CGS Newsletter
January 17, 2025
Upcoming Events:
- 1/20 School CLOSED in observance of MLK Jr
- 1/24 2nd trimester Progress Reports Grades 1-6 (Gr 7 & 8 use Infinite Campus)
- 2/7 Someone Special dance gr. K-4
- 2/12 NJHS induction ceremony
Messages of peace
Martin Luther King Jr. was an impactful and inspiring leader. While at home on Monday, you may want to take some time to talk to your children about his poignant messages of peace. I have shared some quotes and themes from his powerful speeches that directly relate to our students. His messages about friendship, kindness and forgiveness can be applied to everyday life.
- Decision making: "The time is always right to do what is right.
- Leadership: Stand up for for justice and equality, even when faced with challenges.
- Setting goals: "Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the staircase."
- Work toward peace: Express your feelings and talk about what you need to make things better.
- Kindness: Positivity and compassion are forces that can transform an enemy into a friend.
- Forgiveness: "Forgiveness is not an occasional act: it is a constant attitude."
ACCESS testing
Our ELE students are working hard to complete their state ACCESS testing. These hard working mulit-lingual students have shown great effort and determination. We appreciate their efforts!
Health Screenings
Our school nurses will be doing the vision, hearing, height, weight, and postural screenings beginning this month. If you do not want your child to participate in screenings please send an email to the school nurses (jrcosta@methuen.k12.ma.us Snryan@methuen.k12.ma.us. by January 31, 2025.
Volunteer needed
We have collected many generous donations of clothing and outerwear. We are looking for a parent volunteer to help organize and inventory our stock. If you are interested, even if it is once a week, please email me @ keproietti@methuen.k12.ma.us to inquire.
Thank you!
Connect with our amazing CGS PARENT AMBASSADORS!
Thank you to all of our CGS Ambassadors for helping to build great partnerships!
SEPAC update
The Methuen Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) warmly invites you to join today! We are dedicated volunteers committed to supporting families of students with special needs. Connect with us for valuable resources and support.
Right now, we're excited to partner with our amazing PTOs to enhance and foster inclusivity at our school events. We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers from each school to join our mission! Your involvement can truly make a difference in fostering a welcoming environment for all families.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please reach out to us at:
Email: methuensepac@gmail.com
Together, we can create a supportive community for all students and their families!
Methuen SEPAC
Special Education Parent Advisory Council
(978) 291-8258
UPDATE: Collective Bargaining Agreement as of 11/15
Attendance Matters
Handle with Care
If a student is experiencing any personal difficulty at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that is OK. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please email the teacher with the subject “Handle with Care.” Nothing else will need to be said or asked, unless you want to share. This will let the teacher know that your child may need extra time,
patience or care during the day.
School counseling update
Please click to view:
- Parent letter regarding screening information
- Care solace resources ENGLISH SPANISH
- Who is my counselor? LOWER UPPER
Show your CGS Pride!
CGS Spirit Wear!
We are so excited to offer our ONLINE CGS Student Spirit store! Students and STAFF can show their pride for CGS in whatever style they choose! We will continue to have CGS “We are proud WEDNESDAY.” Each Wednesday CGS staff and students are welcomed to show their spirit in blue and white or CGS apparel. Funds raised will help support our positive school culture.