ESC 15 Effective Instructional Practices Q4 March 2023
Accountability Chat with Randy
On Thursday, March 9, 2023 at 9:00am, Randy Gartman will answer all your accountability questions. Please join at the Zoom link below Interim assessments and using data to guide instruction will be the focus but all questions will be welcome. The STAAR Redesign in around the corner, so take part in order to be ready for the new accountability year. 2A -Academic Growth-Scales were released last week. How will this affect your campuses?
Crockett County Consolidated Common School District Hosts Statewide DCSI Learning Lab
Ozona was the site of the DCSI Learning lab. Nearly fifty participants attended and represented areas all over the state including Venus ISD, ESC 20 and Uvalde CISD. The purpose of the learning lab was to share and collaborate with educators all over Texas that were responsible for continuous improvement strategies in their districts. Representative from Lohn ISD, Crane ISD and Winters ISD attended the two-day conference as well. The team from Ozona graciously opened its doors and welcomed visitors from the state. Each campus provided an overview of the systems they have initiated to improve student performance. The event was organized by Center of Effective Schools and the Texas Education Agency.
Crockett County Consolidated Common School District
Kristin Sissom--Ozona Middle School Principal
2019 Overall: D=69; Domain I - C=72, Domain II - C=72; Domain III - D=61
2022 Overall: A=92; Domain I - B=80, Domain II - B= 89, Domain III - A=91
Erica Cruz - Ozona Elementary School Principal
2019 Overall: F=52; Domain I - F=59; Domain II - F=57; Domain III - F=37
2022 Overall: B=87; Domain I - 78=C; Domain II - B=88; Domain III - B=85
Thaddeus McCalister - Ozona High School Principal
2019 Overall: C=78; Domain I - C=78; Domain II- B=80; Domain III - C=72=C
2022 Overall: A=90; Domain I - A=90; Domain II - A=91; Domain III - B=86
DCSI Learning Lab
Front Row: LaAlica Hopkins - (SI Regional Manager), Karla Carrender - (TEA/Director of School Improvement), Amber Donnell - (TEA/Effective Schools Framework Manager), Dr. McWilliams -(CCCCSD Assistant Superintendent), Kristin Sissom - (Ozona Elementary Principal), Deniann Grant - (TEA -Assistant Director of School Improvement), Randy Gartman - (ESC 15 School Improvement Facilitator)
Back Row: Connor Grady - (TEA Regional Manager), Thaddeus McCalister - (Ozona High School Principal)
Center of Effective Schools
Erica Cruz - Ozona Elementary
DCSI Learning Lab
Implementation Guide to Online Testing
TEA wants to provide ways for students to meaningfully interact with the online testing platform before online testing in Spring 2023, recommending a minimum of two "at bats" per student PRIOR to STAAR/EOC 2023. The number of at bats will be compiled for each district.
Why take an "At Bat?" Link explains it all:
What counts as an "At Bat?"
- Beginning of Year Diagnostic Assessments - LEAS can administer released STAAR tests as beginning of year diagnostics.
- Interim Assessments - LEAS can administer STAAR Interim assessments 1-2 times per year to monitor student progress. Online tools available!
- Formative Curricular embedded Assessments (TFAR) - LEAS that have adopted TEA's Core OER instructional materials can administer curricular embedded assessments in TFAR. Other LEAs can created their existing unit tests in TFAR. These should be aligned to instructional materials, accessible through testing personnel system.
TEA Practice Test
TEA has provided an online Practice Test that emulates the STAAR Redesign.
STAAR Redesign Practice Tests and Resources
Full Length Practice Test for Online STAAR Redesign Practice
2023-2025 ESF Focused Support Grant Information New
The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will provide Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement, and Additional Targeted Support campuses the opportunity to apply for a letter of intent (LOI)-competitive grant titled 2023-2025 ESF Focused Support Grant.
