Roosevelt Raccoons
June 10, 2024

Dear future Roosevelt families,
We are excited that you are going to join our Roosevelt Raccoon family in August. We wanted to make you aware of a few important dates and times in advance, and also give you a little more detail about the schedule.
The first couple of weeks of school are a little different than the regular schedule, due to the need to do some initial assessments of TK and kindergarten students.
August 14: Parent Opening Day Meeting 8:30am-10:30am (parents must attend with their child)
August 15 to August 23: TK/K District Assessment Period
Kindergarten students attend 8:15am-1:05pm
TK students attend 8:30am-12:30pm
Parents select one day for their child to stay until 1:30pm for TK and 2:05pm for kindergarten for 1:1 required assessments
August 23: Kindergarten teachers create balanced classes
August 25: All students begin full day schedule 8:30am-1:30pm for TK and 8:15am-2:05pm for kindergarten.
Regular school hours are staggered depending on the grade level of the student.
TK has a different start time from the rest of the school. They start at 8:30am. All other grades start at 8:15am.
TK dismissal time is 1:30pm, and kindergarten dismissal is at 2:05pm (12:30pm and 1:05pm on Thursday minimum days).
Our campus is divided into one smaller upper campus quad for TK-1st grades with an entrance on McGarvey Ave and a multi-leveled lower campus with entrances on either Vera Ave or Euclid Ave. We recommend that where possible, TK-1st grade students are dropped off and picked up at the McGarvey entrance to the school. All of our gates are opened to students at 8:00am, and while we recommend certain gates for drop-off, students may enter campus from any gate. The morning bell rings at 8:13am, and all of our gates close promptly at 8:15am. The McGarvey Ave gate will open for TK students only at 8:25am and will close at 8:35am. Any kindergarten or 1st grade students arriving after 8:15am or TK students arriving after 8:35am will need to go through the main office on Vera Ave to receive a late pass. This is necessary, so students are not inadvertently marked absent by their teachers.
At dismissal, our upper campus gate on McGarvey Ave will be opened at 1:55pm and will close at 2:25pm. Any students not picked up by 2:25pm will be escorted down to the main office. This will include any students with older siblings in 2nd-5th grades. Our lower campus gates will be opened at 2:30pm and remain open until 2:50pm.
We have a “Maze Day” prior to the start of school. This ensures all of your registration paperwork is complete, and you have the opportunity to meet some of our staff, and meet some of our other wonderful Roosevelt families. Our Maze Day is going to be Friday, August 9 from 8:30-11am and 12-2:30pm. More information will be sent home the first week of August.
There will be a TK/K playdate on our upper campus playground by the McGarvey Ave entrance on Saturday, August 3 from 10am-12pm. It is a great opportunity to meet some of our current Roosevelt families and connect with other new families.
If you are interested in one of our extended learning after-school programs, please complete this RCSD interest form. We will have three grant-based programs available at Roosevelt next year: Catalyst, PAL, and REACH. Our extended learning programs after-school are grant funded. As a result, students are prioritized based on data received from the district. When all students who qualify under the grant have been assigned to one of our programs, any remaining spaces will be opened up to other families.
If you would like to consider one of the private programs who work with our school, we encourage you to contact them directly:
PCC SACC -To register please email PCCSACC@wearepcc.com PCC SACC provides school pick up from Roosevelt in passenger vans.
Rainbow Before and After School Program Rainbow Preschool is a private program that uses space on the Roosevelt campus. For more information, please contact them directly at 650-367-4027 or (650) 784-913.
If you have any questions, please contact the Roosevelt Family Center at (650) 482-2114 or email our at vlobos@rcsdk8.net or tascencio@rcsdk8.net.
We look forward to welcoming you and your family to the Roosevelt Raccoon family!
Tina Mercer
Roosevelt School
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/roosevelt
Location: 2223 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2413
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool