Remediation Strategies
Getting through the last few weeks
Best Practices for Remediation
- Target students individually - use the data to determine which students need to improve on which skills or standards.
- Use small groups or stations to let students work in teams based on similar needs.
- Chunk skills into small tasks that can be done over time rather than giving one large review packet.
- Use peer tutors to explain concepts in different words.
- Take advantage of flipped remediation with videos and resources that have already been created.
- Have students track results to see if their remediation led to improved performance on the next benchmark.
- Use self-grading activities through Learn Study Island, Mastery Connect and other digital resources to give students immediate feedback.
- Provide a little time each day to spiral review in addition to new content. Remediation should not be seen as punishment.
- Have students reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the results of their class and home activities.
Example Personalized Remediation Lesson
Example of English 9 Remediation by Standard
Carousel Reviews
While taking part in Carousel Brainstorming, small groups of students rotate around the classroom, stopping at various “stations” for a designated period of time (usually 1-2 minutes). At each station, students activate their prior knowledge of a topic or concept and share their ideas with their small group. Each group posts their ideas at each station for all groups to read.
Stations for Review
Break review into sections such as time periods, topics or units. Provide review questions and allow students a certain amount of time at each station. Stations could include helpful materials such as notes, books, articles, etc. Alternate your groupings between hetero and homogeneous groups to make the most of peer teaching.
Last year English 10 had great success combining classes for EOC review. Kids from mixed classes went to several stations which were geared toward EOC strategies and skills. Stations covered many different learning styles and rotations. Instructions for each station were printed (teachers divided up the prep work ahead of time). Teachers monitored and had conversations while rotating and signed off on completed stations.
Graphic Organizers
Bored with these? Check out Richard Byrne's of Free Tech For Teachers review of several mindmap digital tools.
Student Created Games
Discovery Education SOS Strategies
PEAK Instructional Strategy: "Swap Meet"
To have students revisit and process content in a safe, fast paced, active, sharing environment. Swap meet is a great activity for revisiting content from previous day(s) and for providing scaffolding.
Students record information on an index card after accessing support from notes, homework, text, etc. for a given prompt from the teacher. Students then move about the room greeting classmates and exchanging index cards with each person they greet. Each time they swap to get a new card, they quickly read it before passing it on to someone else. After a few minutes of swapping and reading cards, the students are directed to share the content on the cards they are presently holding in small groups and then return to their seats to share and further process the new information with their peers. It is beneficial to have the students swap and read more cards on the way back to their seats.