Riverbend Middle School News
November 1, 2024

From the Principal
Riverbend Families,
As we wrap up the last week of our first trimester, I hope that you and your Riverbend student(s) have some positive highlights to reflect on. It's definitely an exciting time to be at Riverbend! Our Cheerleaders, Cross Country, Football, and Girls Basketball teams all experienced some great success this fall. Our Digital Media class debuted their own news program called "Channel 210 News". Students in our Exploring service in the Community class participated in several community clean-up projects, organized a Hurricane Relief Drive, and created the first ever Tribe Olympics competition for their classmates. Students taking any core classes have completed their beginning of the year assessments. They are working with their teachers to set goals for growth throughout the year.
Looking ahead to trimester 2, consider these useful tips to help your student(s) transition successfully to their new set of classes:
- 2nd Trimester Schedules: Students can access their 2nd trimester schedule through Infinite Campus. Be sure to have them review it before their new classes begin. Students won't be receiving a printed copy of their schedule like they did at the beginning of the year.
- Schedule Changes: Does your student want to change their schedule? Students have the ability to request a schedule change by using the Counselor Request Form located on their grade level Canvas page. Counselors will review the request and determine if a change is warranted and can be made. Please keep in mind that not all requests for changes can be made due to class size restrictions or other scheduling conflicts. Schedule changes will not be made after the first week of the trimester.
- Student Resources: Did your student struggle with any classes during the first trimester? Talk with them about using their Tribe time to seek out help from their teachers. All students always have the option to attend a homework supervision room or request intervention time with a specific teacher.
- Student Dress: With the weather turning colder, students waiting at the bus stop may need to dress in warmer clothing. Encourage your student to dress in layers. If they get too hot, or too cold, they can always add/remove layers as necessary. If your student is in need of a winter coat, hat, or gloves, please contact an administrator for assistance.
- Communication: Oftentimes, parents and students may have a question or concern regarding a class or an incident that took place at school. Encourage your students to advocate for themselves when they have a need. If it is specific information regarding a class, contact the teacher first to gain more clarity. If you feel more follow-up is necessary after speaking with the teacher, please reach out to a counselor or administrator.
- Celebrate The Victories (Even The Small Ones): We love recognizing when our students go above and beyond. Our kids do some amazing things, and they deserve to be celebrated when good things happen. Take some time at the end of each day to talk with your students about their day. Have them focus on something positive that they experienced. Finding the good in everyday experiences is a great way to encourage a positive mindset with our students.
- Responsibility: Our 2nd trimester pillar is "Responsibility". With one trimester under their belts, our students know the expectations set for them at Riverbend. Encourage your student to demonstrate responsibility by being safe passengers on the bus, cleaning up after themselves in the cafeteria, and communicating appropriately with teachers and peers.
Thank you for allowing us the privilege of working with you and your student(s). We look forward to another successful trimester of partnership.
Todd Dempsey
Upcoming Events
November 1 - No School - Professional Development Day
November 8th - Veteran's Day Assembly
November 8th - Early Release & End of 1st Trimester
November 11th - 1st day of 2nd Trimester
November 25th - 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
Counselor's Corner
Dear Parents/Guardians
This is a reminder that all schedule change requests must be submitted by Friday, November 15th. Please be aware that submitting a request does not guarantee a schedule change, as each request will be carefully reviewed and processed based on availability and other factors.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us provide the best possible learning environment for all students.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to helping your child thrive!
Nurse's Notes
Big Smiles Dental Visit
We are pleased to offer an opportunity for your child to see a dentist right here at school! If you’re interested in taking advantage of this convenient service, please either fill out the form your student brought home or visit the following link to register: https://www.myschooldentist.com/RSMVMO_schsrm.
District policy for medication/ medication drop off
Please be aware that all prescription medications need to be dropped off by an adult/guardian to the school Nurse or Principal. Students should not be carrying medication at any time per district policy.
No medications, including over-the-counter medications, are to be carried in backpacks, purses, or on person for the safety of all of our students.
Cafe Connections
You can use the link below to access both breakfast and lunch menus for our building. Would you like to see something on the menu that's not there? Email Ms. Gail at gsimpson@mvr3.k12.mo.us your suggestions. Breakfast ala-carte is continuing to be offered. In order to purchase, your child must have money in their account.
Beta Club Information
This month's Beta Club Service Project is to bring in items for our food drive. Please bring in food to support our annual food drive.
Tuesday, October 31st--- cans of vegetables
Wednesday, November 1st-- boxed potatoes/canned sweet potatoes
Thursday, November 2nd---Boxed stuffing/gravy
Friday, November 3rd---Boxed desserts/ cranberry sauce
11/6-11/9: Any perishable food item is appreciated!
** Please check expiration dates, we will not be able to accept expired food.
If you miss a day, just remember to participate and bring in that food!!
Turn into your Tribe teacher and then turn in your assignment here!
Annual Craft Fair Information
The 5th Annual Riverbend Craft Fair will be held on December 7, 2024. If you or someone you know is interested in registering a booth for this event, please contact Ms. Miles at riverbendcraftfair@gmail.com. We would also like to invite all family and community members to join us for a day of shopping. More information to come soon on times!
Staff Spotlight
Article by Skarlett White, Riverbend Times
This week's Staff Spotlight is 7th Grade ELA teacher, Mrs. Myers.
Kim Myers is a new 7th-grade English teacher at Riverbend. She is married with four stepchildren and loves to hike, bake and play softball. She is a Pacific High School graduate.
She became a teacher because she loves working with kids and had imagined herself being a teacher ever since she was a child. She has worked in education for over nine years and earned her degree from Culver Stockton College. Myers said she likes working at Riverbend.
“It's easy to work with other teachers,” she said. Myers is also the varsity softball coach for Pacific High School. She was an elementary teacher at Nike Elementary before she moved to Riverbend.
“Working with softball and elementary at two different times became very difficult to do, so I was hoping for a spot to open up at Riverbend,” she said. “Plus, I like middle schoolers more.” She especially enjoys working with 7th graders.
“I was glad I got to work with seventh graders because they’re calm,” she said.
Sports Schedule
We love to see our Riverbend students supporting each other at the various extracurricular activities around our district. Please note that all Riverbend students must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend an extracurricular event at any of our buildings around the district. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed to enter an event. If there are changes to game times, please check out the link below for additional information.
Riverbend Middle School Information
Helping students reach full potential through innovation, engagement, character, and community.
Website: mvr3.k12.mo.us
Location: 2085 Hwy N. Pacific, Mo. 63069
Phone: (636) 271-1481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RMSIndians