Centennial Eagles News
January 27, 2025
Note from Dr. Carmen (Principal) -AKA "Mrs. Carmen"
Dear Centennial families/guardians,
Let's make the week ahead purposeful and joyful! It is our last week of January, which is hard to believe. Time sure does fly when you make the most out of each day!
*Pictured: 5th grade students, Noah and Colton, represented Centennial at the District Spelling Bee on Saturday. We are so proud of their willingness to be brave!
Reminders & Thank you's:
- PTA Restaurant Night: Thank you to all that joined in the Panda Express fundraiser!
- Attendance: Last year our chronic absenteeism was 9% this time of year. This year it has increased to 13%. Please help us to decrease this percentage over our next weeks of school.
School events THIS week:
- Monday, January 27th: Access Testing Week
- 3:15 pm Chess Club
- Thursday, January 30th:
- 3:15 pm Student Council
- Friday, January 31st: Spirit Day & 5210+ Challenge BEGINS!
- 3:15 Lego Robotics Club
Kind regards,
Carmen Polka, Ed.D.
Our land acknowledgement:
We gratefully acknowledge the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Núu-agha-tʉvʉ-pʉ̱ (Ute), and Očhéthi Šakówiŋ land on whose ancestral homelands we gather, as well as the diverse and vibrant Indigenous communities who make their home here today.
Centennial Family Fun Night: Save the Date
The love is real. You're invited to join us for an evening of community and fun at our annual Centennial Elementary Family Night, courtesy of the PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) team.
Centennial Elementary's Family Night will take place on Thursday, February 6th from 4:30-6:30pm at the school. The event includes a dinner option, along with a number of fun-filled activities centered around things we love, such as healthy habits, family time, first responders, and more!
In order to have the correct amount of food prepared for our special night, we're asking for anyone that would like to eat at the event to make a dinner reservation.
All current Centennial students will eat for FREE! Please select the free "Student" dinner reservation option and indicate how many current Centennial students will be attending.
Other family members, guardians and siblings who are not currently attending Centennial will need to purchase a meal for $5 per person. Payment will need to be completed at the time of reservation.
Menu Options (selections to be made at the event): 2 pasta options with choice of meat and sauce, bread, dessert and water
Gluten Free items are also available! Please indicate on your reservation how many gluten free meals are needed for your party.
Dinner reservations must be made by Wednesday, January 29th.
To make a reservation, please go to: https://ceslovelandpta.givebacks.com/store/items/1152355
The Love Is Real: Giveback Opportunity
If you would like to "share the love" with our school when you come to Family Night, the following items would be greatly appreciated as donations:
1. New underwear sizes 4/5, 6/7 and gently used/new pants sizes 5T-8 with elastic waist preferred
2. Snacks-please no chips or cookies
3. Reams of colored paper or colored cardstock
These items can be brought the evening of Family Night.
Nominate a Centennial Staff member for Educator of the Year
Thompson Education Foundation recognizes exceptional educators in Thompson School District each year with the TEF Educator of the Year awards. Nominations for the 2025 awards are now OPEN!
Coworkers, supervisors, parents, students and community members are welcome to nominate in the following categories:
- Elementary Teacher of the Year (early childhood - fifth grade)
- Secondary Teacher of the Year (sixth grade-twelfth grade)
- Principal of the Year
- TSD Staff Member of the Year (secretaries, district administrative staff, counselors, paras, custodians, transportation, etc.)
- Rookie Teacher of the year (any educator new to the profession and with TSD for 18 months or less)
- NEW THIS YEAR - Student Choice Award
Students can nominate their favorite educator using a student-only nomination form.
Both the general and student nomination forms can be found HERE.
All nominations must be submitted by Sunday, February 9, 2025 for consideration.
The Educator of the Year awards will be announced at Trailblazing Thompson - A Salute to Excellence on Tuesday, April 22, 2025 at Embassy Suites from 5:00-7:15pm. In addition to the Educator of the year awards, the event will celebrate and honor TSD staff with recognition of the Awards of Excellence and Top of Thompson recipients and retiring TSD staff members.
District Elementary Chess Tournament: Come watch our Chess Club compete!
Elementary Spin & Dance Camp with Loveland High School
The camp will be happen on March 10th -11th at Lincoln Elementary and March 12th at Loveland High School where the camp students will get to perform as part of the Winter Ensembles showcase.This performance will be free of charge. Registration will close on February 28th.
