Mesquite Parent Newsletter
May 3rd, 2024
Teacher Appreication Week May 6th-10th- We need your help!
We have the best teachers at Mesquite TBP!, It is now time to thank them! Please help me fill the teacher's lounge with snacks and treats the week of May 6th-10th.
We are asking each parent to donate prepacked items such as:
- chips
- crackers
- granola bars
- cookie (snacks in individual packages)
- nuts
- yogurt raisins
- protein bars
- popcorn (individual pre packaged bags)
- snack bars
- mini muffins
- pop tarts
- chocolate covered almonds
- pretzels
- annie's fruit snacks
- gram crackers (individual)
anytype of individual snacks that are "yummy"
Drinks donation request:
- soft drinks (variety of flavors)
- Gatorade or sports drinks
- tea
- snapple
- ready to drink coffee (in can or bottle)
- water
You may begin brining your items to the front office on Tuesday, April 2nd. Please help me feed the teachers and keep them happy the week of teacher appreciation. Students will receive a jean pass for May 28th, 2024.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Monday, May 6th
Regular School Uniform day
Please write your teacher a note to tell them you appreciate them!
Tuesday, May 7th
$2 Dress Day- if you donate $2 you may wear your favorite clothes.
Pre-Kinder Round Up- please invite family and friends with 3 year olds and 4 year olds
Immunzation Bus
Sports Physical Clinic- all 5th-8th grade students interested in sports next year should take advantage of this opportunity.
Thursday, May 9th
Regular Uniform Day
3rd Grade Field Trip- students must wear full uniform
Friday, May 10th
Spirit Day- No boots, crocks or ripped jeans! Tennis shoes must be black, white, or grey-
5th Grade Fieldtrip
Bookfair Week of May 13th
Our Summer Reading Book Fair will take place from May 13th-May 17th!
As always, our Book Fairs are cashless to ensure student safety. Students will need an eWallet set up prior to their library/technology period in order to shop. Click here to set one up for your student!
Bad Weather Make-up Day
May 24th will be a regular school day. It is the bad weather make-up day for missing January 16th. Please plan for your child to attend school on May 24th! (yes, it changed! - students will have April 1st off unless we have another bad weather day!)
Upcoming Dates- Mark your Calendar
May 23rd-4th Grade Fieldtrip Austin
May 21st- career day
May 24th- Middle school dance
May 24th- School day! Attendance is important!
May 29th- Field day
May 30th-8th grade award ceremony in the evening (students will dress up)
May 31st- Awards PK3-7th
Tardy Policy
Students drop off is in the back of the school. The arrival lane does not close until 7:45 AM. The side entrance is not blocked off at all. You may park on the side and students may enter through the back door until 7:45 AM.
At 7:46 PM (when the bell rings) students are considered late and must be signed in tardy by a parent/guardian.
Remember- teachers start instruction at 7:454 AM. Students need to be in their seats at 7:454 AM-not entering the building at that time.
We want to thank all the parents who are supporting instruction and following policy. Your student's academic progress is our TOP priority! Thank you!
Instruction and student growth is the highest priority for our staff and your student's success. Thus, students need to arrive on campus by 7:40 AM and be in their seats ready to start instruction at 7:45 PM.
Students, PK-8th grade, who arrive after 7:45 AM are tardy and must be signed in by an adult.
On Monday, the front of the building will be blocked off until 7:45 AM. Please do not drop your students off at the front. Students drop off is on the side of the building or in the back.
Please read through the tardy policy and the tardy consequences.
TBP Tardy Policy/TBP Student Handbook
At Trinity Basin Preparatory, we are sincerely focused on the academic success of our students.
To reach this goal, school attendance is essential. An integral part of school attendance is
promptness. Regular and timely attendance will ensure that each student’s education will be
uninterrupted and will help to ensure they have a successful and positive academic experience.
Any student not in their classroom at the beginning of the school day will be required to sign in at
the office and receive a tardy pass in order to be admitted to class. Parents must come inside the
building and sign the student in with front office personnel for each tardy.
The following progressive consequences will occur when students are tardy.
- First and second tardy: Student and parent are given a verbal warning when signing in at the
- Third tardy: A telephone call to the parent notifying them that the student will be serving a lunch
- Fourth tardy: The student and the parent will be required to serve a Friday detention (1 hour).
- Fifth tardy: A parent/assistant principal conference will be held during which the assistant
the principal shall explain that the student’s tardies are becoming repetitive “Type A” behavior. The
student and the parent will be required to serve a Saturday detention (3 hours).
- Sixth tardy: The student will serve a one day in school suspension.
- Seventh tardy: The student will serve a two day in school suspension.
Subsequent tardies: The attendance committee will determine the consequences for all
subsequent tardies.
**Important Note**
Tardies will “reset” each six weeks. However, consequences may be accelerated for chronic,
repeat offenders. For example, if a student reaches 3 or more tardies in a six-week period a
parent/campus administrator conference will occur in addition to disciplinary actions determined
by the attendance committee.
Meet the Mesquite Office team
Follow Us on Social Media
TBP Mesquite:
TBP Mesquite Parent Teacher Organization
Meet the Mesquite Administration Team
Assistant Principal
Courtney McCartney
Assistant Principal
Toynisha Monroe