Piper Summer Activities 2024
For Piper Students k-12
Questions? Contact Coaches
Baseball: Randy Robertson randy.robertson@piperschools.us
Boy's Basketball: Steve Wallace steve.wallace@piperschools.us
Boy's Soccer: Jesse Dominguez jesse.dominguez@piperschools.us
Bowling: Jack Sampel jack.sampel@piperschools.us
Cheer: Morgan Kolenda morgan.kolenda@piperschools.us
Cross Country: Cassie Dolinar cassie.dolinar@piperschools.us
Dance: Krista Brady krista.brady@piperschools.us
Football: Cole Orrick cole.orrick@piperschools.us
Girl's Basketball: Shane Stout shane.stout@piperschools.us
Girl's Soccer: Bryan Croft Bryan.Croft@piperschools.us
Girl's Swim: Amy Bartlow amy.bartlow@piperschools.us
Pirate Iron: Kevin Coker kevin.coker@piperschools.us
Softball: Stan McAfee stan.mcafee@piperschools.us
Strength & Conditioning Kevin Coker kevin.coker@piperschools.us
Track and Field: Josh Baxter josh.baxter@piperschools.us
Volleyball: Lori Angello lori.angello@piperschools.us
Wrestling: James Thompson james.thompson@piperschools.us
Activities Director: Dr. Taylor Mapp: taylor.mapp@piperschools.us
Pirate Iron
Entering Grades K-12
Monday, June 3 - TBA (per construction timeline)
High School: Monday - Thursday
Middle School and Jr. Pirate Iron: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
JR Pirate Iron K-5th (MTW)
9:00am - 9:45am
Session 1 - Football and Boys Basketball
6:30am - 8:30am
Session 2 - All other high school male and female athletes
8:00am - 10:00am
Session 3: MS (MTW) - Middle School Boys and Girls (6-8)
10:00am - 11:30am
Entering Grades 9th-12th
Attention incoming 2024-2025 Freshman, current Piper Baseball players, and anyone wanting to try out for the 2025 Pirate baseball team. The Pirate Baseball coaching staff is conducting a 3 week skills and team strategy camp for any player interested. The 3 week program will cost $150 per participant. The camp flyer with all of the information is attached. It is a great chance to meet coaches, build relationships and learn the game.
SPACE IS LIMITED and will be allocated on a first to pay basis. First participants to sign up and pay will get priority. Please sign up using the following link:
2024- Piper Baseball Summer Camp Sign Up
If you have any questions, please email Coach Graham or Coach Rob for more details. Contact information is attached in the flyer.
Entering Grades 9th-12th
June 4th -June 20th
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
10:30am-12:30pm, PHS Baseball Field
Offense: Base Running (situational), Hitting Approach, Situational Hitting, Building and Acquiring Skill Sets.
Defense: Situational D, Fundamental Defensive Approach and Mindset, Building and Acquiring Skill Sets. Light Bullpens and Catcher work will be available.
Competition: 2 Pitch, Hair on Fire, Tee Scrimmage, Situational D.
$150: Cash or Check or Venmo
Limited Space Available - First come first serve
Boys Basketball
Entering Grades 1st - 12th
Our camps are designed to:
1. Create a love of the game
2. Teach fundamentals and skills
3. Compete
4. Build great teammates
Location: PHS Gym 4400 N 107 St, Kansas City, KS 66109
Cost: $75
Zelle (preferred): 7857649824
Venmo: @sw3245Cash App: $sw3245
Check: Made out to Steve Wallace. Please send it to Steve Wallace at Piper Middle School.
Cash: Please send it to Steve Wallace at Piper Middle School.
Please Register by May 1st. Walk ups and late registration will be accepted, but t-shirts are not guaranteed.
Questions? Email Steve Wallace. steve.wallace@piperschools.us
High School
Boys Entering 9th-12th grades
Mon. June 3rd-Thur. June 27th
Middle School
Boys Entering 6th-8th grades
Mon. June 3rd-Thur. June 6th
Boys Entering 1st-5th grades
Mon. June 3rd-Thur. June 6th
Boys Soccer
Entering 3rd-12th grade
Entering Grades 9th-12th Free Play
PHS Field, 6-9pm
June: 4
July: 9, 16, 23, 30
MOKAN league June 11th- June 27th (Flyer attached) @ Bishop Miege
B.White Classic July 12th & 13th @ Overland Park Scheels Soccer Complex
Entering Grades 3rd-8th Youth Free Play
June: 11, 12, 13, 17, 18
July, 10, 11, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31
Entering 9th-12th
For existing cheer team only
6-8am Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays
Contact Coach Kolenda for locations
Cross Country
Entering Grades 7th-12th
9th - 12th Grade Distance Runners
Meet on track
M/W/F 7-8:30am
June 10-July 26 with no practices July 1-5
Coach Dolinar will communicate with them directly via Remind to cancel for any reason.
Coach Dolinar will provide running workouts they can do on the weeks we don't meet.
