September 2024

Important Dates
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5 - PreK starts!
6 - PreK Kickoff
14 - Pathway Express - Vets Memorial
14 - Transitions Fair
24 - Burroughs Open House
Burroughs Open House
Tuesday, September 24
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Bring the whole family to Burroughs for the Fall Open House
- See the projects your students are working on
- Tour the school building
- Get Parent Portal help
- Learn important school year details and updates
- Meet community partners
Dismissal & Arrival Reminders
Thank you all for your patience as we work on a new dismissal process this year! Hopefully this has made things easier for you as you pick up your students!
Just a reminder that students will be entering through the playground doors between 8:45-9:00 AM. There is no school supervision before 8:45 AM. After 9:00 AM - please enter through the main yellow doors.
Dismissal begins at 3:15.
Drivers - line up along the driveway and your students will come to you.
Walking Families - Wait at the yellow main doors and your student will come to you.
Daycare vans - Students will be picked up along Burgess Ave
Bus Riders - Students will load into busses along Sullivant Ave.
School Absence Reporting
Parents need to call, email, or complete the online Student Absence Form for the school by 9:00
AM to report student absences. Upon return from an absence, the following procedure is to be
followed: (if the parent did not complete the online Student Absence Form already)
A written note signed by the parent, stating date(s) of and reason(s) for absence from school. Please send the note to school with your child the day they return to school.
Attendance email address: attendance.burroughs@columbus.k12.oh.us
Attendance phone line: 380-997-0225
Student Absence Form: LINK: https://forms.gle/33mQUPrHJDTqFKug7
School Sign-out Procedures
If you need to sign-out a student during the school day, please be aware of the following procedures that keep your student safe at school:
Any students being picked up early must be signed out by a relative / adult that is listed in Infinite Campus. Parent's can list adults allowed to pick-up their student in the Parent Portal. If an unlisted adult needs to pick up a student, the listed Guardian MUST call the school office at 614-365-5923.
Starting April 7, 2023, Ohioans who are 17 years and older can receive an ID card at no cost. https://publicsafety.ohio.gov/static/free-ID-palm-card.pdf
Students cannot be signed out between 2:45-3:15 PM. School dismissal is at 3:15. Thank you for helping us keep kids safe during dismissal.
August School Photos!
1st day of School Clap-in!
Back to School Night
Back to School Night
Thank you Fast Response Heating and Cooling and Santiago's Pizza for the backpacks and cookout!
4th Grade
Working in teams to solve a puzzle - learning 4th grade will be challenging but they can do it!
4th Grade
Working in teams to solve a puzzle - learning 4th grade will be challenging but they can do it!
4th Grade
Exploring new sites on the chromebooks they will use during intervention and trying out the flexible seating in the room
Yearly Update Parent Portal!
Please make sure your parent portal is updated yearly!!! This is the ONLY way we have contact information. Please do that here:
Before and After School Care
Columbus City Schools provides before and after school care for elementary students through the Latchkey program. The closest Latchkey location is Westgate Elementary. There are spaces available and a bus already runs between Westgate and Burroughs. Care is provided between 7-9AM and 3-6PM. You can find more details and program costs here.
District Announcements
Pathway Express Stop #1
National Veterans Memorial and Museum
Saturday September 14, 2024
10AM - 1PM
300 W. Broad St. Columbus, OH 13215
Join CCS for another great year of discovery on the Pathway Express. This years first stop is the National Veterans Memorial and Museum. Meet Author Marc Brown (Arthur), explore the museum, and enjoy interactive learning experiences. Admission and parking are FREE.
Registration is required!
CCS Transitions Fair - For Students with IEP or 504
CCS Transition Fair
Sept. 14, 2024
East High School
1500 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43205
Plan your child's future by attending the Columbus City Schools Transition Fair. This event is an opportunity for families and students with IEPs and 504 plans to learn about tips, tools, strategies, and information to assist with life changes as students move through PreK/ elementary to middle school to high school and beyond.
