Hansen Weekly Update
October 13th, 2024
Let's Walk to School!
On Tuesday, CAPT led students and parents on a 'Walk & Roll' walk to school on National Walk to School Day! Thank you to our School Resource Officer, Officer Eric Kascavitch and the Canton PD, for making sure everyone got to Hansen safely!
Hello Hansen Families,
As we relax during a three-day weekend, here is your Hansen Weekly Update for this week! Here's wishing everyone a nice holiday on Monday!
With Hansen Pride,
Paul McKnight
Hansen Elementary School
Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15th to October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month. This month celebrates the anniversary of independence for five Latin American countries: – Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, and El Salvador. Mrs. Kohl created the posters of well-known people of Hispanic Heritage, pictured below, to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
Last week at Hansen...
Friends climb together...
First Grade Classrooms Enjoy Puppet Stories...
Hedgy the Hedgehog is welcomed to our Kindergarten Character visits...
...and Mrs. Kohl's 5th grade students (above and below) work in teams on budget-based environmental models, collaborating to prevent plastic pollution in bay areas, while under financial constraints for project design and completion.
Coming Soon...
Oct. 14th: No School, Columbus Day
Oct. 15th: CHS Leadership Students visit grade 4
Oct. 17th: CHS Leadership Students visit grade 5
Oct. 21st: CHS Leadership Students visit grade 3
Oct. 21st + 22nd: 4th Grade Archaeology Enrichment Program
Oct. 22nd: Forsyth Dental Clinic
Oct. 23rd: Early Release, 11:50 a.m.
Oct. 24th: CHS Leadership Students visit grade 4
Oct. 25th: CAPT Fall Dance
The Importance of Being on Time to School
Parents, we're starting to notice a concerning trend of student tardiness in the morning at arrival time. The importance of helping students value being on time is reflected in many areas. Being on time to school every day can help students develop the habit of being punctual, illustrates to them your commitment to their learning and social connections in school, and helps reduce classroom interruptions and distractions for all students. Missing just 15 minutes of school twice a week equates to 3 missed school days per year!
Also, students arriving to school with time to spare have the benefit of morning recess time, greeting their teachers and classmates, getting organized for their school day, and focusing their minds on the lessons to come. Students arriving late miss out on these benefits, and chronic tardiness may cause students to struggle with learning and feeling a full part of their classroom community.
However, arriving late to school on a consistent basis results in students starting their day under stress, can lead to confusion with their academic lessons, and eventually has long-term academic effects. Ultimately, we want to help students build life-long habits for success for their future in school, college and the world of work.
Mr. McKnight and Ms. Fahey will look to schedule meetings with families of students who have been tardy multiple times, beginning in October. Please help your student(s) benefit from daily on-time arrival to school, so that they have the best school year possible!
Thank you!
Morning Recess Information
When students arrive to school, they can either go to breakfast or they go to morning recess. Students in grades 3-5 will have morning recess on the front playground. Students in grades K-2 will have morning recess on the back playground. Students in K-2 will enter the building through the side door, K & 1 students leave their backpacks outside their classroom door, grade 2 students keep their backpacks, and go to the back playground.
Thank you!
Personal Toys / Fidgets in School
While classrooms and offices at Hansen may have different toys or fidgets that students are allowed to use at appropriate times, we ask that you do not send your student in with any toys, stuffed animals, Pokemon cards, or fidgets.
We want to prevent toys or personal items, from being misplaced, broken, or accidentally put into someone else's backpack. Please check your student's backpack for any toys, stuffed animals, Pokemon cards, or fidgets and kindly make sure they stay at home. Thank you!
Book Character Day is Coming Up!
Book Character Day on Thursday, Oct. 31st:
Students and staff have the option to dress like a book character for school! This is a wonderful opportunity for all to share their favorite book or characters with their peers. If your student is participating we ask that their costume or outfit follows our Code of Conduct. Students should not wear masks or bring in toys or accessories, and should make sure their character is school and age appropriate!
School Picture Retake Day / Picture Package Assistance
Attention Parents! - School Picture Retake Day is November 15th! If your student missed School Picture Day, or wants a Retake, please have them ready for picture retakes that day.
Also, if any families would like assistance in purchasing their child's Picture Day Package, please reach out directly to Mr. McKnight at mcknightp@cantonma.org
Thank you!
STAR Assessment Report Information
For important information on our STAR Assessment Reports, click here. Translated versions of this letter are found below:
The Hansen Robotics Club Returns for Grades 2 - 5!!
