Dragon News
Findley Elementary School
October 4, 2024
Message from the Principal
Whew! It is a busy time year! Lots going this month, and in the weeks to come. This edition of the Dragon News is full of new, and important information. Please be sure to read over the new items, so you are aware of all the happenings here at Findley.
We are getting excited to for our annual Dragon Dash, which is next week. Thank you to all our generous community members for helping us reach our fundraising goal. We appreciate you!
Have a wonderful weekend~
With Gratitude~
Sherry Marsh
New Information
Social Emotional Learning Screener
As we move into the Cold and Flu season, please contact the office one of the 2 ways listed below to report any absences. Here is the Link for Too Sick for School.
Option 1 please leave Student Name > Student ID Number > Teacher Name > Reason for Absence.
This way everyone that needs to know about the absence is communicated with.
International Walk & Roll to School Day
October 9, 2024
Join us on one of our Walking School Bus Routes!
Dragon Dash Updates!
Hello Findley,
Are you ready to run? Dragon Dash is NEXT Wednesday October 9th! We are so excited to hit the track!
Did you know there are prizes just for signing up on Pledge Star? All kids with a Pledge Star Profile are automatically entered into a raffle for amazing prizes! If you haven't signed up yet, do not miss this your chance to participate!
Thank you to our all of our Community Sponsors, Friends & Family who have already donated! Thanks to your support our library will get a stunning new look, after dutifully enduring years of wear and tear!!
Reaching our fundraising goal for this year will mean a new marquee for the school, extra PE equipment for the students, STEM Resources, the return of Chess Club, Author Visits, Running Club, Art Lit, International Extravaganza, Fall Festival, Carnival and much more!!
Thank you Findley and see you at Dragon Dash!!
Special Message for our Dragon Dash Volunteers
Thank you so much for volunteering for Dragon Dash!! We are so excited to get things going and are so grateful for your help!
To make the new badge process go a little more smoothly, the school has recommended that we please come to create our badges before the race day.
This means either Monday 10/7 or Tuesday 10/8, you should come to the school between the hours of 8:15 - 3:45 to make your badge.
The school will collect the badges and PTO will hand them to you as you check in for your shift on Dragon Dash Day.
Please remember to bring your ID as the sign in process requires a valid ID and a Selfie to create a badge.
Here is a video on the process if you are not familiar with it.
Thank you for your support!!
Findley PTO
Lost and Found is full!
Lost and Found is overflowing with coats, sweatshirts, and sweaters. Please remind your child to check lost and found when something is missing AND if their name is on the item, it will be returned. That’s right, we deliver!!😊
Talented and Gifted (TAG) Updates
In October or November (please watch your email for actual dates), all 3rd grade students in Beaverton will be administered the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Screener. This 30-minute of testing measures students’ learned reasoning abilities through verbal/picture analogies, number analogies and figure matrices. Families whose student scores in the 90th percentile or above on the CogAT screener will be notified and invited to give permission for their students to take the remainder of the test. There will be post-screener testing and full CogAT testing happening in elementary schools up until winter break. For more information about testing, please contact your school’s TAG facilitator.
5th grade families can request that their student take the CogAT Screener by completing this google form link.
If your student is on vacation or ill during the 3rd grade screener, we will not be able to accommodate a testing session in advance. When you return, check in with the building TAG Facilitators to see if there is an easy way to add your student to a future testing session.
If your 4th or 5th grade student did not attend a Beaverton school in 3rd grade, or missed the screener for whatever reason, you can tell your student’s classroom teacher that you would like your child to be tested. Students cannot be tested with the CogAT in consecutive years. For example, a 4th grader cannot take the CogAT if they took the screener in 3rd grade. Parents of 5th grade students, whose students did not take the CogAT as 4th graders, who would like to request their children take the CogAT again can fill out this google form. Parents need to sign up on the google form at least 5 days before the testing is scheduled to happen at their specific school.
Chess Club is Back!
Chess club is coming back for the 2024-2025 school year!
Please sign up through the google form here.
**Please note: The sign-up starts at 9:00 am on October 7th, 2024**
Early sign-up does not count. We will take the first 30 sign-ups for each section starting 9:00 am on October 7th, 2024 according to the timestamp on the google form.
The first session will start on Monday, October 14th 2024. There will be two sessions per week, Monday and Wednesday, after school hours from 2:55pm to 3:45pm. Monday is for lower grades and beginner level. Wednesday is for higher grades and advanced level. Each class accommodates 30 students. The first 30 sign-ups through the google form will secure a spot. If there are future withdrawals, the next in line can fill in. Two volunteers are needed for each class. Parents are encouraged to volunteer at least once each semester. Chess Club follows the same school calendar and it starts from October 14th. If there are any exceptions, we will notify the parents through email.
Specialists' Corner
Technology Update for September 2024-Mrs. Jain
Students in grades 3-5 focused on technology class expectation and device usage. They practiced typing and began learning coding fundamentals.
For K-2 students, the focus was on learning the expectations for technology class. They engaged in hands-on activities with blocks and Legos, and even created flower crafts as part of their exploration.
What's Happening in PE This Month-Mr. Lindell & Mr. Gorton
Findley students were focusing on soccer during the month of September. Mr. Lindell worked with younger students on using the inside of their foot to dribble the ball and strategies to use when someone is trying to take the ball from them. Older grades worked on moving into open space in order to get "open" for their teammates and receive a pass. Students then played modified soccer games that put them in positions to spread out and give everyone a chance to touch the ball. Mr. Gorton worked on dribbling and passing the soccer ball with teammates. Students then played larger games of soccer out in the field that allowed students to implement the skills they learned in class.
