Timber Ridge News
May, 2024

Upcoming Events & Dates
- May 17: Safety Fair @ Timber Ridge
- May 22: Last day of Classes for 8th Grade Students/ 8th Grade Field Trip
- May 23: Graduation Ceremony @ 6:30 - Timber Ridge Gymnasium
- May 27: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
- May 31: Field Day for Students in Grades K-7
- June 3: Last day for Students in Grades K-7
Important News
Online Registration
Please continue to register for our summer school program (Extended School Year) and for the upcoming school year.
Please register by 5.24.24
If your child is not attending summer school, please reach out to your child's therapist to let them know.
Quick Updates
We wish our graduates all the best for what lies ahead!
Timber Ridge Recognition
Celebrating our Retirees
It is with many mixed emotions that we celebrate our last month with two of our amazing staff members.
Ms. Fox has been with Timber Ridge/NSSEO for 31 years! That is a lot of dedication to serving out students and families with her positive energy, optimism and innovation. She has led the establishment of our STEM Lab and curriculum and has provided numerous hands-on learning experiences that our students will always remember!
Ms. Santiago has been a part of Timber Ridge/NSSEO for 27 years! She continues to bring a high amount of energy, compassion and positive attitude that brightens the lives of all around her. She has supported our Spanish-speaking families for many years, ensuring all of our families know that they are welcome as part of this community.
We wish you both the best of luck and remember, once a Timber Wolf, always a Timber Wolf!
What's Going on Around Timber Ridge
Timber Ridge Movie Night
Our Spring Movie Night was a huge success, smashing our previous attendance record! As families enjoyed the movie 'Inside/Out', there was popcorn, candy, pizza and most importantly, good times with family and friends! Everyone left with smiles on their faces and we look forward to our next movie night in the Winter of 2025...in the meantime, we look forward to seeing you in October for our Fall Literacy Night!
Chicago Area Alternative Education League (CAAEL) Basketball
This season in CAAEL Kickball Timber Ridge went 4 and 2 to finish the season. Athletes demonstrated great sportsmanship and always carried a positive attitude even if the team was down. This wraps up our CAAEL season for this school year but we look forward to beginning with Flag Football at the beginning of the 2024 – 2025 school year!
NSSEO Family Safety Fair @ Timber Ridge: Friday, May 17
Hiring for Extended School Year (ESY - Summer School)
We are currently hiring for our summer school program; please see flyers below and pass on this information to anyone you know who would be interested!
Wrap Up
Information to Share?
Are you aware of any events or opportunities outside of school that might benefit some of our Timber Ridge students or families? If so, please share them with us! Please reach out to either mwagrowski@nsseo.org or nmilne@nsseo.org to help spread the word. We’d love to share any information that might help to support opportunities or resources outside of Timber Ridge!
Important Dates
- May 17: Safety Fair @ Timber Ridge
- May 22: Last day of Classes for 8th Grade Students/ 8th Grade Field Trip
- May 23: Graduation Ceremony @ 6:30 - Timber Ridge Gymnasium
- May 27: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
- May 31: Field Day for Students in Grades K-7
- June 3: Last day for Students in Grades K-7