Collier Elementary PreK - 6th
January 2025 Newsletter
Message from Mrs. Langford, Collier Principal
Happy New Year! 2025 is upon us, we are ready to set new goals and to see where this year takes us! As we look ahead we see a bright future for Collier and know that the rest of this school year will fly by!
At this time of new beginnings, it is always good to look at what you would like for yourself in the new year. Research shares that making goals is good for motivation and self-confidence. When making goals it is important to choose specific tasks to help you check off your progress along the way. This allows you to monitor and adjust what you need to accomplish your goals!
We hope that you find time in this season of new beginnings to reflect and grow!!
Upcoming Events
- Character Strong Focus of the Month: Cooperation
- Jan. 6 Back to School
- Jan. 14 Student Council Meeting 2:30pm
- Jan. 15 PTA Skate Country Night, 6 - 8pm Skate Country East
- Jan. 20 No School Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Jan. 25 PTA Family Park Day and PTA Meeting 1-3pm McDonald Park
- Jan 28 Site Council and Family Engagement Meetings 3:30pm
- Jan. 29 No School Tucson Unified Professional Learning Day
- Jan. 31 PTA Meeting and Movie Night 6pm
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade OMA Performance
Grades 4th, 5th, 6th Orchestra and Band Concert
Grades 4th, 5th, 6th Orchestra and Band Concert
OMA Gold
Welcome back, and Happy New Year!
First of all, I wish to give a huge thank you to our students for their hard work in making our December informances a success. Great job! And I also want to extend a big thank you to the staff and families at Collier for their continued support of the OMA Gold Program in this school.
This semester, our OMA focus changes to science. In addition to using the performing arts to increase our understanding of specific science units each quarter, we will be working on our “Quilts as Narrative” project which will be on display in May.
6th grade will also begin work on their culminating project, which will summarize their year of learning and is based in theatre arts.
Don’t forget to ask your students what they are learning about in OMA!
~ms. wendy
Message from Collier Counselor, Ashely Williams
Dear Families,
As we step into the new year, I want to remind you that I am here to support your child and family in any way I can. The holiday season can bring joy but also stress, and it’s important to prioritize your well-being as we transition back to school routines.
Let’s make 2024 a year of growth, connection, and health for our children and ourselves. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need resources or simply a listening ear—I’m here for you.
Wishing you and your family a peaceful and healthy start to the year!
Warm regards,
Ashley Williams
School Counselor
Collier PTA
Thank you to everyone who has supported and attended our events and meetings!! We appreciate your commitment to our community, and enjoy spending time with you all!! We still need you!! If you would be willing to join the PTA we would greatly appreciate you!
Please click here for the membership form!
Please join us for Skate Country Night, January 15th from 6-8pm
Family Park Day, January 25th from 1-3pm McDonald Park
Tucson, AZ 85749