All Title I, Part A-served federally identified campuses (Comprehensive Support and Improvement, Targeted Support and Improvement, and Additional Targeted Support) will have the opportunity to apply for funding and support from the Division of School Improvement for the 2023–2024 and 2024-2025 school years. LEAs may apply on behalf of their Title I, Part A-served federally identified campus(es) for one or more identified grant paths including:
- Pathway 1 - participation in one or more Texas Instructional Leadership (TIL) cohorts through a regional education service center
Pathway 2 - participation in an external Vetted Improvement Program (VIP) identified on the ESF Vetted Programs website.
- Please note that additional VIPs will be included in the ESF VIP list in mid-February 2023. Please review this information after that time for a complete list of approved VIPs for the upcoming school year.
The Title I, 1003 ESF-focused support grant will post tentatively on March 13, 2023. LEAs will have 30 days to complete the application. Additional details and information can be found on the Division of School Improvement LEA grants webpage.
2022 Accountability Overall Closing the Gaps Cut Points
These were the cut points used to identify schools for support in 2022:
Campus CTG Overall
E 63 66
M 66 66
S 65 66
AEA 30 66
Basic Elements of Effective Teaching-- From the book, Focus -- Mike Schmoker
Learning Objective - A clear, concise description of what will be learned and how it will be assessed.--Learning objective is prominently displayed, written in clear language, and based on grade-level curriculum. Objective clarifies how learning will be demonstrated/assessed. Teacher refers to the objective at strategic points during the lesson.
Anticipatory Set - Explains purpose or relevance; captures student interest in the lesson. --Teacher engages student interest by providing purpose, previewing learning, and/or linking to prior learning. This should typically be no more than 3-5 minutes.
Teach and Model - A demonstration or explanation of a single brief step, procedure, or mental operation, delivered at a simulating pace. --Teacher clearly explains, models, or things aloud through each brief, manageable step, one at a time. Each lesson step contributes directly to success on that day's objective/assessment. Throughout instruction teacher "scans" to ensure all students --100 percent --are on task and focused on learning.
Guided practice - Students immediately imitating or practice each small, manageable step as teacher observes.--After each brief step, students practice/process new skills knowledge by attempting or demonstrating understanding or mastery of each step or topic.
Check understanding - Quick observation/assessment of each small step of lesson during and after each guided practice.--Teacher quickly assesses student progress or (mis)understandings after each step (e.g., by circulating to observe student work; cold-calling a sample of students; having students hold up whiteboards). Teacher maintains pace by limiting individual tutoring during this time (it is best provided, if necessary, during independent practice).
Adjust/reteach - Adjustments to teaching made of the basis of each "check for understanding" --Teacher reteaches, clarifies instruction, or has students pair up to assist each other to ensure that students master each step before moving on to the next step in the lesson.
The cycle is repeated, sometimes multiple times, for every brief step in the lesson until all/almost all students are ready for independent practice (below)
Independent learning/assessment - Students independently practice/completing assessment to demonstrate mastery of learning objective. --Teacher assigns independent work that allows students to further practice/demonstrate mastery of the larger learning objective. At this time, teacher may provide tutoring/ small -group assistance to students still needing help.
Effective School Framework
- School Leadership and Planning
- Strategic Staffing
- Positive School culture
- High Quality Instructional Materials
- Effective Instruction
- Data Driven Instruction
What is the ESF Diagnostic Process?
The ESF diagnostic process is a collaborative approach for all districts and campuses who want to fine-tune their plans for continuous improvement.
Through evidence collection, focus group interviews, and campus observations, an ESF facilitator from your local education service center works side-by-side with the campus principal and the principal’s supervisor to determine 2-3 high-leverage focus areas for campus improvement.
96% of campuses who went through the ESF Diagnostic Process last year said their focus areas for improvement will guide their work in the upcoming school year and 92% said the diagnostic process was a productive use of their time.
Contact ESC 15 for more information:
Randy Gartman: randy.gartman@esc15.net
Michael Bohensky: michael.bohensky@esc15.net
Targeted Improvement Plan Submissions
Submission Cycle 3 (Progress 2) was Completed March 3
--Cycle 4 Due June 30th--
Cycle 4 to include summative STAAR results in student data tab.