Students entering 7th & 8th Grade Distance Runners
Meet on track
M/W 7-8:30am
June 10-July 26 with no practices July 1-5
Coach Dolinar will communicate with them directly via Remind to cancel for any reason.
Existing team only
Contact Coach Krista for summer practice times and locations
Entering Grades 2nd - 12th
Entering Grades 9th-12th Football Camp
May 28th-May 31st 7:00 AM-9:30 AM
Entering Grades 9th-12th S&C and Football Practice (Monday-Thursday)
June 3rd-August 1st
6:30 AM-9:00 AM
Sign Up with Pirate Iron Above
Entering Grade 7th-8th S&C and Football Practice (Monday-Wednesday)
June 3rd-August 1st
10:00 AM-11:20 AM
Sign Up with Pirate Iron Above
Entering Grades 2nd-8th Jr. Pirate Youth Football Camp
May 28th-May 31st 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Girls Basketball
Entering Grades 3rd-12th
Entering Grades 8th-12th
Basketball Academy, PHS Gym
June 3-June 27th
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
No sign up necessary
Entering Grades 3rd-7th
June 10, 11, 12.
Cost $30
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Girls Soccer
Entering Grades 3rd-12th
Entering Grades 9th-12th Free Play and Alumni Games
6-8:30pm, PHS Field
June: 10, 19
July: 8, 15 (no alumni game), 24, 29 (no alumni game)
Entering Grades 9th-12th Soccer Camp
June 24th-June 28th, PHS Field
Entering Grades 3rd-8th Youth Free Play
June: 11, 12, 13, 17, 18
July, 10, 11, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31
Entering 3rd-8th Youth Camp
June 1 & 2
Girl's Swim
Summer swim:www.swimpiperpiranhas.com
Entering grades 3rd-6th
Use flyer below
Entering Grades 2nd-12th
Youth Camp 2021
Youth Camp 2022
Youth Camp 2023
41 campers
Entering Grades 9th-12th Open Gyms
- Friday, 5/31, 8:30-10am
- Friday, 6/7, 8:30-10am
- Monday, 6/17, 5:30-7pm
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
No sign up necessary
Entering Grades 9th-12th
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
Offensive Camp
June 25 & 27, 3-5pm, $40
Defensive Camp
June 26 & 28, 3-5pm, $40
Entering Grades 7th & 8th Academy
$10 at the door
- Tuesday, 6/11, 4:30-5:30pm
- Monday, 6/17, 4:30pm-5:30pm
- Wednesday, 6/19, 4:30-5:30pm
Great opportunity for HS coaches to see the girls play.
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
No sign up necessary
Entering Grades 7th-8th
- All Skills Camp
May 28-30th (Tues-Thurs), 11am-12:30pm, $50
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
- Pre Middle School Tryout Clinic
June 27 & 28 (Thurs-Friday), 1:30-2:30, $20
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
Points of emphasis: Tips on how to stand out in tryouts and all Skill Training.
Entering Grades 2nd-6th
- All-Skills Camp
Campers will learn how to pass, set, hit and serve over hand.
A mini tournament will be played on the last day.
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
- Mini Youth Clinic
Gym: Old PHS Gym, 4400 N. 107th St.
June 4-July 18: Wrestling-specific training for all high school wrestlers. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00-10:30 immediately following session 2 of Pirate Iron.
May 31-June 1: 24 hours of live wrestling fundraiser @ Piper High School. Details coming. We are looking to showcase all of our Piper wrestlers from the kids club through high school.
June 7-8: Mini Camp hosted by current University of Missouri wrestler Seth Nitzel. Open to all middle and high school wrestlers and youth wrestlers with 2+ years of experience. (Youth wrestlers will be responsible to make sure they sign up with a partner near their weight).
June 14-15: Summer Scuffle @ Gardner Edgerton High School. Open to 20 boys and 20 girls incoming 7-12th grade. This is a dual tournament. Entries to compete for Piper will be accepted on a first come first serve basis in each weight class.
June 20-21: Girls only Mini Camp hosted by World Champion and current United States Olympian Jacarra Winchester. Open to all middle and high school female wrestlers and female youth wrestlers with 2+ years of experience. (Youth wrestlers will be responsible to make sure they sign up with a partner near their weight). This camp will max out at 50 wrestlers. Piper wrestlers will be able to pre-register before the camp is opened to surrounding programs.
Week of June 24-28: Team overnight camp. Location TBD. Open to all high school wrestlers, and select middle school wrestlers. Parents of middle school wrestlers who wish to attend will need to contact Coach Thompson for more information and to discuss expectations.
July 8-11: Piper Youth Camp. Information coming soon. Open to all Piper youth entering 1st-6th grade and select students entering Kindergarten. No experience necessary! Parents of students entering Kindergarten will need to contact Coach Thompson for more information and to discuss expectations.
July 11-13: Throws Only mini camp hosted by 2 time AAU Judo National Champion (2nd degree black belt) and current Piper Wrestling parent Mike Mills. Open to all middle and high school wrestlers and youth wrestlers with 2+ years of experience. (Youth wrestlers will be responsible to make sure they sign up with a partner near their weight).