Wolverine Weekly
GHMS Updates and Notes (5/22/24)
Alert: Early Release Today - Dismissal at 1:10pm
Contact Us
Front Office Email: susie.yoder@godwinschools.org
Español: dolores.perez@godwinschools.org
Location: 100 Wexford St SE, Wyoming, MI, USA
Phone: 616-252-2070
Website: https://ms.godwinschools.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GodwinMiddle
Principal's Corner
As we approach the final week of the 23-24 school year, I find myself reflecting on the journey we've shared together. It's truly remarkable how swiftly time has flown by, filled with countless memories, achievements, and challenges overcome. As we prepare to bid farewell to another school year, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence.
I urge all students to finish strong. Remember, perseverance and self-control are the cornerstones of success, especially as we go through the final stretch of the school year.
The last day to submit any missing or late assignments is Friday, May 24th.
Exam week is fast approaching, starting on Wednesday, May 29th. I encourage all students to prepare by completing study guides and studying. Your hardwork will produce great results, so let's give it our all and show the knowledge and skills we've acquired throughout the year.
Finally, I would like to remind students that technology device collection will take place on Friday, May 31st, our last day of school. It is imperative that all students return their Chromebooks, cases, and chargers on this day. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Thank you once again for your support and commitment to our school community. Wishing you all a successful conclusion to the school year and a refreshing summer break ahead.
Principal's Email: urbanski@godwinschools.org
Phone: 616-252-2070 x3008
Staff Shout-Out Opportunity
The middle school team works hard to ensure your child is safe, learning, and a valued member of our building. If you'd like to commend a staff member for their exceptional work, please click here to complete this form. We look forward to sharing your positive messages with staff and our families alike.
School Calendar
5/22: Exam Day #1 for 8th grade; Early Release - 1:10 PM; Girls Soccer Home Game vs. GRPS 2; 8th Gd Farewell Night
5/23: Exam Day #2 for 8th grade
5/24: Half Day - 11:15 AM
5/27: No School
5/29: 8th Gd Michigan Adventure Trip; Final Exams
5/30: Final Exams
5/31: Final Exams; Last Day of School; technology collection; Half Day,
11:15 AM
6/10: Summer School Begins; Board of Education Meeting 6 PM
6/12: Feeding America Food Truck
6/24: Budget Hearing Board of Education Meeting 5:30PM & Special Meeting @ 6PM
7/10: Feeding America Food Truck
8/6: GHMS Orientation
8/7: Feeding America Food Truck
8/19: First Day Of School
Farewell Night TONIGHT!
We look forward to celebrating our 8th graders tonight and bidding them adue. If you have an 8th grade child, please encourage them to dress in their finest attire and make sure they arrive at the high school no later than 5:45 to line up for the ceremony, which starts promptly at 6pm.
During the ceremony, our school band will delight us with a special musical performance, and we will have the honor of presenting awards for outstanding achievements.
Following the ceremony, families are invited to join us for refreshments outside the auditorium.
Final Exams Schedule
8th Grade Exams
6th & 7th hour exams
Wednesday, May 22
Thursday, May 23
Wednesday, May 29th
8th grade attending Michigan Adventures
7:30 - 9:15 AM - 7th Hour Final Exam
9:20 - 11:00 AM - 6th Hour Final Exam
Lunch: 11:00 AM - 11:35 AM
11:04 AM - 11:48 AM - 5th Hour
12:26 PM - 1:06 PM - 4th Hour
1:10 PM -1:50 PM - 2nd Hour
1:54 PM - 2:35 PM - 1st Hour
Thursday, May 30th
7:30 - 9:15 AM - 4th Hour Final Exam
9:20 - 11:00 AM - 2nd Hour Final Exam
(A Lunch: 11:00 AM - 11:35 AM) (5th Hour [A]: 11:04 AM - 11:48 AM)
(B Lunch: 11:48 - 12:22) (5th Hour [B]: 11:39-12:22)
12:26 PM - 1:06 PM - 1st Hour
1:10 PM -1:50 PM - 6th Hour
1:54 PM - 2:35 PM - 7th Hour
Friday, May 31st
7:30 - 9:15 AM - 5th Hour Exam
9:20 AM - 11:15 AM - 1st Hour Exam
Tutoring Available
It's not too late to raise those grades and prep for upcoming exams! Join us for tutoring through the rest of the week, staring right after school until 3:15.
*please note transportation is not provided afterward.