Join F.A.S.T. Athletics, the After School Exercise & Fun Club, this Fall!
Hello Hansen Families,
We are grateful for the opportunity to run these after school programs with the Hansen Elementary School. Please take a moment to look through the flier and see if our programs are of interest. We are offering grades K-2 Super Sports. Students will play a variety of sports and games each week. We are also offering grades 3-5 Flag Football and Dodgeball. When the weather is nice we will be outside playing flag football and on rainy days we will have dodgeball in the gym. We hope you will join us for all the fun this fall. (See Flier Below for Sign Up Info!)
Please Note - Registration is ONLINE ONLY, the form below is informational only!
Thank you!
F.A.S.T. Athletics
GMS Building Project Voting Reminder
The Galvin Middle School Project is heading toward two key town votes. Save the Dates: November 18 Special Town Meeting and an Anticipated Ballot Vote on December 10.
Want to learn more about the GMS Building Project, see design renderings, or review timelines, please click on this LINK. If you have any questions, please email info@galvinmsproject.com.
The Galvin Middle School Project Team will be at the Sunday, October 20 Fall Fest at the Canton Farmers Market, and there will be a Community Forum at GMS on Wednesday, October 23 at 6:30 p.m.
Thank you!
Derek Folan
960 Washington Street
Canton, MA 02021
5th Grade Students Organize Hansen Offices Fidget + Toy Drive
Recently two of our more intrepid and philanthropic 5th graders met with Mrs. Foley and Mr. McKnight to pitch their idea to organize a fidget and toy drive, to donate to Hansen adults who work with students in office spaces in our school. Their proposal was approved, and now we're excited to welcome donations of toys and fidgets to benefit students meeting with adults in Hansen's office areas. Please see the flier the two students put together for details on how you can donate below!
CAPT Corner
Upcoming Events
October 25 - Hansen Fall Fest Dance 6:30-8:30pm. Parents must accompany their children - costumes are welcome. No weapons or sharp objects.
Tickets are now on sale at
Volunteers are still needed - sign up here: https://www.evite.com/signup-sheet/5200364438552576/?utm_campaign=send_sharable_link&utm_source=evitelink&utm_medium=sharable_invite.
Halloween BOO bags
Order BOO bags from the Hansen CAPT for $10 to have them secretly delivered in the month of October (Venmo @Hansen-CAPT with “Boo Bag” in the comment, or contact hansenboobags@gmail.com for alternate payment methods).
- Visit the Google Order Form to order: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdf0MXxhedwSBq0IdbuR1XM4iN7WtkQMG65NaHPYj3uoCCOgg/viewform?fbzx=-1163630823135397564
- To find out who BOO'ed you, email hansenboobags@gmail.com and make a $3 donation to the Hansen CAPT
Fall Mini Sessions
Local photographer Moira Sweetland will be doing 15 minute mini sessions October 19 and November 3. $20 of each session will benefit CAPT Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA5A62FA5FD0-51524302-hansen
CRISP Restaurant Fundraiser
Dine in or takeout on November 14 benefits Hansen CAPT.
Save the Dates
- November 12 Meeting 7pm in Hansen LIbrary or via Zoom | Add to Calendar - Google: Download ics for Apple or Outlook (File attached)
- December 10: 7pm in Hansen LIbrary or via Zoom | Add to Calendar - Google | Download ics for Apple or Outlook (File attached)
- Fall Mini Book Fair - November 18 week (during parent/teacher conferences)
Other Updates
Hansen Fun at First Walk and Roll
A few dozen children and guardians joined CAPT for the first walk and roll on Tuesday, October 8. The kids had a great time. Thank you to Officer Eric for helping keep everyone safe!
Champions of Wellness 5K Race / Walk
The second annual Champions of Wellness 5K race/walk is officially open for sign-ups! The race will take place on Sunday, November 24th at 9am starting at the Canton High School track. Registration is $25 and all money raised goes towards Canton Public Schools mental health education for students and scholarships for seniors.
Please be sure to register using the link below. Same day registration closes at 8:15am. Start your training!
Also For Parents:
This is our second year using our new SEL curriculum, Wayfinder. For access to a visual outlining Wayfinder's 'Core Skills + Competencies' which the instructional curriculum is based upon, click here. Thank you!
Need Family Assistance?
Family Resources
The Canton Farmers Market also accepts SNAP and HIP
How to Get Help | The Society of St. Vincent de Paul Boston
More support:
Chat online or call 800-273-8255
Support For LGBTQ+ Youth
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
Text NAMI to 741741