Halo Notes
St. Louis Catholic High School - Thurs. Jan. 30, 2025
Words from Mr. Wyninger
“Since parents have given their children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators.”
-Pope St. Paul VI
For every parent, this is a very sobering truth, that our children’s education and upbringing is primarily our responsibility. That first and foremost, our children belong to God, and in His wisdom, He has chosen us to be their “primary teachers” in this life, so that we might teach them, form them, and lead them back to their true home one day, which is Heaven.
We have no doubt, dear parent, that you are already aware of this. You have chosen to send your son/daughter to our school, and we are so grateful that you have. St. Louis is a special place for many reasons, but one of the main reasons it is so special is because of the families that choose to send their kids here. Thank you for being the primary educators you are. We pray that we are aiding you in the process of forming them into the men and women of God they were created to be!
Happy Catholic Schools Week, and thank you for entrusting your gift to us!
Your’s in Catholic Education,
Blaine Wyninger
Assistant Principal
Dean of Student Life
Catholic Schools Week
Please bring your canned fruit to the front office by tomorrow to be donated to Catholic Charities.
Sock Religious!
We’re thrilled to share that SLCHS has been nominated for the Catholic Schools Week Sock Religious Giveaway! This brings the SAINTS one step closer to winning FREE custom socks for the entire student body to celebrate CSW.
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO VOTE! Lets rally together and vote here.
More details about the process can be found on our nomination form page.
While you're waiting to find out if we win the grand prize, Sock Religious is excited to offer us an exclusive 50% OFF discount code—CSW2025—to use at www.sockreligious.com. This code expires on 2/7/25.
Hunts Brothers Pizza - tomorrow
Hunts Brothers Pizza will be providing a hunk of pizza for students to purchase. All proceeds will go to supporting our seminarians. Please fill out this form to authorize charges to your FACTS account for your child to get a pizza hunk.
Planning for the 2025-2026 school year is underway! Please see our UPDATED Admissions Timeline for added dates and deadlines. The High School Placement Test is on Saturday, March 22, at SLCHS from 8:00am-noon, and testing is mandatory for all NEW incoming students.
Detailed information will be announced as we get closer to date. For questions please contact Fara McKinley '90, Director of Admissions, at 337-436-7275
NEW Applications Now Open!
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Each of the financial assistance opportunities listed below requires a separate application.
-In-House Tuition Assistance *APPLICATION OPEN*
-SLCHS Foundation Endowed Scholarships *APPLICATION OPEN*
-Louisiana GATOR Scholarship Program
-ACE Scholarship
-Arete Scholarship
-Folds of Honor Scholarship
-Bishop's Scholarship Fund
-School Choice Program for Students with Special Needs
ACE Scholarship
The 2025-2026 Application will open on Monday, February 3rd, 2025, and it will be open through Tuesday, April 15th, 2025. Detailed information including updated income eligibility guidelines will be provided in January in advance of the application opening. Click here for more information.
LA GATOR Scholarship Program
The Louisiana Giving All True Opportunity to Rise (LA GATOR) Scholarship Program will begin accepting online student applications on March 1 for the 2025-2026 school year.
Beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, the LA GATOR Scholarship Program will replace the Louisiana Scholarship Program (LSP). LSP students will receive priority access to LA GATOR but must submit an application when the portal opens on March 1. To ensure a smooth transition, the LDOE will provide additional resources for LSP families, including a dedicated webinar and application guidance materials. Families currently participating in LSP who have not been receiving updates about LA GATOR from their school and the LDOE are encouraged to contact the call center at 225-422-1538 or via email at help.la@withodyssey.com.
For the LA GATOR Scholarship Program, the LA Department of Education has partnered with Odyssey, an experienced technology provider, to launch and manage the program. Odyssey will assist in the onboarding process, application verification, and host the online marketplace where families will manage their scholarship accounts. Additional program information is available at the LA GATOR Scholarship Program page. Sign-up for the LA GATOR Newsletter to receive program updates as they come available.
School Choice Program
The School Choice Program is offering a Family Application Webinar tomorrow, January 31, at 2:00pm via the Zoom link below. This year's School Choice application will open on February 3 and close on March 7. Families have until March 14 to get their supporting documentation submitted. More information can be found under the "Admissions" tab of our website.
School Choice Program Zoom meeting ID: 929 2360 6836
Families are encouraged to schedule vacations that coincide with school holidays. Any absence for a trip or vacation must be prearranged with the school administration and is not guaranteed to be excused. Please review the attendance policies in Section IV (p. 19-22) of the handbook.
Q3 Progress Reports
Progress Reports for the third quarter will be emailed next Friday, February 7. Please review your student's progress by checking FACTS. If you have any questions, reach out to the teacher.
February 3-7
Counseling Corner
AP Potential
Using students' PSAT/NMSQT results from last fall, AP Potential generates rosters of students who are likely to score a 3 or higher on a given AP Exam. These students who were identified by AP Potential will receive a letter in the mail soon. Click here to read more (https://appotential.collegeboard.org/).
2025-2026 Course Selections
Counselors will visit with all students in the month of February to go over the 2025-2026 Course Planning Guide and how to request classes for the next school year.
