Principal Welch's Weekly Update
August 5th, 2024
Welcome Back
The energy, excitement, enthusiasm and high levels of civility and respect that everyone has been demonstrating within the first two days of school has been invigorating. This year is off to an amazing start! RUHS is a large school with over 2200 students this year. All things considered; it has been very smooth. Thank you to everyone for being patient and flexible as we kick off the new school year.
Open House: This Thursday Evening
This Thursday, August 8th, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. we will be hosting the RUHS Open House for parents/guardians. Students are welcome to accompany their parents, as well.
This is an opportunity for parents/guardians to travel to each of their student’s classes to meet each teacher, see the classrooms where students are learning, and get a little “taste of the flavor” each class offers.
Please bring a copy or picture of your student’s schedule, as you will be traveling from class to class, to experience a short ten-minute presentation from each of your student’s teachers.
We will start with 1st period, in your student’s assigned 1st period class, promptly at 5:30 p.m. We will ring the bells and have you travel with five-minute passing periods from class to class, just like your student!
We hope to see you! See attachment for the Open House schedule.
JUNIORS: PSAT Sign-Up Information
This year TUSD is making the PSAT optional for juniors. Now that the state requires all juniors to take the ACT as a high-stakes testing requirement, the PSAT is optional.
If you are a junior who plans to attend a university that may require the SAT instead of the ACT or you would like to take the PSAT for practice, to challenge yourself, or to be considered for scholarship that are based on your PSAT scores, you will need to sign up to take the PSAT (Practice SAT).
To sign up, you must see Mrs. Vasquez in the Career Center by August 16th.
Pima County Mobile Clinic
The Pima County regarding the mobile clinic is scheduled to be at RUHS the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 8:30am-12:30pm for the entire school year. They can provide limited medical services to students who may be in need.
This year Rincon has a new Athletic Director. We are excited to welcome Rincon Alumni, Lance LaVetter, to our team.
Lance grew up in Tucson and attended Rincon High School as a multi-sport athlete. He has a long history with athletics in Tucson and continued with his involvement in athletics as an athlete, coach and athletic administrator at Northern Arizona University, New Mexico State, Saint Louis University, University of Washington, Seattle University, and The University of San Diego, to name a few. We are lucky to have him returning to his roots here at Rincon High School!
If you have any questions about our athletics programs, please feel free to email Mr. LaVette our athletics administrative assistant, email April Bull Calf
Fall Sports that Begin MONDAY, August 5th
Football, Cheer, Cross Country
Fall Sports that Begin NEXT Monday, August 12th
Girls Volleyball, Golf, Swimming
Use the following link to get more information regarding athlete clearance requirements, participation fees, etc. Athletics (tusd1.org)
Sports Passes: Families who plan to attend multiple sporting events at Rincon can save money by purchasing a sports pass online for $30 each. This is typically cheaper than it would be to pay for individual tickets to each home event for a season and the sports pass is good for the entire school year. Sports passes can be purchased in Rincon Finance Office.
RHS College & Career Center (CCRC) Update
Welcome Back Rangers! Your College & Career Center (CCRC) is here to help you get the most out of high school, explore your career interests and map your path to success after high school! whether it's a University, College or Trade school, Military Service or Entering the workforce, you will be more successful if you HAVE A PLAN! Be sure to FOLLOW the RHS CCR Center on Instagram to stay up to date on all our activities, workshops and resources all year long!
To make your future plans, we'll be using MyFutureAZ, a newly updated tool from the Arizona Department of Education that helps students connect their personal interests with possible career paths as they move to graduation. Students are met with resources and support to take the next steps , to find their path, and become career ready in their field of choice. This program will be where we build our students' "Education & Career Action Plan" (ECAP) , a record of student's interests and activities toward future success planning while in high school. Students can create an account (if you don't already have ) at Register for My Future AZ (pipelineaz.com). After you are registered, please invite your Parent/Guardian and do the Career Interest Inventory so some career areas populate for you. We'll be in to classrooms to take deeper dive into the other areas of this career exploration and planning tool later this quarter.
Some Save the Date items for this week and the coming months:
This Week!
ACT Retake and Study Guide registration - Monday and Tuesday, August 5th and 6th, Conference period (8am - 8:50am) in the CCR Center
College & Career Club Meeting - Wednesday, August 7th, Lunch Period, in the CCR Center
RHS Open House - Thursday, August 8th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm - FAFSA, Scholarship, Internships, Volunteer Service, Workforce Readiness, & Student Services info - All at the CCR Center
Next Week:
Army National Guard - Lunch Visit, Wednesday Aug. 14th, on Admin Breezeway,
National ACT Exam, Saturday, September 14th, 8am, Amphi HS
The Southern Arizona College and Career Night, Tuesday, September 17th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the TCC. (Field Trip permission slips to ride the bus to and from Rincon HS will be available Aug. 27 and Due Sept. 3)
Senior ASVAB Career Aptitude Assessment, Wednesday, October 16, 8am, RHS Cafeteria
Southern Arizona Construction Career Days, Field Trip from RHS, October 23, Kino Sports Complex (permission slips will be available Oct. 2nd and Due Oct. 9th)
Attn Seniors: Individual Student Future Planning meetings with Mrs. Vasquez and our Team of Senior Student Peer Coaches will begin soon, if you have any questions before your appointment, please email Mrs. Vasquez.
Or contact one of your New Peer Coaches: Ripley Ingersoll, Katie Lopez Bazaldua, Milan Peralta, Sabrina Singkhek, Gigi Trujillo & Jalexy Yepiz !
Start Times
We understand the first few days of school require everyone to adjust to a new routine. This is reminder as to the Rincon bell schedule start times, to ensure all students arrive to class on time and are set-up for success.
Important Note: These are the start times for the first class of the day. To ensure students are on time, because our campus is large, they should be here 10 minutes prior to the start of their first class. Please differentiate between what time the first class starts, as this does not mean that this is the time the student should arrive to school. If a student arrives to school at the class start time, he/she will be late to class, be marked absent and potentially miss important bell work assignments.
*Mondays/Tuesdays: First class starts at 9:00 a.m. Students should arrive at school no later than 8:50 a.m.
Wednesday-Friday: First class starts at 8:00 a.m. Students should arrive at school no later than 7:50 a.m.
*On Mondays/Tuesdays, students have conference period from 8-9 a.m. This is a time when teachers are available in their classrooms with no classes assigned to them. We encourage students to visit their teachers during this time for extra support, especially if there is material they do not understand, to ensure they do not fall behind in their academics.