Eagle Eye Tribune
Antrim Elementary School - Antrim, NH - Mid-Summer Update
Principal Corner
I am pleased to share with you a mid-summer update on what has been happening at school. I hope this summer has afforded you some time to recharge, relax and connect with family and friends. I have been getting settled, learning where everything is located and meeting with many teachers to plan the 2023-2024 school year. The building has been buzzing with the Title 1 and Expand and Explore programs, as well as PreSchool Extended School Year programming. Thank you to custodial staff, who have been hard at work cleaning the school prior to opening day.
Within this newsletter, there are dates for multiple opportunities to meet staff, including me, and visit the school. We look forward to seeing you before the start of school and throughout the year! These events give you and your entire family the opportunity to meet staff, other families and to celebrate the new school year together.
This year, we are excited to announce the Community Engagement Committee. A few weeks into school, we will send an invitation to families and community members inviting you to join the committee. The goal of the committee is to seek feedback, increase conversation, set goals, plan events, and strengthen our community.
I am sure many of you are wondering about classroom teachers, who is teaching each class and who your child will have for a teacher this school year. We are welcoming some new staff into AES and I will send all the information regarding class assignments out by Monday, August 20th at the latest.
Please reach out via email, bgibney@conval.edu, or by calling the school if I can answer any questions.
Wishing you a wonderful rest of the summer!
All the best,
Beth Gibney
Meet the Principal
Wednesday, August 16th, 4:30 - 5:30
Family Feedback Survey
I will provide this survey three times a year to help get a sense of whether we are addressing these factors in a positive way.
Please click this link to access the Beginning of the Year Survey and complete by August 15th.
The Secret Garden
Secret Garden Work in Progress....
Meet Your Teacher and See your Classroom
PK - 4 Welcome Back Meet and Greet
Antrim Elementary School
Email: bgibney@conval.edu
Website: https://aes.convalsd.net/
Location: 10 School Street, Antrim, NH, USA
Phone: (603)588-6371