Smore - Our New Newsletter Tool

Join us at Fairmount this Thursday, March 6th, at 6:00 PM for Academic Showcase!
Come with your students to find out what they are learning! Families can explore the curriculum for each grade span, including subject areas and pacing guides that outline an approximate timeline and lesson sequences. Visit the page to stay informed and engaged in your child's education!
Peak Night - Fractions are Wild
Check Out Bangor Schools' New Curriculum Page
Want more information on what your student is learning?
Families can explore the curriculum for each grade span, including subject areas and pacing guides that outline an approximate timeline and lesson sequences. Visit the page to stay informed and engaged in your child's education! Click on the icon to the right to be taken to Bangor Schools Curriculum Page.
SOAR Prize Winners from February 14th
Fairmount's Breakfast and Lunch Menus for March
Check out the Fairmount Lunch Menu for March by clicking on the school lunch image.
Check out the Fairmount Breakfast Menu for March by clicking on the school breakfast image.
Bangor Schools Monthly Newsletter
In case you missed it - here is the Bangor Schools February Newsletter!!
Click on Sam the Ram to view the newsletter!!