Tutoring will NOT be avaiable the last week of school, Tuesday, May 28- Friday, May 31.
Chromebook Collection
All items from the technology department must be returned by Friday, May 31st, following the students' final exams. Each student is required to submit a computer, its case, and charger. Should any item be absent, the tech department will issue an invoice for the missing item(s).
All student devices will be gathered on the last day of school, regarless if they are registered for summer school. Devices designated for summer school will be re-distributed at a later date.
Medicine Pick-Up
Medication stored in the middle school office for the 2023-2024 school year must be collected by 3:30 PM on Thursday, June 6th; otherwise, it will be disposed of. Please note that we cannot retain medication over the summer. New medical release forms will need to be signed for the upcoming school year, 2024-2025 at the beginning of the new school year.
Summer School
Click here to register your child for summer school. The registration deadline is May 24th.
Students accepted into the program are receiving welcome letters from their advisory teacher this week. The attached paperwork and parent/gaurdian handbook must be signed and returned on the first day of Summer School June 10th. If your child does not receive a welcome letter, it means they are on the waitlist.
Summer school will be held Monday through Thursday, starting June 10th and concluding on July 25th. Please be aware that there will be no summer programming from July 1st to July 4th.
TRIO Applications for 24-25 School Year
The TRIO Educational Talent Search program of Grand Valley State University is currently accepting new 6th-8th grade scholars at the Godwin Heights Middle School.
This FREE program assists scholars by providing workshops and individual meetings at their schools on college-going topics, career exploration, financial literacy, college visits, study skills, financial aid awareness, assistance with completing financial aid applications, field trips, summer programming and more! The program is grant funded through the United States Department of Education. First priority for admission goes to scholars who meet federal low-income eligibility guidelines and those who would be the first in their family to attend college. Our application form is available in both English and Spanish. To see eligibility details and to apply, visit: https://www.gvsu.edu/ets/how-to-join-22.htm
For any questions or further details please contact Lester Anderson 616-331-7114, andelest@gvsu.edu or lester.anderson@godwinschools.org
Summer Meals Available
Godwin Heights Dining Service will be serving free breakfast & lunch to anyone 18 years or younger in the community Monday through Thursday June 10th - July 26th (no meals the week of July 4th) No registration needed! See letter below for more information:
Yearbook Orders
Pre-ordered yearbooks were distributed during advisory class this week. If you ordered a yearbook but did not receive one, please contact geskus and provide proof of purchase, and they will ship you one. If you did not purchase a yearbook but would like to, follow the directions below:
Click the link for all athletic information: https://ghathletics.com/
Click here for a map of athletic locations.
*Please note that participation in any sports requires a completed physical to be turned in.
Girl's Soccer
Girl's Basketball Camp
WHO: GIRLS: 2nd - 12th Grade(2024-2025 School Year)
WHEN: June 10th - June 12th: Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday
6th - 12th grade: 6:00pm - 8:00pm
*GAMES + PIZZA PARTY: Saturday, June 15th from 11am - 1:30pm
WHERE: Godwin Heights High School PEB, Door 21 Entrance
COST:$25 (t-shirt included!) [not due until the camp starts]
Click here to sign up OR grab a sign-up sheet in the office. Due Friday, May 31
Contact for any questions:
Mamie Hai: mamie.hai@godwinschools.org | 616-438-4653
Godwin Heights Athletic Office: 616-252-2054
Volleyball Camp
At volleyball camp, you’ll be able to build your skills under the guidance of an experienced coach and older players. Plus, it's a fantastic chance to meet new friends!
Who’s invited: Incoming 7th graders to high school seniors
When: June 3rd – June 5th, 4:00pm – 5:30pm
Cost:Only $15 (Includes camp t-shirt!)
How to Register:
- Pick up a camp t-shirt order form in the office.
- Return the form with your payment to the office by Friday, May 24th.
For any inquiries or clarifications, feel free to reach out to Coach Kyle directly at 616-901-3792. She’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.
Cheer Camp
Girls who will be in 7th and 8th grade next year who are interested in attending cheer camp, click here and fill out the form. For any questions, feel free to contact Coach Lani: Phone: 616-856-5144; Email: ailanimata6@gmail.com
Attendance Policy
Daily Attendance & Being on Time Matters!
School is students’ first job. They’re learning how to show up for school on time every day so that when they graduate and get a job, they’ll have built that discipline. Students who attend school regularly are more likely to graduate and find good jobs. High school graduate makes, on average, a million dollars more than a dropout over a lifetime.
