the emergency sheet as well. If anything has changed over the summer, please call the Health Office about this.
Attention parents of 7th graders
There are additional immunizations that are required for 7th grade; Tdap and Menningococcal. These are required BEFORE starting school or a conscientious objection form must by notarized and given to the health office BEFORE school starts. Notification letters were mailed to parents in May. The immunization form is on the District Web Page under Health Services. Please make an appointment with your clinic to get these immunizations completed as soon as possible.
Per our District Policy, all immunizations must be current in order to start school. Please help in making it a great start for your child's school year by getting this done.
Minnesota State Law requires all students enrolling in school to be immunized against certain diseases or file a legal medical or conscientious exemption. If these are not obtained, your child will not be able to start school in the fall. The MN Department of Health has an immunization form you may use to provide documentation of your child's immunizations. It has been attached to this message.
Check parent portal for immunizations your child may be missing, https://www.fridleyschools.org/
Here is a resource for other options for low cost vaccinations through the Anoka County Immunization Clinic:
Fridley Schools now has a Health Navigator!
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Minnesota Statute Information
Annual Notification
Minnesota Statute 121A.335 requires public school buildings serving pre-kindergarten through grade 12 to test for lead in water every 5 years. Fridley Public Schools has historically conducted and continues to conduct Lead in Drinking Water testing per the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines. If found, the District remediates lead levels following the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines and completes retesting prior to use.
For more information on Fridley Public Schools’s lead reduction program and testing results, is located on the District website here: https://www.fridleyschools.org/about-us/departments/buildings-grounds/quality-monitoring-management-plan
Meet our Dean of Students
Our Dean of Students offer support to students, their parents, and staff to ensure that students have the best educational experience. Please reach out to them for support or any questions you have.
A Friendly Reminder! Middle School AVID Binder Pack
Grade Level School Supply List 2024-2025
Technology Information
Student at Fridley Public Schools utilize Chromebooks.
The Chromebook is a web-based device that provides access to Educational Resources and is managed by Fridley Google Apps for Education. Along with a login for the device, Fridley Google Apps provides online tools for writing, calculating, presenting, drawing and many other applications. Your child may use these tools for a variety of purposes for classroom assignments. Fridley Google Apps can be accessed with other devices that have an Internet connection. Parents can choose to receive updates and learn about their student’s classes.
We will have Parent/Guardian Chromebook Agreement form to sign at Open House.
Fridley Public Schools uses a variety of digital tools to support student learning. Depending upon the particular educational technology being used, our district may need to collect different types of student data, which is then shared with educational technology vendors through their online sites, services, and/or applications.
Under Minnesota’s Student Data Privacy Act, educational technology vendors are prohibited from selling or renting a student's information or from engaging in targeted advertising using a student's information. Such vendors may only disclose student data for K-12 school purposes and other limited purposes permitted under the law.
This act also requires districts to provide timely notice of the tool used, data collected, and contact information.
Download a spreadsheet that catalogs the full library of evaluated resources. If you have any questions or concerns about any digital resources used by your child, please contact your child’s teacher.
Tech Tip
All Middle School students will need to update their account information by enrolling in the district Password Portal system. The Password Portal provides the security REQUIRED to protect their Fridley account information from digital theft and other possible cybersecurity threats.
If you have login questions, please go to the Fridley Public Schools Student Online Support (SOS) page at the following address: https://sites.google.com/isd14.org/student-tech-resources/home?authuser=0
Parent Portal
Access your students grades and attendance online!
All parents/guardians will need to have a Parent Portal account in Campus. The Parent Portal provides secure access to your child/children’s information such as class assignments, attendance, calendar, and grades. You can also use Parent Portal to pay for meals, fees, or school supplies.
There are many advantages of signing up for and using your Parent Portal account. It is convenient and easy to use, and gives you instant access to important information:
Nutritional Services: Manage your child/children’s meal accounts
· Make online payments using checking, savings and/or credit/debit card to pay for your student’s meals.
· Families can also set up automatic payments to pay for meals.
· Check current balances and see any purchases made on your child’s account.
Meal Benefits Application: Annual renewal made easier
· Apply for Meal Benefits Application in Parent Portal
· Parents/Guardians must apply each year to qualify for free and reduced priced meals.
· By applying, you also help the district receive additional funding to support classroom learning.
Activities & Athletics & School Store: Now includes shopping for school supplies
· Sign up and pay for Activities and Athletics fees for your child
· View and shop for your child/children’s school supplies
Transportation: Access important updates and information
· Access your child/children’s transportation information on the Parent Portal.
How to Activate your Parent Portal Account:
1. Go to Fridley Public Schools Home Page: www.fridleyschools.org
2. Select the Campus Parent Portal Login link in the top right-hand corner of the webpage.
3. On the Parent Portal login page, select New User.
4. Enter the Campus Portal Activation Key provided here: <this is the GUID>
5. Choose SUBMIT.
6. You will be asked to create a Username and Password.
7. Choose SUBMIT.
8. Your Campus Portal account will be activated.
Transportation Information
Nutritional Services Information
Fridley Middle School
Email: cochran@isd14.org
Website: Fridley.k12.mn.us
Location: 6100 West Moore Lake Drive Northeast, Fridley, MN, USA
Phone: 763.502.5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FridleyMS