In October, Mr. Lindell will be teaching students about individual jump ropes while Mr. Gorton will be focusing on team building and cooperative activities.
What's Happening in Music This Month-Ms. Newby & Miss Maria
Kindergarten is working on beat keeping, exploring their voices and creative movement. Some of the songs we are singing right now: Apple Tree, London Bridges, I love the mountains.
1st grade is reviewing steady beat, beat vs. rhythm, high/ low sounds and creative movement. Some of the songs we are singing right now: Apple Tree, London Bridges, I love the mountains, Engine Engine, Garden Gate, Down down yellow and brown.
2nd grade is reviewing quarter notes, eighth notes and quarter rests, solfege notes sol and mi, safe movement and beat vs. rhythm. Some of the songs we are singing right now: Apple Tree, I bought me a cat, I love the mountains, Engine Engine, Garden Gate, and We are Dancing.
3rd grade is reviewing quarter, eighth and half notes and quarter rest, do mi sol la solfège, and form. Some of the songs we are singing right now: Apple Tree, El Floron, Here comes a bluebird, I love the mountains, and Chan Mali Chan.
4-5th grade is reviewing quarter, eighth, half, and sixteenth notes, the pentatonic scale, body percussion, singing in canons/ rounds and playing xylophone in an ensemble. Some of the songs we are singing right now: Rocky Mountain, Tideo, Red are Strawberries, Al Citron, Tet Trung, I'm gonna dance all day, On the Farmer's Apple Tree, Fruit Canon and Closet Key.
Repeat Information
Answer the Call for Beaverton schools!
It’s calling season! Between October 7-15, over 300 Beaverton School District high school students will volunteer their time and energy to reach nearly 20,000 community members during the Beaverton Education Foundation’s annual student-volunteer calling event.
Students participating in Answer the Call enhance and refine communications and marketing skills during all five call nights. These practical life and work skills are a bonus that students and future employers both value.
If you see “Beaverton Education Foundation” on your caller ID in October, please answer the call!
Volunteer Opportunities at Findley
Library - daily volunteers needed 8:40 - 9:40 - Sign up Here
Findley Flyers - Tuesday at lunch Recess - Sign up Here
Findley Flyers - Thursdays after school - Sign up Here
Dragon Dash - October 9 grade level volunteers needed - Sign up Here
Passport Club - 1 Wednesday a month during 2nd - 5th grade - Sign up Here
Walking school Bus 10/8/2024 - Sign up Here
Picture Day -10/10/2024 - Sign up Here
Emergency Release Forms
At back to school night, we asked each family to complete the Emergency Release form that is linked below. We still have a few outstanding and really want to get them collected. This form will be used if we have a sudden release and will be especially useful if we have a snow storm that keeps our buses from running. This form is separate from what you completed during online verification.
Thank you for your assistance in getting this completed.
Please be aware of safe crossing spots!
OBOB Registration
OBOB Team registration is now open on the website. 3rd - 4th & 5th graders may register as a team to compete with other teams starting in January. See our website for details. Registration ends November 8.
If you do not have a team, no problem, let the Mrs. Veness know and she can help you find one.
Click on the graphic to access the link!
This author visit will be for 3rd-5th graders.
Arrival Map
Dismissal Map
There are 4 student dismissal locations:
Common Ground (After School Care) - Students go to the cafeteria.
Car Pick Up - K-5 students are dismissed/escorted (K-1) to the lower parking lot via the playground. All car pick up students are asked to line up (siblings can stand together) and wait for their name to be called.
Walkers - K are walked to the Little Library doors and 1st graders to the flagpole. Grades 2-5 should meet parents at the flagpole or walk home per parent permission..
Bus - K-1 students are walked to the bus by Dragon Riders and 2-5 are dismissed from class when their bus arrives.
Cars - Use Lower Parking Lot Only
Parents/guardians who drop off and/or pick up students must use the lower parking lot whose entrance is located on Thompson Road. (The upper parking lot is reserved for buses only from 8:00-8:20am and 2:40-3:00pm.)
Caregivers must observe the following:
● Caregivers must stay in their vehicle at all times unless parked in a designated parking spot.
● Children must exit or enter their vehicles from the passenger side (staff will be available to help students).
● Caregivers should always stay in the right lane next to the concrete walk areas when students are getting in or out of the vehicle, and only use the pull out lane when their children have departed or arrived.
● Caregivers should pull forward as far as possible so more students can depart or be picked up.
● Do not pass other vehicles in the parking lot.
● Do not park in the gravel shoulder area next to the road that enters the parking lot.
**It is very helpful if parents can have their student’s names on a piece of paper on the dashboard so we know who you are picking up.
Following procedures and directions from staff ensure a smooth, safe arrival & dismissal.
All Volunteers Must Fill Out a NEW APPLICATION!
Keep Up-to-Date with the Thompson Road realignment project!
School Attendance Promotes Belonging!
Too many absences – excused or unexcused – can keep students from feeling a sense of belonging and ultimately succeeding in school. Just two missed days per month can really knock students off track.
Please help your child prioritize attendance this year. Need help? Reach out to your teacher, school counselor or principal to work on solutions together.
ParentSquare Tutorials for Incoming Families
English ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/UiX7gUTzeQU
Spanish ParentSquare 101 - https://youtu.be/Fg1iC4OL34E
Important Dates
October 2024
9 Dragon Dash
10 Picture Day
11 Staff Development Day-No School
16 Great Shake-Out Earthquake Drill/Passport Club Starts!
24 All School Assembly, Fall Festival
25 Grade Day-No School
Findley Elementary
Email: sherry_marsh@beaverton.k12.or.us
Website: https://findley.beaverton.k12.or.us/
Location: 4155 Northwest Saltzman Road, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-356-2100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/findleyES