Reporting an Absence
If your child will miss school for any reason, please dial the school number (616) 252-2070 and press "2" to leave a message on our attendance line. In your message please include your relationship to the student, the student's name, the date(s) they will be absent, and the reason for their absence. If no call is received before noon the day after your student is absent, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.
If your child attended an appointment, please have your child submit a note from the office they visited to excuse their absence upon their return.
Going on Vacation?
Families should avoid extended vacations that require their children to miss school. Try to line up vacations with the school’s schedule. Chronic absence not only affects the absentee students; it disrupts learning for an entire classroom when teachers have to repeat lessons for students returning to class.
When notified in advance, the office can provide a pre-arranged absence form to the student that must be signed by each teacher, administration, and parent/guardian. It is the family’s responsibility to get all missing assignments. Classwork should be completed before the absence unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.
All vacation days may accumulate toward the attendance policy.
Attendance Policy
The normal attendance expectations for any given child in the Kent County Intermediate School District are as follows:
> that a child miss not more than 10 days of Excused Absences for the entire school year,
An excused absence is one that is excused by both the parent and the attendance office. Any excused absence entitles the student to make up the work missed and receive full credit upon completion of academic requirements. Examples of excused absence falls into one of the following categories: illness, death in the family, approved family vacation, family emergencies, or required court appearance.
> that a child have no Unexcused Absences for the entire school year
> that a child have not more than 5 Tardies combined with Leave Early check-outs per semester.
> that a child have no Suspensions for the entire school year.
Health Corner
Medicine Policy
Medication stored in the middle school office for the 2023-2024 school year must be collected by 3:30 PM on Thursday, June 6th; otherwise, it will be disposed of. Please note that we cannot retain medication over the summer. New medical release forms will need to be signed for the upcoming school year, 2024-2025 at the beginning of the new school year.
Please be aware that for the safety of our students, all medications must be stored in the main office. This includes medicated cough drops, pain relivers, etc.
For over-the-counter medications to be kept and administered at school, we require a parent signature. Prescribed medications must have both a physician's signature and a parent's signature for administration.
Parent's Guide to Keeping Kids Home From School
When your child is sick, it’s important to know when they should stay home from school. If they have a contagious virus or disease, keep them home. This will help them get better faster and keep their teachers and classmates from getting sick.
Talk to your child’s doctor or health care provider if you are unsure if they should stay home from school. As a general rule, your child should not go to school if they have:
- A fever over 100.4° Fahrenheit (F) or 38° Celsius (C) – Your child can return to school after they’ve been fever-free for 24 hours without antipyretics. Antipyretics are medicines that treat or prevent fever.
- Signs they are weak and tired. This is common with the flu.
- Diarrhea – Having loose poop (stool) more often that isn’t caused by a change in diet.
- Throwing up (vomiting) – More than 2 times in a 24-hour period.
- Coughing that disrupts normal activity.
- Wheezing or get short of breath.
- Pain from earache, headache, sore throat, or recent injury.
- Yellow or green drainage from the eye(s).
- A new rash – Not all rashes mean your child must stay home from school. Check with their doctor or health care provider.
If your child has a fever, they must stay home from school until they have been FEVER-FREE for 24 hours WITHOUT medication! Thank you!
COVID Policy
We have free COVID tests in the office, available for all interested staff and parents.
Community Resources
Grand Rapids Gold Basketball Camps
Midwest United FC Soccer Tryouts
Download attachements for more information.
Godwin Heights Public Schools has a proud partnership with Feeding America West Michigan. They provide mobile food truck pantries to our school district once a month.
Our Godwin Heights Feeding America truck distributions are at 4:45 pm in front of the high school, Here are the dates the truck will be present:
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
If you have your own bags, please bring them!
Free English Classes for Parents (Fall 2024)
The Literacy Center of West Michigan offers free English classes for parents. While the current semester is closed, registration for the Fall semester is just around the corner. Call the number on the flyer for more information and to secure your spot!
"Parents Right to Know"
As a Title One school, our building receives funding from the federal government to support instruction. In order to receive that funding, we must communicate specific information with our families. Linked below is a letter letting you know that, at any time, you may request information about the qualifications of the staff working in our building. If you have any questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our State and Federal Programs Director, Mary Lang. She can be reached via email at lang@godwinschools.org or by phone at 616-252-2030.