The Cardinal Connection
December 18th, 2024
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
December 19th: Last Day of After-School Programming
December 20th: Last day to retrieve student medications by the close of business
December 23rd-January 1st: Winter Break! No school for students.
January 2nd and 3rd: Asynchronous Learning Days for J.O. Wilson Students (students will be learning from home)
January 6th: First day students report to swing space
January 14th: PTA General Body Meeting and Swing Space Tour for Families @6PM
January 17th: PD Day for Staff: No School for students
January 20th: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday...No School for Students
January 27th: PD Day for Staff...No School for students
Important Announcement: No Afterschool Programming on December 20th
Cardinal Families, please note that there will be no afterschool programming on Friday, December 20, 2024. We ask that all students are picked up at 3:15PM. Afterschool programming will resume on Monday, January 6, 2025. Thank you, and enjoy your break!
Thanks to All Who Joined Us for December's PTA General Body Meeting!
We had over 90 parents and staff members participate in last week's virtual PTA Meeting. For those who weren’t able to attend, you can review the agenda and meeting slides online.
For those who weren’t able to join, we encourage you to review the recording of the meeting segment during which Principal Brunson and administration discussed the upcoming swing space move, including schedules, transportation logistics, what to expect for Jan. 2-3 asynchronous learning days, and other topics.
Asynchronous Learning Days & First Day of In-Person Learning
J.O. Wilson students will not report in person to the swing space at 810 26th St. NE, Washington, DC 20002, on Thursday, January 2, or Friday, January 3, 2025. These two days have been designated as asynchronous learning days, meaning students will work independently at home without live, real-time instruction from teachers.
The first day of in-person learning at our new location will begin on Monday, January 6, 2025. Teachers will be sending home asynchronous learning materials this week, so please be on the lookout for these packages to ensure your child is prepared for their assignments.
Medication Pick-Up Reminder
Attention Parents and Guardians: Please be advised that all student medications must be retrieved from the school nurse prior to the close of business this Friday, December 20th. Per DCPS regulations, medications cannot be transported by the school. Any medications not picked up by the deadline will be discarded. We kindly urge you to make the necessary arrangements to collect your child's medication by Friday.
Primary Communication During Winter Break
Families, please use the email address jowilsonesenroll@k12.dc.gov as the primary means of communication with our front office staff over the winter break. As we prepare for the move to the swing space, there is a chance our phone lines may be temporarily unavailable during the transition. Email will be the most efficient way to reach us.
PTA Meeting & Swing Space Tour - January 14th @6PM
Mark your calendars! Our next PTA meeting will be held in person on January 14th at 6:00 PM. This meeting will also be a special opportunity for families to visit and tour the swing space. We encourage all families to attend, as this will be a great chance to see the new space and stay informed. We look forward to seeing you there! More details are forthcoming!
Contribute to the J.O. Wilson PTA Giving Drive through Dec. 31!
It's the Season of Giving. There are so many ways to give your time, talents and treasures to support J.O. Wilson and our community. Please consider giving in one of the following ways:
Donate to the Cardinal Fund to help us reach our 2024 $10,000 giving goal.
New Winter Clothes and Toys - Give toys and winter apparel for our Cardinal families in need. Donations can be dropped off through Dec. 17 at the front office. The most requested sizes are 5-6, 7-8 and 10-12 for both boys and girls, and needed items are hoodies/sweatshirts, long-sleeve shirts and pants. Popular toy requests include Barbie, LOL Dolls, action figures, Spiderman, Sonic, Mario, remote control vehicles, art and science kits and educational games.
Support our teachers’ Donor Choose projects.
Volunteer your time and talents by joining a PTA committee, helping our teachers pack for the move, or volunteering at the Book Fair.
Check out all the ways to give here!
Support J.O. with Your Everyday Purchases!
Shop at Harris Teeter? Link your VIC card to J.O. WIlson, and Harris Teeter will donate a portion of your purchases to J.O. Note that cards needs to be re-linked every year, so please double-check that you’ve successfully linked your card for the ‘24-25 school year.
Buy General Mills products? Download the Box Tops for Education app to scan receipts when you buy participating products (including Annie’s, Betty Croker, Cascadian Farm, Immaculate Baking, Larabar, Lysol, Nature Valley, Old El Paso, Paper Mate, Pillsbury, Progresso, Totino’s, Yoplait, and others) and J.O. will receive a portion of each purchase.