50 Community partners available to provide families with information for PreK to High School student needs
Guest speakers talking about tools to help plan an IEP, Medicaid Waiver services community resources, and strategies to support student through school
Family fun with Cleveland Cavaliers Free 30 minute basketball clinics & Touch a Truck
Click link below to register. This event is FREE!
CCS Early Childhood Education
CCS PreK Kick-off!
CCS PreK families are invited to start the year off right by attending a FREE PreK Kick-Off event. Experience hands-on activities, a scavenger hunt, food, giveaways, and more!
CCS PreK Kick-Off
Friday, September 6, 2024
Grange Audubon Center
505 W. Whittier St. Columbus, OH 43215
Columbus City Schools is offering our Pre-K program tuition-waived for the 2024-2025 school year. The Online Registration will open January 3, 2024. Enrollment appointments are no longer required. School selections will begin April 3, 2024 via the Parent Portal. If you have any questions, please contact 380-997-5192 or email eceenrollment@columbus.k12.oh.us.
Please view the enrollment page for documents needed to enroll.
Community Resources
Free Hygiene Store
Thanks to a partnership with A Step In The Right Direction, Burroughs is excited to offer a free hygiene store for students. Soap, Toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, lice kits, etc are available for free. Student's just need to ask their teacher if they need any items. Families may also visit a community Free Hygiene Store if they need any supplies.
Ballet Met Soar on Saturdays
Soar on Saturdays is a dance access program created in partnership with The King Arts Complex. It is aimed to give young students the opportunity to explore movement over the course of a free six-week dance class. Four different six-week sessions will be offered throughout the academic year, each featuring a unique style of dance. Classes meet once a week.
Questions, please email education@balletmet.org.
Now Enrolling
Lower Lights Child Enrichment Center is now enrolling for children ages 18 mths - 5 years at their brand new center at 2323 Sullivant Avenue. They accept Publicly Funded Childcare (Title XX) and for parents who don't qualify they use a sliding scale based on income to set tuition costs. They have a brand new, beautiful facility.
Contact: childcare@lowerlights.org | 380-223-2305
Warm Meals on Westside
Hope Resource Center
496 S. Wheatland Ave
Columbus, OH 43204
Meals Served Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 11 AM - 2 PM
Jordan's Crossing
342 N Hague Ave, Columbus, OH 43204
Monday - Friday
Daily Hot Lunch 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Daily Sack Lunch 10 a.m. – 4: 00 p.m.
Hilltop Worship Center
2622 Sullivant Ave
Columbus, OH 43204
Hot meals to-go: SATURDAYS: 1:30-3:30 p.m.
Feed My Sheep
2364 W Broad St
Tuesdays: 6:30PM to-go meal
2nd-5th Saturdays: 9AM to-go breakfast
Additional food resources:
Free Store for Families of Young Children
Get connected with people and resources on the westside of Columbus while shopping for free items including clothes, shoes, accessories and toys for children ages 0-3.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
At Faith Community Church
2578 Sullivant Avenue
Columbus, OH, 43204
Employment Readiness Center
If you have hurdles to working or need help with paperwork/resumes, please walk in for help!
Faith Community Church
2578 Sullivant Ave
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
We are open every Monday from 10-2 and by appointment. We can help with writing resumes, job searches, and finding resources to overcome any barriers a person may encounter when searching for employment. We also help people with expunging their records to improve their job opportunities.
Burroughs Elementary School General Information
Email: adouglass@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: ccsoh.us/burroughses
Location: 551 South Richardson Avenue, Columbus, OH, USA
John Burroughs is a Title I School
- John Burroughs is a Title I school that receives Federal Title I funding to support academic achievement.
- Title I funding is spent on supplies, materials, staffing, and programs to support student achievement.
- As a parent of a student attending a school that is receiving Federal Title I dollars, you have the right to know the professional qualifications of the teacher(s) and instructional paraprofessional(s) who instruct your child. Federal law requires every Title I school district to comply and to provide you with the requested information in a timely manner. We are happy to provide this information to you. At any time, you may ask.