Freshman Year Student Meetings with Counselors:
2/11/2025 - OLQH at 10:20am, SMCS @ 12:40am, OLS @ 2pm
2/12/2025 - OLI @ 12:30pm
2/13/2025 - ICCS @ 2:30pm
Senior & Junior Year Student Meetings with Counselors:
Week of 2/17/2025 in Social Studies Classes
Sophomore Year Student Meetings with Counselors:
Week of 2/24/2025 in Social Studies Classes
2025-2026 Dual Enrollment Courses - Mandatory Meeting
Any students interested in taking a dual enrollment course next year are required to attend a mandatory informational meeting with McNeese on Monday, February 17 during house time in the Pavilion.
SLCHS Powerlifting hosts their first ever tri-meet tomorrow at Reynaud Middle School, against Lagrange High School and Lake Arthur High School. Lifting begins at 3:30 PM and a Senior Night presentation will be held recognizing: Abigail Williams (Captain), Luke Trahan (Captain), Andrew Broussard, Ty Garcille, Landon Brignac, and Colton Guillory.
Come support Saints Baseball at the inaugural Orange/Blue Baseball Game on Monday, February 3, at 6:00pm. The game will be played at O.D. Johnson Field. Both entry and hot dogs are free. All Partner School students are invited to the game for a meet and greet with the team. See you at the ball park!
Saints Wrestling participated in the 12th Annual Rayne Invitational on January 18, 2025, at Rayne High School. Competing for the Saints were: Austin Burton, Ray Huang, Grant Habetz, Sam Williamson, Stewart Whitley, Jordan McSpadden, and Cash Monroe. Habetz placed second in the 138 weight class.
Next up for the Saints is the 12th Annual Jesse James Southwest Shootout on Saturday, February 1, 2025, at the Sulphur High School 9th Grade Gym, 600 Willow Avenue in Sulphur. Wrestling starts at 10:30 am, and admission is $10 at the door. Come out and support Saints Wrestling!
Senior Night was cancelled due to the snow storm! As the season draws to a close, we will recognize Finn Gage and Grant Habetz at a joint Senior Day with Lake Charles College Prep on Saturday, February 8, 2025, at LCCP's Trailblazer Showdown, which will be a tri-dual meet with LCCP, St. Louis Catholic, and South Beau. This will be your last chance to see our wrestlers compete locally. Go Wrestling!
Junior/Senior Prom - February 14
Please complete the Prom Date and Participation Forms required to participate.
COR Expedition
Dear Saints parents and students,
I chaperoned the COR Expedition last summer and it was the trip of a lifetime. It involves 5 days of camping and hiking in Wyoming mountain country. We saw waterfalls and wildlife, we swam in rivers and snow-fed lakes, we had snow-ball fights in the still-frozen snow from last winter, and we camped in tents under diamond-like stars (one student counted nine shooting stars in one night!).
COR provides 2-3 extremely qualified trip guides, and they do an excellent job. COR also provides a Faith component of the adventure so that students can connect with the Creator as they are immersed in His creation. Father Caraway will be attending as chaplain, along with the COR guides and 2 faculty chaperones.
Check out the COR website, watch this video from summer 2024, and if you are interested, please email hguth@slchs.org as soon as possible (no later than 2/1/25). We must have a group of 10-13 students to send, or the trip will get cancelled. Please consider giving this incredible opportunity to your child.
Thanks and God bless,
Ms. Guth
Order your 2025 yearbook today at Jostens.com. Also, purchase an ad to highlight a student or business.
Yearbooks are on sale. If you purchase a 2025 yearbook, you are invited to a Crust pizza party on March 27. Senior ads are due by Feb. 28.
Make your student's yearbook even more special by adding their name and personal icons to the cover or including an ad. Contact Mrs. Core with questions or concerns.
Travel to Europe this Summer!
Interested in travelling to Germany, Switzerland, and Austria this summer! Experience culture and tradition of these Alpine countries! Reach out to Coach Yoder for more information!
Parent Guild
The next Parent Guild meeting will be held on February 19, 2025 at noon at the Ave Maria Hall across from Immaculate Conception Cathedral. Lunch will be provided. Bring a friend and learn about the new and exciting things happening at St. Louis Catholic.
Lenten Fish Fry/Fundraiser for Capital Campaign
Below are the fish fry dates at the Cathedral. Their Catholic Daughters (Lady of the Lake Court #695) will also be selling cookies at each fish fry event, and the proceeds will be donated to the St. Louis Catholic Capital Campaign.
Dates for Fish Fry & Cookie Sales: (4:30 - 6:00 pm)
Friday, March 7, 2025
Friday, March 14, 2025
Friday, March 18, 2025
Friday, March 21, 2025
Friday, March 28, 2025
Friday, April 4, 2025
Friday, April 11, 2025
This is a great fundraiser that promotes the Catholic Daughter Motto of Unity and Charity. All proceeds from the sale of cookies in 2025 will be for the St. Louis Catholic High School Capital Campaign.
Donations of cookies are accepted as well. This is a great way for the Saint Louis Community to support their own rebuilding.
Missed an edition of Halo Notes? Not a problem!
Can't find the most recent email with the current edition of Halo Notes? Halo Notes can be accessed anytime on our website!
Contact Information
Wonder - Identity - Community - Service
Email: saintsmail@slchs.org
Website: www.slchs.org
Location: 1620 Bank Street, Lake Charles, LA, USA
Phone: 337-436-7275
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slchssaints
Twitter: @slchs_saints