Board Recap
Notes from the recent FFSD Board of Education meeting

Notes from the recent FFSD Board of Education meeting
The Ferguson-Florissant School District Board of Education held its monthly meeting virtually on Wednesday, Aug. 14, 2024. It was recorded and uploaded to the District YouTube channel and can be viewed by visiting the FFSDTV on YouTube. Read about actions taken at the August 14 school board meeting.
The following items were shared with the Board of Education for action. Please see the agenda items listed below.
- Approved all items presented in the consent agenda
- a. Minutes
- b. Personnel
- c. Edgenuity for 24-25 school year
- d. Technology - Antivirus renewal
- e. ThoughtExchange rewewal
- f. Athleticare - Athletic training for the 24-25 school year
Watch the Board of Education meeting on YouTube
Next Board of Education meeting will be held on September 11 @ 6 p.m.
The Ferguson-Florissant School District, located in suburban St. Louis, serves nearly 10,000 students from preschool through 12th grade with an excellent comprehensive educational program.