Thunderbird Update
"Where all Thunderbirds Thrive"

Week of February 3, 2025
Thunderbird Team Building
Thunderbird Families,
Ready or not, February is here! Our after school program is in full swing with many opportunities for students to participate Monday-Thursday. If you aren't already taking advantage of this great opportunity, I recommend you check out the flyer below and get signed up.
Our 7th grade team is hosting their annual Spring Fling fundraiser this Friday. Monday is the last chance to sign-up to participate in the events. Make your team, bring your entry fee, and go see Ms. Avelar in room B32. Just a reminder, behavior matters! Students with discipline referrals to the office will not be allowed to participate, but will be provided a room to catch up on work, Lexia, and iReady.
Representatives from all high schools will be at Zia on Monday at 9:00 to help our 8th graders complete their course selection cards for the 2025-26 school year. It is important that students are here on time Monday so that they can choose your classes for High School.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held February 13th and 14th. Students with academic, behavior, or attendance concerns will be contacted by the advisory teacher to schedule a conference. If you don't hear from us and would like to schedule a conference, please call the school at 575-527-9475.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Apodaca
Important dates to remember...
- February 4th - Progress Reports
- February 5th - ACCESS testing continues
- February 7th - Elementary Music Tour
- February 7th - Spring Fling Event
- February 11th - Course selection cards go home with current 6th & 7th grade students for the 2025-26 school year.
- February 13th & 14th - Parent Teacher Conferences and Next Steps (13th - 4:15-7:30 & 14th - 8:30-12:00)
- February 14th - Interim Grades available in ParentVue
- February 18th - Educator Planning Day & Remote day for students
- February 20th - Course selection cards (current 6th & 7th graders) due with parent signature to Advisory teacher
- February 25th - Spring Band Showcase @ 6:00
8th Grade MESA representing Zia @ the 57th Legislature Session
High School Information Meetings Scheduled
Boys Basketball Schedule
Girls Soccer Schedule
Spring Kick-Off Registration Begins this Week!
Zia FFA is selling Candy Grams
High School Open Houses & Course Selection
SAVE THE DATE - Spring Parent/Teacher Conferences
Spring After School Program
Thunderbird Yearbook - On SALE now!
Attention 8th Grade Parents
- BUG Tutoring begins this week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Click the link below to register your student if you want them to stay after for tutoring. Tutoring runs from 4:00-5:00 in the library.
Take advantage of FREE Online Tutoring 24 hours a day!
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be printed and sent home through advisory every other Tuesday. They are due with PARENT/GUARDIAN signature by Thursday. Please see exact dates below.
February- 2/4, 2/25
March- 3/25
April- 4/8, 4/22
May- 5/6, 5/20