OLQA Friday Newsletter
July 12th, 2024
Principal's Message
OLQA Families,
We hope everyone is having a restful and fun summer! We are hard at work at school getting things prepared for the next year. Big thank you to Mr. Emilio for all his hard work around the building painting and getting everything ready to go! Also attached is the school supply list. With Amazon Prime Days coming up next week, we want to make sure you're able to get school supplies early at the best deals.
Also if you have any questions or want to meet about anything for next year, feel free to drop by the school. We are all here from 9:00 to 2:00 each day and the summer is a great time to touch base before everything gets busy in September.
Hope the kids enjoy their time off!
James Sayer
Our Lady Queen of Angels School
OLQA School Updates
Summer Hours
School is open Monday through Friday during the summer from 9:00 to 2:00. Feel free to make an appointment or just drop by if you need something!
Biweekly Newsletters Continue this Summer
We will send out biweekly newsletters in the summer. Our next newsletter will be sent out on Friday, July 26th.
Enrollment Part 2 Fee Past Due
The 2nd part of the enrollment deposit is now past due. The enrollment fee is $250 per student, included in your total tuition. $250 is often broken down into two payments, the first payment of $150 is paid when you finalize the enrollment for school year 24-25. The 2nd payment of $100 was due on July 1st in your FACTS account. Payments can also be made at the school in the form of money orders or checks. Please ensure to make this payment ASAP if you have not already.
School Supply List 24-25
We wanted to share our school supply lists early so that you can get ahead and pick up items early and on sale. The document is broken down by grade level, so make sure to check for your child's rising grade.
We also are adding 2 rolls of contact paper to the supply list. This will help ensure all books stay in good shape over the course of the school year. Here is a link on Amazon you can order.
SY24-25 Uniform
Below you will see a summary of the OLQA Uniform for SY24-25. There are no changes but a couple key reminders follow below:
- Students must wear black dress shoes as part of the regular uniform
- Students must wear OLQA gym uniform and ALL black or ALL white dress shoes
- For next year, black and white Nike dunks should NOT be worn.
- There is a difference between Fall/Spring and Winter Uniform
- Fall/Spring Uniform is from 9/5 to 10/31 AND 4/1 to 6/13. In Fall/Spring Uniform students MAY wear their white OLQA polo shirt
- Winter Uniform is from 11/1 to 3/31 and students may NOT wear their white OLQA polo shirt. Boys MUST wear a white long sleeve dress shirt and tie, while girls MUST wear a white long sleeve dress shirt or blouse.
An overview of the uniform follows below:
Doctors physical and Immunization records
It is a state requirement to be up to date with your immunizations. Please submit your documents to the front desk or you can upload them to your child's file. Click on the image, it will take you to your child file to upload all necessary documents.
Uniform donations
Gently used uniforms are greatly appreciated. Please stop by during our summer hours to drop off the uniforms and say hi to the team getting the school ready for next year.
OLQA Summer Homework 2024
Summer Homework is due the first day of school next year. A summary of the summer homework assignments by grade follows below (Click on the Picture to Access the Google Doc w/ Links):
First Day of School 24-25
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024, 08:00 AM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
School Year 2023-2024 Highlights
Johnny Mac Tennis
Dancing Classroom Showcase
Thanksgiving Potluck
In the Neighborhood
Free Movie @ East River Plaza 7/23
Camps In the Neighborhood
Contact Info
Have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
- Mr. Sayer, Principal = Email: james.sayer@olqaeastharlem.org; C: 929-390-1687
- Ms. Nieves, Academic Dean = Email: mnieves@olqaeastharlem.org
- Ms. Dobrina, Operations Leader = Email: dcarrara@olqaeastharlem.org
- Ms. Jenniffer, Operations = Email: jengarcia@olqaeastharlem.org
- Mr. Nick Gianni, Operations = Email: ngianni@olqaeastharlem.org
- Follow us on Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/