Here is the link to registration: bit.ly/elemguardcamp
The cost of the camp is $35 and includes, t-shirt, pizza dinner, and instruction. We can offer financial assistance to any families that need it.
School Safety Drills
Throughout the school year we conduct multiple safety drills. These drills include: Lockdown, Secure, Shelter in Place, Evacuate, and Hold. In addition we have many fire drills throughout the year. To support your student at home, here are some talking points.
- "What did you do during the drill?"
- "What did you find easy to follow?"
- "How did you feel during the drill?"
- "Did you have any questions about what to do in a real emergency?"
- "What was one thing you learned today about staying safe?"
- In all, focus on your student understanding of the procedures, their feelings during the drill, and areas where they might need further clarification.
- Remember, these safety procedures can be used in any setting.
Preschool for 2025 - 2026
Are you interested in your child being ready for kindergarten? The Thompson School District's Integrated Early Childhood Program provides quality preschool experiences for three and four year olds at 15 different sites around the Loveland and Berthoud area.
If your child will be 3 or 4 years old by October 1, 2025, your child may be eligible to participate in the Thompson School District's Early Childhood Program. We ask all interested families to complete our Preschool Interest Form available on our preschool website. If you have any questions about our program, please call 970-613-5052.
First Steps Learning Center at the Early Childhood Center at Stansberry
Did you know that First Steps Learning Center is an infant and toddler program offered by the Thompson School District and licensed by the State of Colorado Department of Human Services? This program accepts children between the ages of six weeks and 36 months of age. We follow the district calendar and open from 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Teen parents in our district as well district staff are eligible to access this program. Community and therapeutic services can also be integrated onsite to provide staff/parent training and/or direct intervention services. Please call 970-613-5038 for more information.
YMCA Update
Visit here to register: SDO Camp
Unified Basketball Games
Please join our community at the Unified Basketball game!
Berthoud HS vs Mountain View HS is on Saturday, January 31st, 2025 (at Berthoud HS). The games are at 5:00pm (Girls), 6:30pm (Unified), and 7:00pm (Boys).
Library NEWS
Hey CES Families!
All through the month of February, every student who brings their overdue or missing library book back will receive a mini glow in the dark lizard!
Parents- are you not sure if your child has a book out or what it even is? Please email Mrs. A at rachael.auch@tsd.org with any questions. (and psssst.....don't worry, if you are a student that always returns your book on time- you will still receive a glow lizard!)
Happy Searching!
(hint: take a picture of you and your book where you find it for next week's challenge!)
Where in the World did you Find your CES Library Book?
Hey students! We would love to see where you discovered your lost library book! Take a picture of you and your book in the crazy spot it was found and email it to us! You never know- you may just be featured on our Facebook page- send it to stephanie.peterson@tsd.org and then don't forget to bring it in to claim your glow lizard!
Happy Searching!
Library Donations
If you are able to donate, the Mrs A. is looking to enhance and replenish the Maker Space in the library. Below are some items that she would love to receive:
100 piece mini glue sticks ( Lots of these- they go through them super fast)
colored pom pom balls
colored paper
pipe cleaners
empty TP rolls
Inclement Weather Information
During periods of inclement weather, Thompson School District is occasionally faced with the difficult decision on whether or not to close schools. You can find more information about these policies and how these announcements are communicated here:
Chromebook Insurance
If you are interested, details can be found on our district Tech 4 All website.
Drop off and Pick up
Office Hours are 7:30 am - 3:30 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
Breakfast 7:45 am (Enter through front doors)
Start Time 8:00 am
Wednesday Late Start
Breakfast 8:45 am (Enter through the front doors)
Start Time 9:00 am
Every Day Dismissal Time - Kindergarten 3:05pm, 1st - 5th grade 3:10 pm
Please take a moment to read the before and after school procedures so we are all SAFE on campus.
This is LONG but super IMPORTANT to READ!
- Kindergarten (parents may need to exit car to help the child exit the car safely)
- 4th and 5th Grade Students drop off in Hug & Go and walk in front of the building to the double door entry on the playground where we have supervision (do not go behind the building near the cottages)
- If you have students in multiple grades, please default and follow the youngest students drop-off area
- All students exit on the curb
- May go right or left out of the parking lot (going right may be busy with West Hug & Go traffic-heads up)
- If parking, please use the cross walk areas within the East parking lot as we have staff/volunteers designated to help students/families cross safely
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving areas
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Hug & Go). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
West Hug & Go:
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Students drop off in West Hug & Go and go straight to double doored entry (1st and 2nd near Hug & Go/3rd double doors on playground)
- All students exit on the curb, parents may not exit the vehicle
- May only turn right out of the parking lot
- If parking or walking near the church, please use the Outdoor Classroom/Garden path to get to your classroom door(s)
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving and walking areas
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Hug & Go). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
Other traffic notes:
- Parking spaces in the front of the school (even if vacant) are for staff only-this is due to safety issues.
