Welcome Back Park Street Panthers!
August 2024
Coach Sam Dietrich-PE
Elena Prestwood-Music
Amanda Cobb-Gifted
Nicole Renshaw-Media Specialist
Amy Abernathy-STEM
Imani Amolo-Art
Welcome back, everyone!
My name is Coach Dietrich, and I am thrilled to be your PE teacher at Park Street Elementary!
I am so excited to start another fantastic year in PE with all of you. I hope you had a wonderful summer and are ready to have some fun and stay active. Let's make this year amazing by supporting one another and always giving our best effort. I can't wait to see you all in action and get started on our exciting journey together!
See you in the gym:)
Welcome back Panthers! I am Mrs. Prestwood and I am looking forward to an amazing year.
I am Nicole Renshaw, Media Specialist. This is my 11th year at Park Street! I have one child age 15, he will be in 10th grade.
I am so excited to get books in the hands of your students! I see classes at least two times a month for stories, mini lessons, and book check out.
Hey panthers! I am Ms. Cobb. This is my 8th year teaching gifted at Park Street. I have worked in Marietta City Schools for 24 years! I have a son who is in 11th grade at Marietta High School and 2 Goldendoodles. I am so excited to get this year started and see what we can learn together!
My name is Ms. Amolo and I will be teaching Art Specials this school year. I am so excited to see everyone in the new school year:)
How do specials work:
Gifted (MILE) is an academic enrichment program available to students who test and are found eligible for the program. Gifted (MILE) classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday for part of the day. If you are interested in more information about the gifted program please contact Ms. Cobb.
What we are doing this month in specials:
What will you learn next month in specials:
Students will be learning "What is Art?" for their first unit. Kindergarten and 1st graders will explore how they can use lines, shapes, and colors to create patterns and designs. They will also learn to use a variety of art materials. 2nd and 3rd graders are learning about shapes and how they're used to create complex artworks. Finally, the 4th and 5th graders are exploring and learning the Elements of Art; the basics of all artworks. As a group, they are practicing each element and eventually be using the Elements of Art in every project. All K- 5 students will be learning how to create, present, respond, and how to connect their artwork to other subjects, other people, and themselves.
The first unit for music will be Music Fundamentals.
Kindergarten and 1st grade will be doing Dance and Steady Beat
2nd and 3rd will be doing Dynamics
4th and 5th will be doing Call & Response
Our first unit is about getting to know one another and learning the importance of sportsmanship. We'll play games and participate in activities that help us build friendships, work together as a team, and understand what it means to be a good sport. Sportsmanship is not just about playing fair but also about respecting each other, encouraging our classmates, and handling both winning and losing gracefully.
We will investigate, analyze, innovate, design, create, solve, improve and so much more this year! All grades will be learning rules, expectations and procedures to safely navigate around the STEM Lab. Students will be completing a variety of activities to start our year out in the right direction.
K-2: We will begin our year in the unit Math-O-Rama. This unit is full of fun, hands on math activities and skills that will be used throughout elementary school and beyond!
3-5: We will begin with the unit Mini-Golf Anyone? During this unit students will research mini-golf history and use angles to create life-size mini-golf holes. Once completed we will invite families and younger students to come and test out our mini-golf holes.
All gifted students will work together throughout the year to help maintain, plant and harvest the school garden.
Upcoming Events
August 15th - Open House 5pm-7pm
Music - ATTENTION ALL 3rd - 5th Grade Students:
Auditions for the Performing Panthers and the school musical will be during class during the month of September. The audition song and dialogue will be taught in class.
Student Dress Code
Student Dress Code
- Navy blue, light (powder) blue, yellow, and white polo shirts
- The uniform shirt can be purchased from Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon, and other affordable retail stores.
- Khaki or Navy Blue skirt/pants/shorts/or skort
- Khaki or Navy Blue dress
- Khaki or Navy Blue Jumper
- All pants must be belted/affixed at the waist and worn with a tucked in shirt
- The length of the khaki/navy blue shorts and skirts must be no more than five inches above the knees as measured from the inside bend of the knee.
Fridays are designated as “Spirit Wear Day.” Students may also dress as they like on Fridays as long as they are following the Marietta City Schools (MCS) Dress Code Policy.
Transportation Changes
If there is a change in transportation arrangements, we require notice from the parent before allowing students to be transported by anyone other than a parent. You may send in a note with your child or email parkstreet@marietta-city.org with the details of the change. We do not allow students to walk or to ride home with unauthorized people.
At dismissal time bus riders will be put on the school bus unless a parent is present for pick-up, or the parent has notified the school office of another arrangement.
Students are not permitted to change buses to ride home with friends without a note from their parent. Please make arrangements for your child before he/she comes to school. If you must make a change during the day, notify the school office staff before 2:30 p.m.