Instructional Minute
October 11, 2022

April 2, 2024
Solar Eclipse
On August 21st, 2017, hundreds of people across the United States were able to see a total solar eclipse. Just last year, on October 14th, many people living in the western United States were able to see an annular solar eclipse, which created a “ring of fire” as the moon passed over the sun in the middle of the day. This year, on April 8th at 1:56 pm, Lansing will be able to see another total solar eclipse. Even though we are not in the path of complete totality, we can still watch the spectacle. Special Eclipse glasses are needed in order to view the eclipse so that we do not risk any eye damage.
Take a look at the articles, lessons, and video below to learn what to expect so you can be ready to view this incredible event!
The 2024 solar eclipse is next week! Here's everything you need to know.
Science in the News: Total Eclipse of the Sun
Plickers in Action!
In the February 27th Instructional Minute, we shared about the effective "on-the-spot" assessment Plickers. Plickers is a free card activity that students will love and that some of our teachers are implementing already with great results.
"Plickers is a great way to formatively assess the students. It is easy to set up, offers great data reports, and the students love it. " - Attwood Teacher
Below are two photos depicting the data that this Attwood teacher was able to collect using this free online tool.
Guideline for Proctoring Upcoming Assessments
- Text-to-Speech accommodations are not universal accommodations and should not be used for all students. A student must have a 504 or an IEP in which this accommodation is specifically written in order to use it.
- Proctors are not to be correcting papers, on the phone, or have ANY technology (personal or district technology). They are just to be proctoring. If proctors have personal cell phones they need to be placed on airplane mode.
- COLLECT AND TURN OFF ALL cell phones and put the cell phones along with any other technology (smart watches, earbuds, etc.) in a box and place out of site, preferably in an area separate from the testing area.
- Breaks are embedded in the test. Time keeping is important.
- You must never leave the testing room or any materials unattended.
- Walk around during tests and monitor students.
- If you have any questions ask your test coordinator or administrator.
- You cannot give any help on testing questions. Instruct them to do their best.
K-8th Grade Instructional Minutes by Content Area and Sample Schedules
Below you can find the new, updated required instructional minutes by grade level and content area. Each grade level also includes a sample schedule.
K-5 Social Studies Pacing Update
The document attached outline K-5 Social Studies curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
K-8 Pacing at a Glance for this Week's Instruction
The documents attached outline K-8 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
9-12 Pacing Documents
The document attached outlines 9-12 curricular resources, standards and pacing. This can also be found by clicking here on the LSD website.
IXL - eLearning Library
This on-demand professional learning resource provides micro-learning videos about every IXL feature and best practices for implementing IXL. Teachers must be signed into their IXL accounts to access these videos. https://www.ixl.com/resources/elearning-library
Workshop Model Lesson Plan Form to Assist in Planning Lessons
A resource to use as you see fit.