- Students may not be dropped off in the front of the school. ALL students need to be dropped off from a vehicle in the East or West Hug & Go areas.
- U-turns in front of the school-PLEASE do not do this. It is super unsafe for our humans.
East Side Pick-Up:
- Kindergarten parents, please park in the parking lot when picking up your students if you plan to exit your car.
- 4th and 5th Grade families, you can use this side OR the church parking lot to meet your students, whichever works best for your family.
- May go right or left out of the parking lot (going right may be busy with dismissal)
- If parking, please use the cross walk areas within the East parking lot as we have staff/volunteers designated to help students/families cross safely.
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving areas.
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Hug & Go). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
West Side Pick-Up:
- This area is NOT available during pick-up. It will be coned off.
- If parking near or at the church, please have your child walk through the Outdoor Classroom/Garden path to get to you.
- Please adhere to the cones for safe driving and walking areas.
- When crossing 37th street we have ONE crosswalk-please use this area (near the West Side of the building). Staff will redirect families when they are not using this crosswalk as it is in everyone's interest to use the crosswalk.
Other traffic notes:
- Parking spaces in the front of the school (even if vacant) are for staff only-this is due to safety issues.
- Students may not be picked up in the front of the school.
- U-turns in front of the school-PLEASE do not do this. It is super unsafe for our humans.
● 3:05 pm: Kindergarten pick up is located on the East side of the building where drop off
is located.
● 3:10pm: All other grades dismissed. Students may be picked up at the classroom door on foot, not in a vehicle.
Newsletters and Communications
Thank you to all for keeping up on our Centennial communications!
Learning & Growing Highlights
District Spelling Bee with Colton and Noah, 5th grade announcements with Luke & Liz, Kindergarten and 3rd grade learn math with their engaging math menu learning games, Kindergarten clarifies the concept of Fairmindedness with an ISEE strategy, and Henry and David in the spotlight!
Important Dates
Please plan non-illness related student absences in alignment with days we are not in session.
Every Friday is Spirit day...please wear your red, white, or blue OR any of your Centennial shirts!
School Year 2024-2025:
6th - No School: Teacher Work Day
7th - No School: Staff Professional Development Day
8th - First day BACK to Centennial!!!!!
14th - 5: 30 pm School Accountability Meeting (virtual) & 6:30 pm PTA Meeting (virtual) (UPDATED DATE)
20th - No School: Dr. Martin Luther King Remembrance Day
23rd - Panda Express PTA Restaurant Fundraiser 9:30am-9:30pm Loveland location
25th - District Spelling Bee
31st - Student Council Hot Cocoa Sale at Afternoon Recesses
February (Stay tuned for more information on our annual Family Fun Night brought to you by our PBIS Team!)
5th - 6:30 pm PTA Meeting in the Centennial Library (and virtual option)
6th - 4:30 - 6:30 pm PBIS Centennial Family Fun Night
7th - All Day Student Council Spirit Day (Stay tuned for details from Student Council...)
8th - District Elementary Chess Tournament
17th - No School: President's Day
18th - No School: Staff Professional Development Day
21st - Group Picture Day
4th - 3:30 pm - 7: 30 pm Student Led Conferences (tentative)
6th - 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm Student Led Conferences (tentative
6th & 7th - NO School students
7th - NO School staff
13th - 6:30 pm PTA Meeting (virtual)
17th-21st - No School: Spring Break
*Stay tuned for CMAS (state testing dates)
4th - PTA Carnival
9th - 5:30 pm SAC Meeting (virtual)
9th - 6:30 pm PTA Meeting (virtual)
21st - 24th Spring Book Fair/Art Show
25th - No School: Teacher Work Day
14th - 6:30 pm PTA Meeting in the Centennial Library (and virtual option)
23rd - Last Day of School (Half-Day)
*Scroll down for information about fundraisers.
*The dates listed here will continue to be updated as needed.
School Breakfast & Lunch Information
YMCA Before and After School Care
Please use this website to register for the YMCA: https://www.ymcanoco.org/before-after-care/thompson
Counseling Corner with Ms. Carrera
Here is a Social Emotional Learning website for resources for parents.
