Maryville Junior High
Tuesday, April 23rd - B Day
October 30th, 2024 - "B" Day
Important Dates to Remember
October 29 PSCC Dual Enrollment Open House 5-7 p.m.
November 5 Professional Development
November 7 9th Grade Career Fair
November 14 SLT Meeting
November 14 Butter Braids Delivery - PAC - Parent Advisory Council
November 18 School Board Meeting
November 19 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting
November 27 Professional Development
November 28 Thanksgiving Break
November 29 Thanksgiving Break
December 5 MJHS Holiday Sacred Chorus Concert
December 12 Combined Maryville Bands Winter Holiday Concert
December 16 MJHS Orchestra Winter Concert
December 19 MJHS SLT Meeting
December 20 Administrative Day
December 23 - January 3, 2025 Winter Break
January 6 Professional Development
Our Athletic Calendar can be found at
BJ's of Maryville Fundraiser for MJHS!
BJ's of Maryville is partnering with Maryville Junior High School to help us raise money for our school! All you have to do is call 1-800-313-8887 and reference the group promo code 814012 to get a $20 one-year membership and BJ’s will donate $10 to MJHS! This is a win-win for you and us!
Daily Announcements
Ready Graduate Field Trip to Pellissippi State - Students interested in taking or learning more about dual enrollment classes, the Ready Graduate Center will be taking a field trip to Pellissippi State Community College on November 22nd. There are 40 open spots. Sign-ups for this trip will be on a first-come first-serve basis. Please see Mr. Wise in the Ready Graduate office to receive a permission slip to attend.
Freshman Basketball - Freshman boys basketball tryouts will be Monday November 4th at 6:45 AM in the MJHS gym. In order to tryout, you need to complete the 2 forms on the Maryville high school athletics webpage and also have an up to date physical. Contact Mr. Headrick with any questions.
Archery Club Interest Meeting - Maryville Archery Club will begin Thursday October 31st in the Maryville Junior High Cafeteria at 3:45 p.m.; Please bring your waivers and club fees to this meeting!
Book Fair - COMING SOON! Saddle up for the MJHS Wild West Book Fair! Lasso your favorite book from November 11th thru the 15th! We will have books and merchandise for sale, games, prizes and activities to celebrate BOOKS and READING! You can start shopping NOW online by setting up an EWallet (click here) account. Here are some of the activities going on in our Library at the Book Fair:
Rope a Steer for candy
Throw horseshoes or try the Cactus Ring Toss for candy
Every $5 you spend; your name is entered in a drawing for prizes which will be on display.
Free Western photo booth with props for you and your Friends.
Western/Flannel Dress up Day on Wednesday Nov 13th (remember, no hats or bandanas)
Help us build a Western Jigsaw Puzzle
Buy Books and Merchandise. We take Cash, Check (written to MJHS), or Credit Card.
Library Bookmark Competition - This year our Bookmark Competition theme is inspired by your favorite book. This is your chance to design, create, draw and express! Pick up a blank template at the library checkout desk to create your masterpiece on. Questions? Come to the Library
1st place winner will receive a gift card
- 1st and 2nd place winners will have their design printed into actual bookmarks that we give away in the library. (you will get 10 bookmarks of your design to pass out to family and friends)
- 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winner's designs will be printed poster size and displayed in the library!
Turn your bookmark design in at the library checkout desk with your first and last name on the back. If the title of your book you are creating is not part of your design, please write the title of your book on the back along with your name. Deadline to submit your entry is Friday, October 25th. Winners will be revealed shortly after.
Yearbook Orders - It's that time of the year! Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year are now available to be purchased! Yearbooks are only $40 dollars and can be purchased online, cash, or check. The last day to purchase yearbooks is March 3rd, 2025. If you have any questions, please reach out to Tori Capps at You can find all the information in regard to purchasing a yearbook in the following order form.
MJHS Ready Graduate
Maryville City Schools believes that every student deserves to enter the next phase of life with the appropriate tools for that next step. MCS desires to prepare every student to be "Ready" for one of the three "E"s: Enrollment, Employment, or Enlistment. By taking this purposeful and intentional approach, MCS has designed a college and career program that fits the individual needs of every student. Every student will be "Maryville Ready". We invite you to read our latest edition, MJHS Ready Graduate Gazette.
Breakfast and Lunch are no longer free. Breakfast is $1.60. Lunch is $3.15.
Free/Reduced meal applications for the 24-25 school year will be ready to submit by July 18. Using our online application process is user-friendly and much faster to process than a paper form; however, you may request a paper application from your student's school. Only one application is needed per family.
If you receive any government assistance such as food stamps, Medicare, etc., you DO NOT need to apply. Current benefits from the previous school year will carry over until September 13; therefore, you have 30 school days to update your student's application.
Morning: 7:30 - 8:10 a.m. Monday - Friday
General – Mr. Kuban - Room 220
Math – Mr. Fowler - Room 415
Afternoon: 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday
English – Mrs. Farmer - Library
1010 Forms
1010 Forms for the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Tardy Policy
Student Illness
Students are limited to ten (10) excused days with parental notes for the year. Any absences beyond those ten (10), without medical or legal documentation, will be unexcused. This school year, the guidelines also apply to absences due to COVID-19.
We ask our families to keep sick children at home. If you are unsure or have questions regarding MCS procedures for student illnesses please contact our school nurse, Pam Myers.
Maryville City Schools Calendar
Contact Us...
Maryville Junior High School
Location: 805 Montvale Station Road, Maryville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-983-2070
Twitter: @twitter_mjhsrebels