The Hornet Buzz
In this Issue
- No School- 10/7 and 10/10
- District Assessments Coming Up
- Homecoming Dance 10/8
- Spirit Days October 11th-14th
- AVPA Coffee House/Chalk Art 10/13
- Pep Rally 10/14
- NHS Peer Tutoring
- Youth Voter Project
- PSAT 10/12
- EHS Career Education Socials
- Sean Aiken Visits EHS
- Career Talk- 10/21
- EWSD Portrait of a Graduate
- CLEP Exams
- 9th Grade Counselor Meeting
Senior Section
- Deadlines for Yearbook- Photos, Quotes, Recognition
- Cap and Gown Ordering
District Assessments Coming Up
This year, we will be implementing the STAR Math and STAR Reading assessment, along with the DESSA SEL screener. This is part of our district assessment plan. There will be an adjusted schedule for these days. Please see the assessment dates below.
Assessment Dates:
STAR English: 10/11
DESSA: 10/18
Coffee House and Chalk Art 10/13
Pep Rally 10/14
Friday's block schedule will run the same as Wednesday's block schedule with shortened blocks and the school day ending at 1:35 pm. Friday will be an Advisory day.
The Pep Rally will run from 1:35 pm-2:35 pm outside at the Stadium. Bring your school spirit!!
NHS Peer Tutoring
Youth Voter Project
League of Women Voters of Vermont will be at EHS on October 18th during lunch blocks with a table to help students register to vote.
What students will need:
Driver's License #, Learners Permit #, or a Non-Driver Identification # issued by the state of Vermont. If they do not have one of these forms of identification, students may use the last 4 digits of their Social Security #. Please note: it is illegal to use a Social Security # if they have a Vermont State Issued ID, but do not have it with them.
EHS will be hosting the PSAT on Wednesday 10/12. Students should meet in the Auditorium at 8:15 am. We will be taking buses to the Champlain Valley Expo- students can not drive themselves.
* No more sign-ups at this time.
11th graders will miss their 1/2, 3/4, and 5/6 classes with the intention that students return to campus for their 7/8 class. The Wednesday timing will be tight and some students may be late for 7/8.
Please contact Ben Skoglund if you have any questions or concerns.
EHS Career Education
You may follow EHS Career Education happenings, including guest speakers and job openings.
Facebook: Essex High School Career Education
Instagram: @ehscareereducation
Sean Aiken Visited EHS 10/6
Sean Aiken, the creator of the One Week Job Project, visited EHS on Oct. 6th to talk to students about his journey working 52 careers in 52 weeks. During his journey, millions of people began following him for inspiration in their own lives. Want to learn more about his journey? Go to oneweekjob.com
Career Talk- October 21st during Flex
EWSD Portrait of a Graduate
Help the EWSD Shape the Direction of Our Educational System!
The EWSD is leading the way in making 21st-century learning a reality for all students. We are seeking diverse perspectives from our students, families, staff, and the broader community in developing a Portrait of a Graduate.
Now more than ever, our students must be provided high-level learning opportunities that foster critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and other 21st-century skills and mindsets. Our shared aspiration is that all our students have an educational experience that prepares them to be lifelong learners and contributors today and tomorrow.
If you are interested in taking part, please fill out this two-question survey. You can also learn more by visiting: www.ewsd.org/PortraitOfAGraduate
Are you interested in taking a College Board College Level Examination? (CLEP)
The College Board’s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) has been the most widely trusted credit-by-examination program for over 50 years, accepted by 2,900 colleges and universities. This rigorous program allows students from a wide range of ages and backgrounds to demonstrate their mastery of introductory college-level material and earn college credit. Students can earn credit for what they already know by getting qualifying scores on any of the 34 examinations.
- Students can take exams at any time. CLEP has no class requirements or set testing dates.
-Students can prepare using affordable online study resources and knowledge gained from advanced or honors coursework.
- Interested students should visit the EHS AP/CLEP website for more information https://sites.google.com/ewsd.org/ehsap/clep-exam
Attention 9th Grade Students
Hello 9th-grade Families!
From September 26th through October 18th, counselors will meet with each
of their 9th-grade students. These 30-minute meetings are pre-scheduled
and will take place during the school day. Lists will be hanging in the counseling office windows where they will see the day and time that they are scheduled to meet with their school counselor.
These meetings are intended for connection between the counselor and the student only. We do our best to schedule these meetings during study hall blocks in your student's schedule, but they may find that they are scheduled during a class. If so, your student's teacher will know in advance and they will be excused from class for the meeting without penalty. If you would like to connect directly with your student's counselor or if you have any questions about this process, please contact the School Counseling Office at 857-7111 to set up a meeting or ask questions.
Senior Section
Yearbook- Photos, Quotes Recognition Ads
Senior Cap & Gown Ordering
Fill out this form
Please include all information- be sure the student's name is on the order, not the parent placing the order, and hit submit button.
Fill out the form for ordering BEFORE November 18th.
Assistant Principal Grade Assignments
10th Grade: Lynn Kozloski
11th Grade: Gayle Botelho
12th Grade: Jeff Goodrich
EHS Events Calendar and Website
-Essex High School Website: Check here for announcements and important information about our school, handbooks, daily schedules, and staff directory.
Let's get social!
Essex High School
Email: hornets@ewsd.org
Website: ewsd.org/ehs
Location: 2 Educational Drive, Essex Junction, VT, USA
Phone: (802)879-7121