Pets and Tobacco Products are Prohibited
In keeping our campus safe. Please remember the following:
- All pets, of any kind, are not allowed on school grounds before, during, or after school. We love furry friends, however, to ensure that all students are in a safe environment, please refrain from bringing your family pets to school, especially during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up.
- Please also remember that all tobacco products including cigarettes and vaping mechanisms are prohibited on school grounds. We appreciate your cooperation.
Safe 2 Tell
Join us and become an AUTHORIZED Centennial Volunteer
All volunteers in the Thompson School District must be registered before they are authorized to volunteer at the schools.
This is includes, but is not limited to, activities such as:
Assisting in your child’s classroom
Chaperoning your child’s field trips
Volunteering at PTA events
Register by going to: tsd.org/get-involved/volunteer
and click on the “Register” button
Tip: Consider registering your spouse at the same time as yourself!
FYI: If you registered last year, you do NOT need to reregister!
Once you register, the district will provide Centennial your personalized volunteer badge. When you arrive at the school to volunteer just find your badge at the front office desk and log in to the volunteer system. This helps us keep track of all the wonderful volunteer hours provided by our Centennial families!
Volunteering things to remember: (these can be reviewed in full in the Volunteer Handbook found on the Thompson School District website - www.thompsonschools.org ):
• Please wear your name badge so it is visible at all times
• Please remain neutral in your speech and actions with respect to religion and politics
• If you overhear any information about a student or family you may NOT repeat it
• You may not discuss any information that may be considered confidential. For example, while in a volunteer situation you witness an event with a child you know, but that is not your own child. Contacting that students family is a breach of confidentiality. If you suspect a breach in confidentiality of student information it should be reported immediately to the principal.
Emergency Procedures:
In each classroom is a poster of what to do in case of a specific emergency or threat. Please review these and know where to go and who to report to if there is a drill or emergency.
Registration closes for the school year at the end of April.
PTA Corner
Welcome to Centennial...we are your CES PTA board.
Erin Batlle - President
Nicole Brinkman - Vice President of Programs
Katrina Johnson - Vice President of Events
Amy Estergard - Treasurer
Kathy Conway - Secretary
contact us: info.centennialpta@gmail.com or call (970) 212-6044
Go to this link for all things PTA!
*Join PTA! Memberships are only $7 annually. We sponsor many of the events that help make Centennial such an incredible school for our children. PTA also supports the fundraising efforts throughout the school year that help to provide funding for technology, safety needs, family nights, classroom needs, etc... The PTA organization is a major player in advocating for our students and staff, at the local, state and national levels. Your involvement is the key to helping ensure we have another successful year at Centennial!
*PTA Membership link is: https://ceslovelandpta.givebacks.com/store?limit=21&live=true&category=Memberships (Or you can use this tinyURL: https://tinyurl.com/mrpby3vs)
Check out the CES PTA website to learn more about membership perks and how you can get involved.
*Box Tops is also using a new program this year. Please visit: https://www.boxtops4education.com/ for more information. According to their website: "No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online."
Fundraisers to benefit Centennial students!
King Sooper's Cards
King Sooper's has developed a new Community Rewards program. This means you will no longer need to purchase or re-fill the gift cards associated with our organization. You will simply register using the information below to link your regular King Sooper's rewards card to Centennial Elementary.
Updated on 8-20-24:
To Use the NEW King Sooper's or City Market Community Rewards Program:
Please visit the appropriate link below..
- For King Sooper's Stores - go to http://www.kingsoopers.com
- For City Market Stores - go to http://www.citymarket.com
Once logged into your King Sooper's or City Market account, select your profile and then click on "My Account". At the bottom of the "My Account" page, select "Community Rewards." Search for Centennial Elementary either by name or PA684 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card.
(*Customers must have a registered King Sooper's or City Market rewards card account to link to your organization. If a member does not yet have a King Sooper's or City Market rewards card, please let them know they are available at the customer service desk at any King Sooper's or City Market*)
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your organization until after you have registered your rewards card.
Participants must swipe their registered King Sooper's or City Market rewards card or use the phone number that is related to their registered King Sooper's or City Market rewards card when shopping for each purchase to count.
Thank you!
Centennial PTA
Like us on Facebook to stay in the loop with school and PTA news and events!
Note: We do also have a PTA Instagram page (the info posted there is the same). Our handle for both Facebook and Instagram are @CESLovelandPTA