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February 9, 2025
![February 9, 2025](https://cdn.smore.com/u/6e47/45cd716ec6a1660b3695b3272569ad71.jpg)
We will gather for worship this morning at 9:30am. The parking lot and entrances will be clear for easy entry. If you are more comfortable worshipping from home today, then please join us online.
Welcome Scout Troop 121!
If you are joining us online, you can access the livestream and bulletin below.
You can also watch at a later time on our YouTube Channel or website.
9:30am Service
Serving Our Church Today...
Liturgist: Peter Molochnick
Ushers: The Sifuentes Family, Bob Tombs
Acolyte: Fred Sifuentes Jr.
Nursery: Carolyn Donchevich & Brielle HansenPlease join us for Fellowship Hour following worship!
Souper Bowl of Caring - TODAY!
Winter Fellowship Hour
We still have a few open sign up spots left for our Winter Fellowship Hour. Please sign up if you can!
Sunday Morning Faith Formation
Sunday School
Meet in Fellowship Hall at 10:45 to head up to your meeting spaces. Together, we’ll grow in our faith and learn about the love of Jesus through stories, games, crafts, and various fun activities! Parents are always welcome in the classroom, to help or to lead! Parent pick up is at 11:30am from the classrooms!
- 3 & 4 year olds – Room 1 (Nursery)
- Kindergarten & 1st grade – Room 7 (upstairs)
- 2nd & 3rd grade – Room 5 (upstairs)
- 4th & 5th grade – Room 6 (upstairs)
- 6th-8th grade - Wolverton Building
Adult Sunday School
This Winter we will continue exploring the Book of Acts, which chronicles some of the most important events in Christian history: the coming of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the early church, the scattering of Jesus’s disciples across the known world, and more. Come and grow with us - come and go as you are able.
HS- ‘Share the Love’ Lock-In Feb 15th-16th!
Calling all high schoolers! Join us for an all-night experience of fun and faith, while making a difference. Together, we’ll spread kindness through meaningful service projects, play some awesome games, and create unforgettable memories! Dinner will be provided. Before breakfast on Sunday morning we’ll take a stroll down to Citispot for coffee! Starts on Saturday at 6pm, pick-up is Sunday at 9am.
MS - Movie Night February 16th!
Get ready for an awesome night of fun, friends, and a great movie! There’ll be popcorn, drinks, and plenty of snacks to enjoy as we watch a movie together. It’s the perfect chance to unwind, hang out with old friends, and meet some new ones!
Family Promise!
CPC and other churches are providing Family Promise with groceries and a
hot meal every night for any families being housed in their facility. CPC has been assigned two weeks in 2025. Our first week begins February 23. That Sunday we will deliver groceries and provide a meal each night for a week. If you would like to sign up to be a part of this wonderful opportunity, please use the link below!
Annual Hunterdon County Rotary Soup Cook-Off February 24, 2025
Want to Help with Worship?
There are many ways to serve during worship. Several of these opportunities have sign ups included below. If you know of something else you'd like to do, perhaps help with AV, the children's conversation or with music, please reach out directly to Tracey. There is always a place for you.
In the Community
Elders & Deacons
Amey Barnes ● ameyt@comcast.net
Larry Boyd ● lboyd928@gmail.com
Colleen Duerr ● cpduerr@mac.com
Dave Kelly ● dlsh27@comcast.net
Tina Little ● 3c.lady@gmail.com
Emmaline Morano ●emmaline.dipace@gmail.com
Paul Morrissette ● pmorrissette@gmail.com
Caleb Schlegel ● calebschlegel@yahoo.com
Judi Sifuentes ● jeharney@hotmail.com
Megan Verderamo ● methomasnj2@yahoo.com
Jake Treese ● jaketreese7@gmail.com
Clerk of Session - Linda Schipmann-Pustai ● lindaschipmann@hotmail.com
Julie Baldassare (Bl-Bu,V,Z)●juliechristine1118@gmail.com
Robin Carver (P) ● robinphillipscarver@gmail.com
Abby Dougherty (G,H) ● adougherty160@gmail.com
Dick Farrell (L) ● dfarrell@cedarrisk.com
Adrienne Hodulik(D) ● hoduliks@comcast.net
Spencer Holmsborg (E,F,W) ● sholmsborg@gmail.com
Leslie Hyman (I,J,K) ● Lhyman328@gmail.com
Lee Longell (Q,R,T)) ● llongell@yahoo.com
Wendy Morrissette (A,C,N,O) wmorrissette@gmail.com
Barbara Pearson (Ba-Bi) barbarajpearson@hotmail.com
Ellen Piccolo (M) ellenpiccolo99@gmail.com
Jim Pustai (S) ● RUcuzinjim@msn.com
The letters next to deacon names indicate which members of the congregation are part of their flock. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your deacon at any time.
Church Staff
Pastor - Rev. Dr. Tracey Henry ● 412.592.5783
Director of Music Ministries
Ted Brancato/tbrancato@clintonpresbyterian.net
Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries
Vania Stevenson/vstevenson@clintonpresbyterian.net
Office & Communications Manager
Ali Miller/office@clintonpresbyterian.net
Preschool Director
Adrienne Hodulik/ahodulik@clintonpresbyterian.net
Facilities Coordinator
Zach Morano/zmorano@clintonpresbyterian.net
Accountant/Mike Kirsch
Cleaning Services/Maribel Hernandez